I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C10 The Tree Roots Have Turned into Spirits
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C10 The Tree Roots Have Turned into Spirits
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C10 The Tree Roots Have Turned into Spirits

Whether in the tribe or the current tunnel, they were all navigating underground.

Their only source of light was a small Moonlight Stone in Mr. Mo's hand. Frankly, in these subterranean passages, those at the rear could barely see anything ahead; their view obstructed by the silhouettes of those in front. Spotting danger in such conditions was a formidable challenge.

Chen Yuan was not fond of these surroundings, but that was the nature of their world. Life on the surface was not an option unless one had grown weary of living, as per the memories in his head and the occasional hints from Mr. Mo and the others.

Life underground meant that besides food and water, light was a precious commodity, with the Moonlight Stone being the sole beacon in the darkness—a beacon Chen Yuan was keen not to lose.

As Mr. Mo and the others pressed on, Chen Yuan inquired, "Mr. Mo, does the danger increase as we approach the surface?"

"Indeed, the nearer the surface, the more abundant the Strange Beasts within the mud layers. A thousand meters down, you might encounter spiders and Arch Dragons, but ascend further, and you risk facing carrion, centipedes, even mosquitoes. Even a benign-looking flower could be carnivorous! So, caution is paramount as we near the surface," Mr. Mo explained.

The group tensed at his words, including Chen Yuan, who now clutched his unsheathed Azure Peak Sword.

Quickening his pace, Chen Yuan vaulted to the front, taking the lead. "Stay alert behind me. I'll take point," he offered.

"No, your skills may be superior, but you lack experience. Without it, you might miss the signs of Strange Beasts. I should lead. Just follow me," Mr. Mo countered, pulling Chen Yuan back.

Chen Yuan hesitated, then nodded, accepting his place behind Mr. Mo. He recognized the value of learning from the seasoned Mr. Mo, especially when his own ability to identify danger was still untested.

The silence of the underground tunnel was punctuated only by the occasional breath and the steady thump of heartbeats—a true test of endurance and composure. Those of weaker will might not withstand the pressure.

Fortunately, the team, Chen Yuan included, was seasoned, or at least bolstered by the system's confidence and cues, allowing him to remain more composed than most.

Guided only by the light of Mr. Mo's Moonlight Stone, they ventured through the darkness until Mr. Mo abruptly halted.

"Eh, there's a collapse ahead!"

Instantly, the group behind him froze, rooted to the spot.

Mr. Mo cautiously approached the site of the collapse, the Moonlight Stone in one hand and the Mountain Splitting Axe in the other.

Chen Yuan, recalling the system notification, followed closely behind with equal caution.

Upon reaching the site, Mr. Mo inspected the area thoroughly but found no signs of danger. He prodded the mound of earth with his axe, but again, nothing seemed amiss. Relieved from the tension that had gripped him, he turned to the group and whispered, "It seems to be a natural collapse, no other threats. Let's move on."

But no sooner had he spoken than the unexpected occurred!

Behind Mr. Mo, the ground that should have been empty began to swell rapidly. Suddenly, three pitch-black roots burst forth, lashing out towards him!

Mr. Mo, oblivious, continued to signal to Chen Yuan and the others.

"Watch out!" Chen Yuan cried.

"Mr. Mo, behind you!" Duan Zi also yelled.

"Move!" The group, startled, abandoned their silence, urgently calling out warnings.

"Hmm?" Mr. Mo's expression shifted, his instincts honing in on the need for immediate action.

He moved to sidestep the danger, but it was too late. A tremendous force hit him as three thick, black roots wrapped around him, dragging him towards the mound of soil.

Like a marionette, Mr. Mo was powerless against the pull, his body scraping across the ground as he was hauled towards certain death within the mound.

Chen Yuan, forewarned by the system alert, was ready.

In a desperate move, he stomped the ground and lunged like an arrow towards Mr. Mo, seizing his arm.

But the roots' pull was overpowering; Chen Yuan's strength insufficient. He found himself being dragged along with Mr. Mo towards the mound.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sounds of struggle echoed as Mr. Mo fought back. Dropping the Moonlight Stone, he wielded the Mountain Splitting Axe with both hands, hacking at the roots in the darkness.

Whether the axe was too dull or the roots too resilient, it took several strikes to sever just one. Two more still ensnared him, dragging him closer to the mound, now mere inches away.

Time was running out.

"Yuan, let go! You'll be dragged down too!" In the heat of the moment, Mr. Mo shouted, even kicking at Chen Yuan in an attempt to push him to safety.

But Chen Yuan was undeterred.

The roots, though formidable, posed no real threat to him. If he could just sever them quickly, they would both be safe.

With this in mind, Chen Yuan tightened his grip on Mr. Mo's arm and, with a burst of strength, propelled himself forward, crashing onto Mr. Mo's body with the momentum of his leap.

In an instant, Chen Yuan's grip tightened on the Azure Peak Sword, and with a decisive swing, he struck the two tree roots with precision!

Puff! Puff!

Muffled thuds echoed as the roots snapped apart, halting the momentum of Mr. Mo and Chen Yuan at last.

By then, they had been pulled atop a mound of earth, teetering on the brink. Just one second more, and they might have been yanked down by the roots!

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