I Am The Invincible One/C3 I Don't Want to Die!
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I Am The Invincible One/C3 I Don't Want to Die!
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C3 I Don't Want to Die!

Waves of shock surged within everyone's hearts, refusing to subside for a long time.

Su Haoran, the helmsman of the Su family!

A titan with assets exceeding ten billion, now with his heart pierced by Faang Yu!

"You! How could you dare..."

Shock painted Su Haoran's face as he stared at Faang Yu, fear evident in his eyes.

Yet, Faang Yu remained the picture of serenity, seemingly impervious to any internal turmoil.

"I, Faang Yu, do not tolerate threats..."

His tranquil voice sent shivers down the spine, each word as if it had the power to penetrate Su Haoran's very soul.

Su Haoran was filled with terror.

And regret.

Faang Yu had the audacity to kill him!

Unbeknownst to Su Haoran, Faang Yu harbored no true intent to kill; his aim was merely to cow Su Haoran into submission.

Though it appeared Faang Yu had stabbed Su Haoran's heart, he had in fact skillfully avoided it.

Despite the severity of the wound, it posed no real threat to Su Haoran's life.



Lin Xueqing and Su Ningshang cried out in distress, tears streaming down their faces.

The very thing Su Ningshang feared had come to pass!

Yet, she had still underestimated Faang Yu, misjudged the extent of his audacity.

He truly dared!

In a fury, Su Ningshang lashed out, "Faang Yu! Have you lost all humanity? After all, my father is still your prospective father-in-law. How could you do this to him?

You monster, you killer, you're so cold-blooded..."


Su Ningshang was cut off mid-sentence.

Faang Yu's roar echoed through the hall, a sound as formidable as Divine Thunder, striking terror and silencing the room.

The sound waves rolled in, overwhelming the living room with their force.

Everyone was left breathless by Faang Yu's intimidating presence.

In that moment, Faang Yu loomed larger than life, an unscalable peak oppressing their every breath.

Impatiently, Faang Yu declared,

"Su Haoran isn't dead yet! I spared the vital areas, but if I withdraw my sword, the outcome might not be the same..."

"What!" The crowd gasped at Faang Yu's revelation, struck by another wave of astonishment.

They stared at Su Haoran, who appeared to have taken a fatal stab to the heart.

Yet, to their surprise, Faang Yu had deliberately missed the vital organ.

In reality, Faang Yu's blade had stopped less than a millimeter from the heart.

With Faang Yu's calm explanations and his commanding presence, Su Ningshang and the others slowly regained their composure.

Su Ningshang, with a hint of desperation in her voice, pleaded with Faang Yu.

"Faang Yu, please spare my father. Regardless of whether you can heal my grandfather, we'll grant you an audience with him today..."

"Beg me," Faang Yu stated coolly.

"What!" Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing were livid, their faces flushed with anger upon hearing his words.

They couldn't believe Faang Yu's audacity, demanding that they, Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing, beg him.

"I was prepared to speak with you as equals," Faang Yu said with a detached air, "but it seems you're not interested in that. So, beg me."

Hearing this, reluctance was written all over Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing's faces.

Still, they managed to say, "Faang Yu, we're begging you..."

Their tone was anything but sincere.

"Begging like that? Kneel down and beg me with some real sincerity," he commanded.

Lin Xueqing, furious and humiliated, snapped, "You little jerk, don't push it. Enough is enough, got it?"

But Faang Yu paid no mind to Lin Xueqing and Su Ningshang's reactions.

"It looks like your lives aren't that valuable to them after all..."

With those words, his sword plunged another two inches deeper.


Su Haoran cried out in agony.

"Wife, Ningshang, kneel and beg him!" Su Haoran yelled in terror.

In that moment, Su Haoran's concern for his own dignity vanished; he knew Faang Yu was capable of killing him.

Su Ningshang and Lin Xueqing were frantic.

Su Ningshang felt a storm of emotions: fury, defiance, and humiliation.

Who was she? A scion of a powerful family, the pride of Yundian City.

A young and successful CEO of a multi-billion corporation.

And yet, here she was, forced to kneel before Faang Yu, a man barely into his twenties.

Su Ningshang was out of options. Faang Yu held her father's life in his hands and could take it at any moment.

She bit down on her lip so hard that blood began to trickle down.

Anger caused her body to shudder uncontrollably.

With a thud, Su Ningshang dropped to her knees.

Lin Xueqing, witnessing her daughter's submission, was etched with a look of defiance.

Left with no alternative, Lin Xueqing clenched her teeth until they nearly shattered and knelt before Faang Yu.

Yet, this predicament was entirely of Faang Yu's making.

He had wanted the Su family to interact with him as equals, but they had stubbornly chosen their own demise.

Both the elders and the youth of the Su family bore the same arrogance.

Ever since they had laid eyes on Su Ningshang, they had carried themselves with an air of superiority.

They were oblivious to the fact that their confidence meant nothing to Faang Yu.

In terms of status, the Faang family boasted three divine warriors spanning three generations, all undefeated in battle!

In terms of wealth, Faang Yu's mother presided over a financial empire wealthy enough to rival nations!

The Su family, in comparison, was insignificant.

"Faang Yu, please, spare my father!" Su Ningshang implored with a desperate gaze.

"Granted," Faang Yu responded coolly.

No sooner had he spoken than several silver needles materialized in his hand.

He swiftly inserted them into the acupoints surrounding Su Haoran's wounds.

Everyone watched Faang Yu with expressions of horror.

"I've stopped the bleeding. Leave the needles in; they'll help ease the pain," he said.

Afterward, Faang Yu withdrew his long sword, which then vanished into his sleeve.

Su Haoran stared at Faang Yu, astounded.

When Faang Yu had drawn the sword, Su Haoran had felt no pain.

And to his surprise, the bleeding had indeed ceased.

Such skill was something the Su family had never witnessed before.

Now, hope flickered in the hearts of Su Haoran and Su Ningshang.

Could it be that Faang Yu might actually save their patriarch?

"Zhou Quan, break this little wretch's legs!" Lin Xueqing suddenly erupted, directing a towering bodyguard at her side.

The mere thought of Faang Yu forcing her to kneel was unbearable for Lin Xueqing.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Both Su Ningshang and Su Haoran were taken aback by Lin Xueqing's reaction.

Zhou Quan, known as the Su family's most formidable bodyguard, exchanged a piercing gaze with Faang Yu.

Zhou Quan shuddered.

To him, Faang Yu's eyes seemed like icy blades, capable of slicing through his very being.

As a martial artist, he was acutely aware of Faang Yu's terrifying presence.

The instant Zhou Quan felt the oppressive aura emanating from Faang Yu, he recognized the vast gulf between them.

Frozen in place, Zhou Quan's face was etched with fear, his legs seemingly cemented to the ground.

Lin Xueqing's voice, thick with anger, rang out, "Zhou Quan, what are you waiting for? Engage him! You're an elite martial artist, supremely skilled. Why fear a young man barely in his twenties?"

In the sweltering summer, there existed a special breed known as martial cultivators.

These cultivators honed their bodies and martial arts, transforming their lives to wield immense power.

They possessed the strength to lift a thousand kilograms and shatter stone.

According to legend, the mightiest of martial cultivators could break life's chains, living for centuries with the power to move mountains and divert rivers!

The Faang family's lineage of grandfather and grandson were hailed as invincible war gods precisely because they were formidable martial cultivators!

Martial cultivators were typically ranked into three tiers: third-rate, second-rate, and first-rate, followed by Houtian master martial artists and Innate Grandmasters, spanning five major levels.

Zhou Quan was a first-rate martial artist who, under ordinary circumstances, could easily best a score of strong men.

Yet, in that moment, he stood petrified before Faang Yu.

Lin Xueqing, her face contorted with rage, bellowed, "Zhou Quan, have you lost your mind? Fight!"

Trembling, Zhou Quan faced Faang Yu, his fear palpable.

Finally, he choked out, "I'm sorry, madam, I... I don't want to die."


Upon hearing Zhou Quan's words, the Su family members were once again deeply shaken. Zhou Quan had been with the Su family for a full decade, repeatedly coming to Su Haoran's aid, rescuing him from peril and defeating numerous foes. He faced every danger with courage and never once backed down.

But today was different. Zhou Quan, a top-tier expert, was utterly cowed by Faang Yu before the battle even began. It was at this moment that Su Haoran and the rest realized they had grossly underestimated Faang Yu. Barely in his twenties, he possessed a strength that even a first-class martial artist didn't dare to challenge. Among his peers, his prowess was unparalleled.

Yet, Faang Yu didn't spare Lin Xueqing a glance. To him, she was nothing more than a clown, a trivial and ignorant woman not worth his time or attention.

Turning to Su Haoran, Faang Yu commanded, "Take me to see the old master..."

With a reluctant nod, Su Haoran, still grappling with his fear of Faang Yu, led the way to the master bedroom on the third floor. They arrived shortly after and pushed open the door to a dimly lit room.

Su Ningshang flicked on the light, revealing an elderly man around seventy years old lying on the bed. His complexion was dark, his life force faint. He lay there, barely clinging to life, his breathing more labored with each passing moment. A heavy pall of death hung over his face, like a candle flickering in the wind, its flame threatening to extinguish at any moment.

Faang Yu observed the old man, who was none other than Su Ningshang's grandfather, Su Zhenhua. Just by looking, Faang Yu had already discerned the severity of Elder Su's condition. In his youth, the old master had been struck by a severe poison. The residual cold toxin in his body had never been fully purged, accumulating over the years. Now, as Elder Su aged, his body could no longer fend off the toxin. The poison's outbreak was rapidly consuming his life.

Faang Yu turned to Su Ningshang and ordered, "Go, bring a basin!"

Su Ningshang's face twisted with resentment. She had never been treated like a servant before, not since she was a child. But the thought of her grandfather's plight made her swallow her pride and comply.

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