I Am The Invincible One/C21 Accept the Bet!
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I Am The Invincible One/C21 Accept the Bet!
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C21 Accept the Bet!

Upon hearing Faang Yu's words, Lin Xueqing was livid, veins throbbing on her forehead as she stormed up to him.

She jabbed a finger at Faang Yu's nose, berating him fiercely, "Faang Yu, do you think I'm doing you a favor? I asked for your help as a courtesy, as an honor for you.

You should be grateful and eager to assist. How dare you haggle with us, expecting my daughter to plead with you? In your dreams!"

Faang Yu simply ignored Lin Xueqing and turned his gaze to Su Ningshang, remaining silent.

Pain flashed in Su Ningshang's eyes as she bit her lip, "Faang Yu, you're going too far. Where do you think your money came from?

It's only because you used my grandfather's money as a starting fund for the stock market that you could amass two hundred million."

Faang Yu felt a sense of absurdity. Without initial capital, he wouldn't have won that fortune.

But the money I used was given to me by my grandfather. It's my family's money, what does it have to do with you, Su Ningshang, or the Su family?

Too weary to argue with Su Ningshang, Faang Yu dismissed her, "You figure it out. I'm powerless to help..."

With those words, he turned and walked away, not a hint of hesitation in his step.

Watching Faang Yu leave decisively, Su Ningshang's anxiety spiked, "Faang Yu, can't you just help me?"

But Faang Yu had already left, paying no mind to Su Ningshang.

At last, Su Ningshang was utterly panicked and unable to keep her composure.

Lin Xueqing spoke with scorn, "Ningshang, would it really be so bad to spend a night with Young Master Wang and his friends?"

"Shut up!" Su Ningshang yelled, furious. If Lin Xueqing weren't her mother, she would have lashed out physically.

Su Ningshang cried out desperately, "Faang Yu, please! I'm begging you! Help me. After all, I am your fiancée. Please, just help me!"

Hearing Su Ningshang's plea, Faang Yu paused, turned around, and a smirk played on his lips.

Wouldn't it have been easier to start like this? What's with the act?

Finding the situation absurdly amusing, he then addressed Lin Xueqing, "So, who should I help? Her or you?"

Lin Xueqing suddenly flew into a rage, "You lowlife, don't get too cocky! Let me remind you, Ningshang has already pleaded on your behalf. Do you really expect me to do the same?"

"If you keep provoking Faang Yu, I'm done with you. I'll have Wang Jun spill everything to my dad!" Su Ningshang bellowed.

Lin Xueqing froze, terror-stricken at the thought of Su Ningshang revealing her secrets. "Okay, okay, I admit I was wrong. Ningshang, is it okay if I ask him now?" Desperation tinged Lin Xueqing's eyes with a hint of resentment.

Yet, she turned to Faang Yu, "Faang Yu, I'm sorry. Please, I'm begging you to help me!"

"Agreed," Faang Yu nodded in response.

Lin Xueqing's plea lacked any real sincerity, but Faang Yu was well aware that expecting genuine remorse from someone like her was futile.

Approaching Su Ningshang, Faang Yu was met with her earnest gaze. "Faang Yu, rest assured, I'll find a way to pay you back!"

Faang Yu replied coolly, "Naturally."

Su Ningshang clenched her jaw in frustration, perceiving Faang Yu as overstepping his bounds.

After all, Faang Yu's wealth was amassed using his grandfather's money.

Then, turning to Wang Jun, Faang Yu produced the check he had won from Wang Kai.

"This check is from your brother's loss to me, and I haven't cashed it yet. Take it as a way to settle Lin Xueqing's debt..." Faang Yu spoke with a detached tone.

Wang Jun, however, didn't accept it, instead eyeing Faang Yu with a piqued interest.

"What's the rush? If you're so flush with cash, there's no need to hurry with the repayment," Wang Jun remarked to Faang Yu.

"Oh? You're turning down money now?" Faang Yu inquired, unfazed.

"Faang Yu, I got wind of your dealings yesterday, and I'm intrigued. I want to see for myself what kind of man can best my brother.

But from what I see, you're not all that impressive. How about we gamble? Now that I've crossed paths with you, I feel compelled to avenge my brother. Sounds fair, doesn't it?" Wang Jun challenged Faang Yu with a provocative stare.

"Fine, what are the stakes? If it's trivial, I'm not interested," Faang Yu stated coolly.

"Conceited much?" Wang Jun retorted with irritation. "I've heard about your billion-dollar bankroll. So, let's make a wager. If you lose, that billion is mine!

If I lose, I'll hand over my 20% stake in the Four Seas Casino to you. Deal?"

Su Ningshang furrowed her brow at Faang Yu, "Don't take his bait, Faang Yu. He wouldn't propose this if he didn't have something up his sleeve!"

"Agreed!" Faang Yu responded promptly, cutting off Su Ningshang's cautionary words.

"Done deal, then. No backing out once you've said yes," Wang Jun declared, his excitement palpable.

This was his chance. Everyone knew Wang Kai was the designated heir of the Wang family, while Wang Jun was consistently overshadowed. His prospects of inheriting the family's legacy were slim to none. But after Wang Kai's recent blunder, which played right into Faang Yu's hands, the tables could turn. Defeating Faang Yu and claiming that billion could skyrocket his standing within the family. It might even be enough to topple his brother, Wang Kai, and claim the top spot in the succession line. Wang Jun was not about to miss this shot.

"Go, bring Senior Ghost Hand here!" Wang Jun commanded his underling, who promptly exited the hall.

Meanwhile, Su Ningshang glared at Faang Yu, her anger evident. "Have you lost your mind, Faang Yu? This is the Four Seas Casino, the Wang family's stronghold. Are you trying to dig your own grave by gambling with him?

And what gives you the right to accept his wager? Is that billion even yours to bet? What's your plan if you lose?"

"I won't lose," Faang Yu replied, his voice steady, his gaze brimming with unwavering confidence.

To everyone around, Faang Yu seemed to have taken leave of his senses—a young man barely in his twenties, exuding such audacity. Yet, as Faang Yu regarded Su Ningshang, his expression suggested he was looking at someone utterly foolish.

Faang Yu found Su Ningshang's words utterly ridiculous.

The money had been a gift from his own grandfather, and how he chose to spend it was entirely his affair. Yet, observing Su Ningshang's demeanor,

it seemed as though she believed Faang Yu was recklessly gambling away her funds.

Soon after, an elderly gentleman dressed in a traditional Chinese tunic suit approached Wang Jun and his companions.

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