I Am The Invincible One/C5 Every Time I See Her Kjk
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I Am The Invincible One/C5 Every Time I See Her Kjk
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C5 Every Time I See Her Kjk

Faang Yu's brow furrowed. "Elder Su, marriage isn't something to be forced..."

"Enough, the matter is settled! Faang Yu, this was an agreement made between your grandfather and me. You wouldn't want to cause us elders any embarrassment, would you? I'll make it easy for you both. Spend a year getting to know each other. If after that time you still feel it's not a good fit, you're free to break off the engagement. That's my final offer!"

Upon hearing Old Master Su's declaration, Faang Yu couldn't hide his dismay. He had plans to delve into his father's whereabouts and return to the Heavenly Dragon Hall as soon as possible, but now he was tied to a one-year commitment.

Faang Yu hesitated. "But..."

"No buts! This is my final stance! Either agree or be ready with your household registration tomorrow morning to make it official!"

Old Master Su was unyielding, leaving no room for discussion.

Both Faang Yu and Su Ningshang were deeply frustrated.

"Fine, one year it is..." they conceded reluctantly.

Yet in their hearts, they were already resolved to part ways after the year was up.

Su Ningshang, in particular, couldn't imagine ever falling for Faang Yu, whom she saw as nothing more than a country bumpkin.

Lin Xueqing seethed internally, "You little scoundrel, just wait. Dream on about marrying my daughter!"

Meanwhile, the old man had Su Ningshang set up a guest room for Faang Yu, who thus began his stay with the Su family.

The night passed in silence, and soon it was the following day.

Old Master Su was now aware of the previous day's encounter Su Ningshang had with a thug and decided Faang Yu should stay close to protect her.

Despite his reluctance, Faang Yu had no choice but to comply with the old man's wishes for now.

At the company, Su Ningshang gave Faang Yu a frosty glance.

"Just stand by the door and wait for me. If I need you, I'll call..."

Faang Yu maintained a stoic expression and remained silent.

If not for the respect owed to Old Master Su, he, the esteemed Young Hall Master of the Heavenly Dragon Hall, would never have stooped to playing bodyguard to Su Ningshang.

Observing Faang Yu's disgruntled demeanor, a smug smile spread across Su Ningshang's face, clearly delighted by his apparent discomfort.

Su Ningshang made her way into the office, while Faang Yu took a seat at the desk by the door, eyes closed in contemplation.

"Instructor Faang Yu?"

At that moment, a youthful, bell-like voice echoed in Faang Yu's ears. He opened his eyes and looked toward the source of the sound.

Approaching him was a woman clad in a secretary's outfit, her figure alluring and her face bearing the innocence of youth, yet her presence exuded a subtle sensuality. Her delicate features were irresistibly captivating to men.

Faang Yu instantly recognized her: "Chen Xiaoguo?"

"Is it really you, Instructor Faang Yu? What brings you here?" Chen Xiaoguo's face lit up with excitement.

She fondly recalled Faang Yu's early days in the military when he had visited Diannan City and served as an instructor at a local high school for two weeks, leading the students in military training. Chen Xiaoguo had been one of those students.

Back then, Faang Yu was a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old, his good looks making him a favorite among the students. Now, eight years later, Chen Xiaoguo had graduated from college and was making her way in the world.

"I'll be here for a bit," Faang Yu replied with a nod. "And you? Are you working here?"

"Yes, I'm Director Su's secretary. Instructor Faang Yu, I never imagined I'd run into you here!" Chen Xiaoguo responded, nodding enthusiastically.

Seeing Chen Xiaoguo's excitement, a gentle smile, so rare on his usually stoic face, emerged. He remembered how, during his time as an instructor, Chen Xiaoguo would often bring him milk tea and cakes.

Those brief, beautiful moments filled Faang Yu with nostalgia.

Though their time together had been short, Faang Yu had come to regard Chen Xiaoguo as one of his students.

Chen Xiaoguo, taken aback by his smile, felt a jolt as if struck by a surge of electricity. Perhaps it was the rarity of his smiles, but to her, Faang Yu's smile was like the first warm rays of dawn, comforting and bright.

Chen Xiaoguo's gaze took on a hint of infatuation.

Just then, a young man clad in a designer suit strode confidently toward Su Ningshang's office.

The young man sported a crew cut and his eyes unabashedly broadcasted his arrogance.

Flanking him were two muscular bodyguards, keeping pace.

Upon seeing the young man, Chen Xiaoguo's brow furrowed.

"Young Master Sunn, what brings you here?" inquired Chen Xiaoguo, his curiosity piqued.

The young man, oozing disdain and not sparing Chen Xiaoguo a glance, demanded, "What's it to you? Where's Su Ningshang?"

Chen Xiaoguo, still frowning, replied, "Young Master Sunn, Director Su is in the middle of a conference call with a client. If you'd like to meet with her, I ask that you wait just a bit longer. I'll notify her, and she'll see you after the call."

"Wait! How long have I been waiting? People wait for me; I don't wait for others!"

Without another word, the young man pushed open the office door and strode in.

Chen Xiaoguo's expression soured. "This is not good," he muttered.

Faang Yu, intrigued, asked, "Who is that?"

"That's Sunn Haonan, son of Sunn Wanfu, the wealthiest man in Diannan City," Chen Xiaoguo explained, clearly exasperated.

Sunn Haonan barged into Su Ningshang's office.

Caught in a video call, Su Ningshang's face tightened at the sight of Sunn Haonan. She quickly apologized to the client on the screen, "I'm terribly sorry, but I must handle an urgent matter. I'll reconnect with you shortly."

With that, she ended the call.

Facing Sunn Haonan, Su Ningshang asked, "Young Master Sunn, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sunn Haonan, visibly irritated, retorted, "Have the gall to ask, do you? Su Ningshang, you're not one to keep your word, are you? You borrowed a hundred million from me, and yesterday was the deadline. Why haven't you paid me back yet?"

Su Ningshang managed a strained smile. "Young Master Sunn, I had an emergency at home yesterday that caused a delay. Here's a cheque for the full amount. I'll have my secretary escort you to the bank to cash it."

"Bullshit, a hundred million my foot!"

Sunn Haonan's anger flared instantly. "Su Ningshang, don't you dare play the fool with me! What was our agreement? For every hundred million borrowed, you'd pay back an additional thirty million. The monthly interest rate is ten percent. Even if you borrow for just one day, it's calculated as a full month's interest.

"That's ten million. So now, you owe me a total of one hundred and forty million!"

Upon hearing Sunn Haonan's words, Su Ningshang, Chen Xiaoguo, and Faang Yu all scowled in dismay.

The interest rate was exorbitant. Su Ningshang had only borrowed for a month, and now she was expected to repay a hundred and forty million for a hundred million loan.

It was nothing short of usury.

Who could possibly withstand such a rate?

Su Ningshang was seething with rage, yet she dared not talk back. The Su family might be a first-tier clan in Yundian Province, with assets valued over ten billion.

But when compared to the Sunn family, with their boasted wealth of eighty billion, the Sus were out of their league.

The Sunn family was not an entity the Su family could afford to provoke.

Biting back her fury, Su Ningshang pleaded, "Young Master Sunn, could you possibly extend the deadline by one day? I can give you the hundred million today and bring you the remaining forty million tomorrow."

Su Ningshang had sought the loan from Sunn Haonan personally, as the Su family's business was recently strapped for cash.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to turn to Sunn Haonan at all.

"No way!"

Sunn Haonan dismissed her outright. "I might have considered it, but I've got my eye on a project and I need the funds now. You must repay today, or my father will be extremely displeased if I miss out on this opportunity!"

Su Ningshang's anxiety peaked. "Young Master Sunn, I've got my hands full today. Coming up with forty million on such short notice is really challenging. Can't you grant me just one more day?"

Yet, in that moment, a malicious grin spread across Sunn Haonan's face.

"Well, I suppose there might be a way..."

He then produced a bag and tossed it at Su Ningshang's feet.

Faang Yu, standing stoically by the door, watched the unfolding drama with a cool detachment.

It was a trivial sum of money, one that Faang Yu could have easily helped Su Ningshang with, but the thought never crossed his mind.

"Open it!" commanded Sunn Haonan.

With a look of curiosity, Su Ningshang opened the bag to find a JK uniform and a pair of black knee-high socks inside.

Her brow furrowed as she turned to Sunn Haonan with an expression of anger. "Young Master Sunn, what is the meaning of this?"

Sunn Haonan, with a sleazy grin, sauntered around Sunn Ning's office before settling onto the couch. "This couch is so large and soft. I'm quite fond of it," he remarked.

His eyes then brazenly roamed over Su Ningshang, causing her skin to crawl with disgust.

"I've developed quite the fixation on JK uniforms recently. And there's this song lyric – how does it go? 'Every time I see her JK uniform slipping down her legs!' Tsk, tsk, who wrote that? Brilliant!

"Wear the JK, spend the morning with me in your office, and we can forget about the interest," Sunn Haonan declared loudly.

"You!" Su Ningshang was livid, her face turning a deep shade of red as she fixed Sunn Haonan with a furious stare.

"Pervert! How can you be so excessive?" Chen Xiaoguo burst out in anger.

New to the workforce and unscathed by society's harsher lessons, Chen Xiaoguo was brimming with youthful defiance. She had always found Sunn Haonan repulsive, and his current behavior was beyond the pale.

Unable to contain herself, she lashed out with a tirade of insults. Sunn Haonan's face darkened ominously, as if a storm were about to break.

"Little whore? What's it to you? Get out! Keep up your prattle, and believe me, I won't hesitate to sell you off to a brothel!" Sunn Haonan's face twisted into a threat.

"Scared of you? Not a chance!" Chen Xiaoguo shot back, seething with rage.

She stormed over to the sofa, snatched up the bag, and hurled it at Sunn Haonan with all her might.

"Take your filthy things and scram!" Chen Xiaoguo bellowed furiously.


But no sooner had Chen Xiaoguo's words echoed than Sunn Haonan delivered a heavy slap across her cheek.

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