I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C12 The System Could Still be Used like This?
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C12 The System Could Still be Used like This?
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C12 The System Could Still be Used like This?

"System, retrieve the Azure Peak Sword!" Chen Yuan's thought was instantaneous.

In the blink of an eye, something miraculous happened.

The Azure Peak Sword vanished!

Upon inspecting the system's backpack, the Azure Peak Sword was indeed there.


A smile played at the corners of Chen Yuan's mouth, momentarily eclipsing the pain he felt.

With another thought, the Azure Peak Sword in the system's backpack disappeared once more.

And when it reappeared, it was firmly in Chen Yuan's right hand!

Despite his right hand being ensnared by numerous tree roots, he could still manage to shift it slightly.

These slight movements were all that was needed for the Azure Peak Sword's sharp blade to sever the roots entrapping him!

One root!

Two roots!

By the time the third root was cut, Chen Yuan's right hand was instantly liberated.

Yet, Chen Yuan didn't rush into action. Instead, he took a moment to covertly survey the outside situation. Hearing no sounds and seeing only darkness, he realized his actions had gone unnoticed by the sentient old tree.

With that assurance, Chen Yuan spared no courtesy.

His Genuine Qi surged into the Azure Peak Sword, its glow intensifying as he began to rapidly slice through the roots binding him.

The roots varied in thickness, some nearly a foot in diameter, but against the Azure Peak Sword, they stood no chance.

In less than the time it took for half an incense stick to burn, the roots restraining Chen Yuan were all severed, freeing him from his wooden prison.

All that remained was to escape the tree cage.

But Chen Yuan didn't rush. Uncertain whether his escape would alert the old tree and unwilling to face the onslaught of its terrifying roots, he knew he must first devise a plan to eliminate the tree spirit.

Crouched in the cage, he peered into the darkness ahead—nothing but endless black.

Shifting his position, he glanced behind him and his eyes narrowed at the sight.

A faint moonlight glow hinted at a large Moonlight Stone, half-buried in the earth. The exposed portion alone was the size of a bowl—if he could secure it, his team's lighting woes would be over in an instant.

The weak light from the Moonlight Stone allowed him to discern his surroundings. He was at the base of a massive tree root, thick enough for several people to embrace. The stone's location revealed not only the hefty trunk but also a tangle of sprawling roots—some still, others slowly writhing, a sight both fascinating and fearsome.

Looking down, Chen Yuan noticed several tree cages like his own suspended mid-air, evidence that he wasn't the only captive. Whether they held people or Strange Beasts, he couldn't tell. But the silence suggested they were no longer alive.

His gaze fell to the ground, littered with broken bones, tree roots, and vines. Yet, nowhere did he find a clue on how to defeat the old tree spirit.

Chen Yuan was growing anxious. If he couldn't take down this foe, was he doomed to hang here forever?


"Brother System?"

"Sir System? Can you throw me a hint, please?"

Chen Yuan frantically called out to the system in his mind.

It was, after all, responsible for bringing him here. He couldn't just stand by and watch himself be trapped indefinitely.

As despair began to take hold, a crisp notification from the system suddenly pierced the silence!

[Ding! You might want to try inserting the Azure Peak Sword into the root of this ancient tree. Look for a growth ring—it's a weak spot. Hit that, and you'll make it out alive!]

[Be cautious. You've got a single shot, and just ten seconds to act. If you take any longer, the creature will catch on, and then you'll have no chance of escape!]

"System, you never let me down!" Chen Yuan cheered inwardly. If the system were tangible, he'd plant a big kiss on it!

Armed with this life-saving tip, Chen Yuan's nerves steadied. Guided by the faint glow of the Moonlight Stone, he pinpointed the exact location of the tree's vulnerability.

He had been overthinking it—because the system had clearly marked the spot for him.

Now, looking at the massive tree, Chen Yuan could easily spot a bright red mark about a meter off the ground on its root. The mark was fist-sized, conspicuous, and impossible to miss.

Chen Yuan gauged the distance—about ten meters from his current position.

He had ten seconds to break free from the tree cage and strike the critical spot.

After a quick mental countdown, he felt confident he had enough time.

He scanned his surroundings one last time to ensure there were no surprises, then the Azure Peak Sword in his hand made a decisive cut.

The tree cage, which had seemed impenetrable, splintered instantly, and Chen Yuan slipped out.

Upon landing, he tapped the ground with the tip of his toe and rocketed toward the tree's root like an arrow shot from a bow.

Humans in this world might live humbly, even weakly, but that was all relative.

Sure, they were frail compared to the world's mutated Strange Beasts, but set against the people from his previous life on Blue Star, they were formidable.

And with Chen Yuan at Body Tempering Level Nine, his speed was unmatched.

He covered the ten-meter gap in a mere three seconds.

Without hesitation, the Azure Peak Sword thrust toward the glowing red mark!


The sword plunged into the mark with a muffled thud, hitting its mark perfectly.

Rustle, rustle, rustle...

A low, eerie noise filled the air.

The ground, the sky, even the tree cages began to contort wildly, with the roots near Chen Yuan lashing out at him. The whistling sound they made left no doubt that a direct hit would leave him grievously wounded.

In a moment of sheer panic, Chen Yuan yelped. He didn't have time to withdraw the Azure Peak Sword and instead prepared to dodge.

But then, the oncoming roots lost their momentum and thudded into the ground just a meter from Chen Yuan, some even rebounding onto him, causing a stinging sensation on his skin.

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