I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C17 A Shocking Move!
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C17 A Shocking Move!
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C17 A Shocking Move!

Chen Yuan was the first to enter the cave. For Mr. Mo and the rest, the passageway was a tight squeeze.

But for Chen Yuan's slender frame, a slight turn was all it took to slip in with ease.

It wasn't until he was inside that Chen Yuan truly grasped what the system meant by a "habitable cave."

This cave was a far cry from the cramped underground caverns their tribe was accustomed to—it was practically a villa.

The cavern soared over a hundred meters high, offering a vast expanse of space. Inside, the presence of some mineral cast a green glow across the walls, illuminating the space so well that there was no need for Moonlight Stones.

Looking back, the cavern stretched for hundreds of meters before veering to the right, its depths unknown.

Ahead lay an expansive space with a pond visible in the distance, surrounded by figures leisurely swimming.

The newcomers seemed to have startled them; they stared blankly without any sign of fleeing.

Before long, Mr. Mo, Wudian, and the others had all made their way in.

At Mr. Mo's signal, Wudian and Duan Zi headed back to scout for dangers, ensuring the area was secure.

They were met with a delightful discovery: not only was there no threat, but there was also a vast, clean, and airy karst cave, spanning thousands of square meters—ideal for habitation.

At the far end of the cave, however, was a crack over two meters high and a meter wide, marked by numerous animal tracks. It seemed to be the entry point for the clueless roe deer.

Upon discovering the entrance, Wudian and the others eagerly began to block it with stones, both to keep the deer from escaping and to prevent any potential predators from entering and endangering them.

Even as they sealed off the entrance, the robed figures inside remained motionless, seemingly oblivious to fear.

Chen Yuan stood watch, carefully observing the robed figures and keeping an eye on the pond as Mr. Mo had instructed.

Yet, he saw no sign of danger. Coupled with the system's previous alert, Chen Yuan was certain the pond posed no threat.

"How's it looking?" Mr. Mo called out as the cave entrance was sealed and everyone regrouped.

"They're still there. What's our next move? Capture them or eliminate them?" Duan Zi asked eagerly, rubbing his hands together.

"First, let's check for any other exits around the pond. If there are, we'll seal them. If not, we'll assess the pond to ensure it's safe. After that, we can decide on capturing these creatures," Mr. Mo instructed quietly.

"Got it!" Chen Yuan nodded and strode forward.

"Stay on guard here, everyone. Be ready to respond if there's any danger," Mr. Mo ordered, then rose to his feet and quickly followed Chen Yuan toward the pond.

In contrast to Chen Yuan's relaxed demeanor, Mr. Mo was visibly on edge, his muscles tense and his expression growing more serious with each step closer to the water.

The crisp sound of footsteps echoed softly throughout the cave.

Around the pond, the robed figures occasionally glanced their way. As Chen Yuan and Mr. Mo drew nearer, the creatures finally caught on. Some began to roar restlessly, while others simply watched with curiosity.

The gap between them was closing fast.

Chen Yuan's eyes scanned the robed figures before assessing the cave beyond them. Mr. Mo, on the other hand, was intently scrutinizing the pond, trying to discern what lay beneath its surface.

The cave's overall shape resembled a giant gourd. Chen Yuan and his party had entered at the gourd's midpoint, with the sealed entrance at the smaller upper section. The pond where the robed figures congregated was situated in the larger lower portion.

The area was elliptical, surrounded by jumbled rocks and jagged stone formations. No exits were in sight, save for a few narrow fissures that did nothing to compromise the mountain's solidity. These crevices certainly weren't large enough for any sizable creature to pass through.

In essence, these clueless creatures were trapped, like turtles in a jar.

"There's no way in or out nearby. We're secure," Chen Yuan murmured.

"Good. Let's check out the pond. Stay here and don't move any closer," Mr. Mo commanded. He picked up a rock the size of his fist and, with the Mountain Splitting Axe in his other hand, edged closer to the water.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Thirty meters.

At last, around ten meters away, Mr. Mo halted.

The cave was now filled with the sound of frantic movement as the creatures, spooked by Mr. Mo's advance, darted past them towards the gourd's exit.

Chen Yuan and Mr. Mo paid them no mind, their focus fixed on the pond.


The stone Mr. Mo had thrown made a sharp splash as it hit the water. He stepped back, bracing for any sign of trouble.

Chen Yuan did the same, cautious despite the low risk of danger.

A moment passed.

Then ten.

A full ten minutes slipped by, the pond's surface smoothing out to a mirror-like calm.

Chen Yuan and Mr. Mo exchanged a glance before Chen Yuan edged forward.

Without warning, Mr. Mo lobbed two more hefty stones into the pond.

Plop! Plop!

The splashes sent ripples cascading across the water, the noise amplified by the returning robed figures' footsteps, filling the cave with a cacophony of sound.

Yet Mr. Mo remained unfazed, his gaze locked on the still water as he waited.

Another ten minutes passed in silence, the pond serene once more.

Just as Mr. Mo was about to throw a third stone, Chen Yuan, unable to stand the suspense, strode past him. With Mr. Mo looking on in astonishment, Chen Yuan leapt into the pond with a resounding splash.

"Yuan, have you lost your mind?!" Mr. Mo's voice boomed with urgency as he dashed to the water's edge.

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