I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C14 Si Gui
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C14 Si Gui
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C14 Si Gui

After a brief silence, Chen Yuan didn't keep anything from the group. He lifted the Azure Peak Sword and explained, "I owe my survival to this sword. When I was ensnared by those tree roots, for some reason, the tree spirit trapped me and then went still. I managed to sever all the roots inside the cage and jumped out. The tree spirit tried to attack me again, but I inadvertently stabbed it, and it stopped moving altogether. It's probably dead!" While speaking, Chen Yuan gestured towards the tree cage he had escaped from and the wound on the trunk where his sword had struck.

Upon hearing Chen Yuan's account, Mr. Mo, Wudian, and the others rushed to inspect the tree cage, confirming the fresh, clean cuts – evidence that Chen Yuan was telling the truth. They then hurried to the base of the tree to examine the overlooked wound.

Wudian, with a tone of sheer astonishment, exclaimed, "This big creature was taken down by such a small stab? Unbelievable!"

"The creature may be large, but as a spirit, it likely has vulnerabilities just like a human," Mr. Mo interjected. "Yuan must have hit a critical spot by sheer luck. Remember this spot; it might come in handy if we encounter something similar in the future."

Wudian, half-joking, half-serious, replied, "I'm not as skilled as Yuan. If I got caught, I'd be a goner!" With that, he retreated from the tree and resumed his search in the vicinity.

Finding a safe cave was a rare opportunity, and they were eager to explore further. Fortune smiled on them as they uncovered several damaged weapons and animal bones suitable for crafting into bone tools after scouring the area.

Bone tools, crafted from the sturdiest parts of animal bones, were rare in Chen Yuan's tribe, with only a few ever existing – most of which had been lost or destroyed. Rediscovering these items meant that, once refined, they could significantly enhance the tribe's overall strength.

"It's a shame this area is all soil. If it were rocky, we could've found our tribe's new gathering place," Mr. Mo lamented after their search, while they rested and prepared food in the cave.

As Mr. Mo pointed out, the spacious tree hole, supported by the massive tree's roots and large enough for a hundred people, was unfortunately surrounded by a soil layer that offered no protection against Strange Beasts. Settling the tribe here would be unsustainable.

"We've had a long day. Let's eat and rest here tonight, and we'll press on with our exploration tomorrow," Mr. Mo suggested.

This proposal was met with enthusiastic agreement from the weary group. The day's events had been exhausting: from the Wolf Spider attack to discovering its nest, and then the grueling effort to rescue Chen Yuan.

The remaining Wolf Spider legs were brought out for a second round of roasting over the bonfire. The dry vines from within the cave provided ample fuel, all gathered for the feast.

Gathered around the campfire, Wudian held a bag in one hand while distributing fist-sized Wolf Spider Eggs with the other to the group. When it was Chen Yuan's turn, he handed him two eggs with a grin, saying, "Yuan, you've worked hard today. Have an extra one to replenish yourself!"

Chen Yuan accepted the eggs, glancing at his companions before examining the Wolf Spider Eggs in his grasp. Eventually, he set one on his thigh and cracked the other open with resolve, revealing the slightly yellowed, roasted egg white within.

The earthy, musky scent of the Wolf Spider Egg was potent, yet tolerable. Beyond the smell, the texture was quite pleasant, and Chen Yuan ended up eating both eggs.

As Chen Yuan was about to look for some water, a cheerful figure approached from nearby, offering a water bag crafted from snakeskin. "Yuan, here, have some water!"

"Thanks!" Chen Yuan replied, taking a hearty swig without hesitation.

The others finished their Wolf Spider Eggs as well and then sat in silence, their eyes fixed on the Wolf Spider Legs sizzling over the fire, occasionally sniffing the tantalizing aroma of the meat.

While waiting for the legs to cook, Chen Yuan took a seat next to Mr. Mo and inquired with curiosity, "Mr. Mo, about how far did we travel today?"

"If my estimate is correct, we've covered around 30,000 to 40,000 meters," Mr. Mo responded promptly.

"And as we navigate through this Underground Cave, aren't we concerned about losing our way back?" Chen Yuan asked, his curiosity piqued.

Chen Yuan had been holding onto this question since they had first entered the cave without direction, but hadn't found the right moment to ask until now.

Before Mr. Mo could offer an explanation, Wudian and the others burst into laughter, with Wudian leaning in and teasing Chen Yuan, "You really are clueless about wilderness survival, aren't you? Didn't your Patriarch teach you anything?"

Despite the ribbing, Wudian continued, "Mr. Mo has a Gui Si. Every Hunting Team captain carries one. With this device, we can always find our tribe's location, no matter where we are."

At this, Mr. Mo cooperated by pulling out a palm-sized stone disc from his chest, which had a spoon-like attachment that shifted positions as he moved his hand.

"A compass?" Chen Yuan blurted out, puzzled.

"What compass? This is Gui Si!" Wudian corrected him.

Chen Yuan pursed his lips but held back any further comment, even though he still likened the device to a compass.

It wasn't until Chen Yuan had the chance to handle and test the Gui Si himself that he realized its uniqueness. While it resembled a compass and functioned similarly, the Gui Si had a significant difference—it consistently pointed towards the tribe's location, whether above ground or below, guiding the exploration team back home through the labyrinthine underground. It was, indeed, a remarkably handy tool.

Once they finished examining the compass, the wolf spider meat was ready, roasted to perfection. The group shared the meal, and after they were done, those assigned to the night watch remained vigilant while the others found spots to lie down and get some rest.

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