I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C1 I Can See the Notification of Survival
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C1 I Can See the Notification of Survival
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C1 I Can See the Notification of Survival

[Ding! Host's current emotional state has triggered the activation requirements for the Survival System. Activating now...]

[System activation complete. Now automatically binding...]

[Binding successful. As this is the host's first time acquiring the system, a newcomer's gift pack is awarded. Would you like to open it now?]


Deep in slumber, Chen Yuan was gently roused by a series of mechanical pings echoing in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, for receiving the Survival Guidebook. Congratulations on a level increase of +9. Congratulations on acquiring the Azure Peak Sword, which has been automatically added to the system's backpack for withdrawal at any time.]

Once more, the system's notifications chimed, snapping Chen Yuan from his groggy state to wide-eyed alertness, the remnants of sleep instantly vanishing from his gaze.

Surveying the cramped, damp cave around him, Chen Yuan was hit by a wave of confusion.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I supposed to do?

Just then, a piercing pain lanced through his mind.

Memories flooded in, each one accompanied by a jolt of agony.

Celestial Profound Continent, Underground Caves, Tribes, Survival, Cultivation, Venturing out for food!

As the memories fused, clarity dawned on Chen Yuan, and he grasped the gravity of his predicament.

He had crossed into another world!

He had landed in a place known as the Celestial Profound Continent!

And he was now in the body of a 16-year-old, on the cusp of joining an expedition into the unknown!

To make matters more bizarre, this world had suffered a cataclysm a century prior, upheaving the very fabric of existence!

The surface was no longer habitable. Chen Yuan's tribe had fortuitously found refuge in an underground enclave, which had become their sanctuary.

Since then, the surface had undergone horrific transformations. Demonic Beasts, now ferocious and with a frightening fertility rate, had swiftly claimed dominion over the continent.

Humanity could not reclaim the surface, forced to eke out an existence in the gloomy, moisture-laden subterranean caverns.

Chen Yuan's tribe had made this their home for nearly thirty years, a safe haven discovered by their explorers. But now, they faced an immense threat.

Water was seeping into the tribe's refuge!

Judging from past experiences, it wouldn't be long before their dwelling turned into a vast expanse of water!

To compound their troubles, the tribe's food supplies were dwindling. They needed to venture out into the unknown, seeking not only a new home but also to gather as much sustenance as possible, lest the entire tribe succumb to starvation.

"So, this is a survival scenario in a fantasy world?" Chen Yuan pieced it together, coming to terms with the reality in his mind.


The difficulty level was nothing short of hellish from the get-go!

His mind's memories revealed that all species in this world had mutated. Demonic Beasts had grown incredibly strong, and even ancient trees might cultivate into sentient beings.

Humans, having taken refuge deep underground during the upheaval, missed out on this twist of fate.

Now, humans were the most vulnerable creatures in this world, preyed upon by all other species.

For survival, for food, the tribe had lost countless lives yearly. Initially, the exploration teams, led by Qi Condensation Stage masters, consisted only of men over thirty. But as fewer returned, the burden had shifted, and now, even sixteen-year-olds were dispatched to scour for food.

Chen Yuan could hardly believe it, but if his memory served him right, his predecessor had been so terrified at the prospect of venturing out to forage for food that he had literally scared himself to death the day before!

This was a testament to the horrors that lurked outside.

"Wait! The system! That was the system just now!" In a flash of realization, Chen Yuan quickly summoned the system in his mind.

Moments later, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

Named the Strongest Survival System, it boasted a redeemable shopping mall, a weapon synthesis feature, and a spatial backpack. But the real game-changer was the survival hints it could provide!

Although he had no clue how these life-saving prompts worked, did it really matter?

With the system at his disposal, fear was no longer a factor.

Lost in thought, Chen Yuan was jolted back to reality by the sound of approaching footsteps. A shadowy figure poked its head into the cave and called out, "Yuan, hurry up! The team is about to depart, and the patriarchs are waiting for you!"

"Ah? Right! I'm on my way!" With a jolt of urgency, Chen Yuan put his system exploration on hold and scrambled out of the cave, trailing after the figure ahead.

As they moved, Chen Yuan surveyed his surroundings.

They were in a damp, shadowy underground cave, lit only by the faint glow of a small stone, warding off total darkness.

The guide ahead was a mystery, his face too grimy to discern his age. All Chen Yuan could make out was the tattered animal skin shorts clinging to his frame, providing minimal coverage.

Glancing down at himself, Chen Yuan sighed. He was even less equipped than his guide, his own shorts a makeshift garment of nearly rotten grass and leaves.

Walking on, he noticed small alcoves carved into the stone walls, similar to his own dwelling, some lined with thin grass, clearly meant for habitation. Yet, they stood empty.

The cavern opened up after a hundred meters or so, revealing a massive chamber stretching up over ten meters high and sprawling hundreds of meters across.

Stalactites dangled from the ceiling, while stalagmites and pools of water dotted the floor. Water stains suggested the pools were overflowing, hinting at an imminent flood—likely the same conclusion drawn by the others.

Chen Yuan slowed his pace as the cavern gave way to a sight that stopped him in his tracks: a gathering of over a hundred individuals.

The majority were the epitome of vulnerability—old, frail, or infirm, some missing limbs, unable to stand without the cave walls for support, or seated on the damp ground.

Among them stood a group of thirty or so robust figures, arrayed before an elder clad in a full beast skin coat, clutching a walking stick. Despite his stooped posture, the elder's eyes were alight with intensity.

His gaze landed on Chen Yuan, filled with a mix of complexity and resignation as he acknowledged the newcomer's presence.

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