I Am The Invincible One/C22 Sixfinger Ghost Hand!
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I Am The Invincible One/C22 Sixfinger Ghost Hand!
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C22 Sixfinger Ghost Hand!

Upon seeing the elderly man, a wave of respect washed over the casino crowd's faces.

Wang Jun approached the elder and called out with reverence, "Elder Ghost Hand!"

"Ghost Hand?" Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing both paused at the name.

It was no surprise; even Su Ningshang was familiar with the notorious Ghost Hand.

Curious, Lin Xueqing and Su Ningshang glanced at the elder's right hand, only to discover he indeed had six fingers.

Shocked, Su Ningshang addressed the elder, "Ghost Hand? Are you the Six-finger Ghost Hand, one of the thirty-six kings on the Star Plucking Board?"

A smug look flickered in the old man's eyes as he nodded slightly.

"It's surprising that people remember my name even after a two-year absence from the public eye. Yes, I am the Six-finger Ghost Hand!"

Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing's complexions paled upon his confirmation.

They hadn't anticipated encountering Ghost Hand at the Four Seas Casino.

Lin Xueqing was well aware of his reputation as a grand cheat; in the realm of deception, Ghost Hand was unrivaled in Diannan Province.

It was unlikely anyone would dare claim to surpass him.

Gamble with Ghost Hand? That would be sheer folly.

Despair etched itself onto the faces of Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing.

Su Ningshang clutched at Faang Yu's sleeve, urging him to leave.

"Faang Yu, we need to go. Don't gamble with them; it's a losing battle!" she implored.

But their escape was thwarted as a cadre of security guards quickly encircled Faang Yu, Su Ningshang, and Lin Xueqing.

Wang Jun's sneer was cold, "Leave? You think you can just walk away? You've made a promise, and now you're bound to see this high-stakes game through to the end!

We need to settle this with a clear winner, and this game must be played out before anyone leaves!"

The threat in Wang Jun and his associates' expressions instilled fear in Lin Xueqing and Su Ningshang.

Yet Faang Yu remained the picture of ease, his calm demeanor unshaken, "I've already told you, I'm not going to lose."

Upon hearing Faang Yu's declaration, everyone stared at him as if he were a fool.

It was common knowledge that the Six-finger Ghost Hand earned his moniker due to the extra digit on his right hand, which allowed him to cheat at an astonishingly fast pace. He could switch cards without anyone being the wiser, leaving no trace of deceit.

Throughout the sweltering summer, it was said that no more than three people could consistently outplay the Six-finger Ghost Hand. And here was Faang Yu, ready to challenge such a formidable cheater—was he signing his own death warrant?

Lin Xueqing's face contorted with disgust, as though she had swallowed something vile. She turned to Su Ningshang, "Ningshang, does Faang Yu really have ten billion?"

Su Ningshang, her complexion pale, gave a terse nod, "It appears so..."

"You fool, squandering our fortune! If you had ten billion, why didn't you say something sooner? Even if you don't care about the money, you could have given it to me! Ten billion! If you'd given it to me, and since you fancy Su Ningshang, I would've handed her over to you. You infuriating waste, you're driving me mad! Ten billion, and it's all mine!" Lin Xueqing's lament filled the room as she glared at Faang Yu, looking as if she wanted to shred him to pieces.

Su Ningshang's gaze was equally livid. Betting against the Six-finger Ghost Hand was tantamount to throwing money away.

Yet Faang Yu remained serene, showing no signs of distress. He strolled over to a gambling table and took a seat with confidence.

Wang Jun and the others exhaled in relief once Faang Yu was seated. Wang Jun swiftly produced a contract and offered it to Faang Yu, "The stakes of this gamble are substantial, so we'll need to sign an agreement. You don't have any objections, do you?"

"Fine," Faang Yu accepted the contract.

The agreement stipulated that if Faang Yu won, he would receive ten billion, and Lin Xueqing's debt of one billion would be repaid to Wang Jun. Should the Six-finger Ghost Hand lose, Wang Jun would forfeit his entire stake in the Four Seas Casino to Faang Yu.

"Don't sign it, Faang Yu!" Su Ningshang cried out in protest.

Before Su Ningshang could even get her words out, Faang Yu had already completed the signing.

Watching Faang Yu, Su Ningshang was so frustrated that she stomped her foot. She believed Faang Yu stood a chance if it were just a brawl with the casino's top fighters.

But gambling against the Six-finger Ghost Hand? That was practically a death wish.

Once Faang Yu's signature was on the paper, it was all too late.

Lin Xueqing stared at Faang Yu, her expression blank, fighting back tears. "We're doomed, absolutely doomed! There goes my billion, a whole billion!"

At that moment, Six-finger Ghost Hand took his seat at the table, eyeing Faang Yu. He spoke calmly, "Kid, don't accuse me of picking on the weak.

Choose any game you like, whatever the rules.

I'm game for anything you want to play!"

Faang Yu replied coolly, "Let's not complicate things. How about we play a special game?"

"A special game? What do you have in mind?" chuckled Six-finger Ghost Hand.

Faang Yu proposed, "Simple. We'll place a bet. I'll guess the total number of fingers on the Six-finger Ghost Hand."

Everyone looked on in confusion at Faang Yu's suggestion, unsure of his angle.

Six-finger Ghost Hand, however, grinned. "I see. Everyone knows about my six-fingered right hand, but my left hand's a mystery, right? You want to bet on that?"

Indeed, Six-finger Ghost Hand was always gloved, leaving everyone in the dark about whether he had eleven or twelve fingers in total.

This was Six-finger Ghost Hand's closely guarded secret, as he was believed to have an extra finger compared to the average person, which supposedly gave him an edge in speed.

Yet, Six-finger Ghost Hand had never disclosed the exact number of his fingers.

Faang Yu nodded affirmatively, "Exactly. If I guess right, I win. If not, the money is yours. Do we have a deal?"

"Agreed!" Six-finger Ghost Hand's eyes shimmered with unwavering confidence.

You must understand, this was his most closely guarded secret. Indeed, everyone was under the impression that the Six-finger Ghost Hand had an extra digit solely on his right hand.

However, that wasn't the case at all. The Six-finger Ghost Hand actually possessed six fingers on his left hand as well, yet he had never once revealed them in the presence of others!

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