I Am The Invincible One/C6 Su Ningshang's Panic
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I Am The Invincible One/C6 Su Ningshang's Panic
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C6 Su Ningshang's Panic

The slap echoed crisply, its sound resonating clearly around them.

Everyone was taken aback.

Chen Xiaoguo was left dazed by the slap, her cheek swelling to a bright red instantly.

A searing, stabbing pain spread, and in an instant, Chen Xiaoguo felt a surge of discipline. Her eyes reddened, and tears swirled ceaselessly in her eyes.

Upon witnessing Chen Xiaoguo's plight, Su Ningshang's anger flared as she glared at Sunn Haonan. "Sunn Haonan, you've gone too far! How could you strike someone like that?"

"I hit that little tramp, that's who!" Sunn Haonan bellowed, his hand raised for another slap aimed at Chen Xiaoguo.

The slap was about to land.


But in that moment, a hand shot out, seizing Sunn Haonan's wrist.

Once his wrist was caught, Sunn Haonan felt as though his hand was cemented in place, utterly immovable.

The one who had intervened was none other than Faang Yu!

Sunn Haonan fixed a savage, crazed look on Faang Yu. "Who the hell are you? Let go of me!"

Faang Yu, however, just gave Sunn Haonan a cold, silent stare.

Faang Yu hadn't intended to get involved, but Su Ningshang was Old Master Su's granddaughter, after all. More to the point, Sunn Haonan had crossed the line by hitting Chen Xiaoguo.

How could Faang Yu, as a man, stand by and do nothing?

Sunn Haonan's roars filled the air as he struggled fiercely, his face turning a deep shade of red, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free himself from Faang Yu's grip.

Rage boiled over in Sunn Haonan.

"Release your grip! Didn't you hear me?" he demanded.


But as soon as Sunn Haonan's words fell, Faang Yu released his wrist and, with a swift motion, delivered a slap across Sunn Haonan's face.

The formidable force made Sunn Haonan's flesh quiver violently, contorting his features.

Lifted off his feet, Sunn Haonan was sent flying through the air.


In an instant, Sunn Haonan was hurled against the wall with such force that it seemed all his bones might shatter. He teetered on the edge of unconsciousness.


The onlookers were utterly shocked, their eyes wide as they stared at the scene before them, unable to process what had just happened. Sunn Haonan's face was rapidly swelling on one side.

No one could have imagined that Faang Yu would dare to strike Sunn Haonan, the son of Sunn Wanfu, Yundian City's wealthiest man. Such an act was bound to bring a world of trouble.

The Sunn family was a titan that the Su family simply couldn't afford to cross.

"Young Master!" Two bodyguards hurried to Sunn Haonan's aid, propping him up.

"Young Master, are you okay?" one of the bodyguards inquired.

"Do I look okay to you? Stop gawking! Didn't you see me get hit? Take him down!" Sunn Haonan bellowed furiously.

The bodyguards charged at Faang Yu in a flash.

Faang Yu, with a look of contempt, unleashed two swift punches. The punches cut through the air, resonating with a thunderous force. The bodyguards didn't stand a chance.


Before they could react, Faang Yu's strikes landed, sending them flying back and crashing to the ground, incapacitated.

"What?!" Sunn Haonan was dumbfounded by the turn of events. His bodyguards were capable of taking down six or seven grown men each, yet they appeared so feeble before Faang Yu. In just a moment, Faang Yu had effortlessly bested them both.

Sunn Haonan glared at Faang Yu, blind to the gravity of his predicament.

"Scum, you dare to strike me! Do you have any idea who I am?" Sunn Haonan screamed.

"The very person I'm hitting," Faang Yu replied icily.

He moved swiftly, closing the distance to Sunn Haonan, and delivered another stinging slap.

"Smack!" The sound of the heavy slap reverberated, leaving Sunn Haonan completely dumbstruck.

Sunn Haonan's nose erupted in a gush of blood from the slap, his ears buzzing, his face aflame with searing heat.

His face swelled up like a pig's head, a pitiful sight indeed.

"We're doomed..." Witnessing the scene, both Su Ningshang and Chen Xiaoguo wore looks of utter dismay.

Faang Yu had indeed given Sunn Haonan a lesson he wouldn't forget.

But they knew all too well the repercussions that would follow.

Furious, Su Ningshang yelled, "Faang Yu! What are you thinking? Who gave you the right to hit him? Do you have any idea who Young Master Sunn is?

His father is the wealthiest man in Diannan City. By striking him, you've put our Su family on the path to ruin! Do you realize that?"

"And what if I do?"

Faang Yu replied, his demeanor cool and unconcerned.

"And what if you do? Think about it, Faang Yu! Use your head for once. I don't care what you do on your own time, but could you please spare our Su family from the fallout?

You've hit Sunn Haonan, and his father won't just let this slide!"

Faang Yu's expression remained one of scorn. "I'll take full responsibility for the consequences. It doesn't matter if it's the richest man in Diannan, Shanghai, or even the capital. I hit him, so what?"


Upon hearing Faang Yu's words, the crowd stared at him as if he were a fool.

Even Chen Xiaoguo was taken aback. She had always considered herself brave, but next to Faang Yu, she felt utterly insignificant.

Su Ningshang was so incensed she was tempted to slap Faang Yu herself.

"You'll take responsibility? Just who do you think you are? With what will you take it? Faang Yu, you've truly let me down!"

Sunn Haonan lost it completely, "You scum, you're finished. Today, I'll make you kneel and beg for forgiveness. No one has ever dared to cross me like this. I'm calling my dad over, and we'll see if you can keep up this arrogance then!"

"This is a disaster," Su Ningshang muttered, her face a portrait of distress.

She was utterly flustered.

In a panic, Su Ningshang dialed her grandfather, Su Zhenhua, feeling that only he could salvage the situation and rescue Faang Yu now.

Unfortunately, Old Master Su's phone was unreachable.

Su Ningshang looked at Faang Yu with urgency. "Faang Yu, find a way to get out of here! I'm going to find my grandfather!"

With those words, she quickly departed.

Sunn Haonan, sitting on the ground, made a phone call. After hanging up, his demeanor grew increasingly belligerent.

"Scumbag, if you dare, don't run! Just stay put. If I don't break your legs today, my name isn't Sunn Haonan!" he bellowed.

Yet Faang Yu remained the picture of serenity.

He strolled over to the couch, sat down, crossed his legs, and waited in silence.

Chen Xiaoguo was visibly worried. She couldn't fathom where Faang Yu's confidence stemmed from.

To her, Faang Yu was merely a recently discharged soldier.

Such a man, in the presence of Diannan City's wealthiest, was insignificant. It would be effortless for them to take Faang Yu down!

Chen Xiaoguo quickly urged him, "Instructor Faang Yu, you need to run now, or it'll be too late!"

But Faang Yu showed no signs of leaving. He reassuringly patted Chen Xiaoguo's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright..."

Seeing the assurance in Faang Yu's eyes, Chen Xiaoguo inexplicably felt a surge of safety.

She couldn't pinpoint the origin of this newfound security.

All she could do now was hope that Faang Yu truly had the means to defend himself.

Time flew, and fifteen minutes passed.

The corridor outside the CEO's office echoed with the sound of heavy footsteps.

The building's employees gathered around, curiosity etched on their faces, as they exchanged puzzled looks.

A group of imposing men in black suits followed a commanding middle-aged man with piercing eyes.

Upon recognizing the man, a wave of fear washed over the onlookers.

"Isn't that Diannan City's wealthiest, CEO Sunn? What brings him here?"

"It looks like Director Su's new bodyguard got into a fight with Young Master Sunn, and now Young Master Sunn has brought his father..."


Shock was etched on every face.

Clearly, no one had anticipated Faang Yu's audacity in striking Sunn Haonan. To them, it was a death wish.

In no time, the expressions in everyone's eyes shifted to ones of sympathy.

They all believed that Faang Yu was a goner.

One by one, the spectators trailed behind Sunn Wanfu and his entourage.

Soon after, Sunn Wanfu stepped into the CEO's office.


Upon catching sight of Sunn Wanfu, Sunn Haonan couldn't contain his excitement and bellowed.

His demeanor instantly switched back to its usual arrogance, now amplified a notch.

"Dad, you're finally here. Can you believe the state I'm in after that beating?"

Sunn Haonan gestured to his own face, now as swollen as a pig's, and wailed at the top of his lungs.

Sunn Wanfu's expression turned thunderous.

His visage was so stormy it seemed as though it might start dripping with moisture.

Sunn Haonan was his only child, whom he rarely had the heart to scold or punish too harshly.

But now, to see his son's face so battered that he barely recognized him at first glance was unbearable.

How could Sunn Wanfu stand for this?

The palpable cold fury radiating from Sunn Wanfu made the entire office feel like it had plunged into an ice cellar.

The rubberneckers at the door shivered with dread.

Chen Xiaoguo was so petrified she dared not even draw a breath.

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