I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C19 New Clothes
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C19 New Clothes
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C19 New Clothes

After everyone had scattered, Mr. Mo began to work on his robe, chuckling softly, "You've really outdone yourself for our tribe this time. Not only did you find a bounty of food, but you also discovered a perfect spot for our tribe's relocation. The chief and the others are going to be astounded when you report back!"

"Hehe, it was just good fortune! And let's not forget, it was a group effort, not just my doing," Chen Yuan replied with a grin, squatting down beside him.

"Once we're back, the chief might want your impressions on a few things. Make sure you've got your story straight!" Mr. Mo advised, spreading the fully stripped robe on the ground. He tidied up the section Chen Yuan had worked on earlier and then walked over to the pond, submerging the whole skin in the water.

"We can't turn this into clothing just yet. A night's soak in some wood ash should do the trick, and by tomorrow, it'll be wearable, at least temporarily," Mr. Mo said, still smiling.

Chen Yuan could only respond with a forced chuckle.

Meanwhile, as they continued processing the robe, Wudian, Ye Zhou, and the rest returned, buzzing with excitement from their search.

"Mr. Mo, we've scoured the area and it's all stone-walled caverns around us. Apart from the tunnel we found, there's no other exit. The reason for its formation is a mystery, and we haven't ventured out yet. I'll check it out soon!" Wudian reported, his voice light and carefree.

The mission was a success, and now all that remained was to ensure the safety of the tunnel outside and locate a passage that connected to the fissure they'd entered through. This would lay the groundwork for the main group's migration.

"Great, Ye Zhou, you're on this now. Dinner's in your hands. Yuan, Wudian, come with me. Let's go have a look outside," Mr. Mo said, dusting off his hands and rising to his feet.

Catching sight of Chen Yuan, Mr. Mo quickly added, "Yuan, you stay here and rest up. We'll handle the safety check."

Chen Yuan had no choice but to agree with a nod.

Soon, only three people were left in the vast cave.

Ye Zhou continued to work on the robe meat, while Ping Yu gathered firewood nearby for the evening meal. The cave was large, but the available wood was scarce; he managed to collect only a small pile before having to stop.

Chen Yuan and the others didn't sit idle. On Chen Yuan's suggestion, they partially sealed the large fissure they had entered through to prevent any unwelcome creatures from sneaking in.

Once they had finished their tasks, Mr. Mo and the others returned from outside, each carrying a hefty bundle of wood.

Furthermore, they had brought back the Moonlight Stones and the Wolf Spider Meat that had been left outside. It was clear they had found a route to the outside world.

Upon their return, Wudian and the others dropped their loads and slumped to the ground, completely disregarding appearances.

Mr. Mo and his group, equally exhausted, set down their firewood and rested against a large stone.

As they took a breather, Mr. Mo shared details about the outside passageway. It was indeed connected to the fissure they had entered, separated only by a thin layer of mud that they had dug through, allowing them to retrieve their findings.

Beyond the tunnel they had excavated, there were two additional passageways outside. Mr. Mo surmised that one likely led all the way to the surface; the robes they found were probably stashed there by those who had taken shelter underground, and the firewood they had gathered came from that same tunnel.

The other passage, however, ventured into the unknown. They had scouted it for over a kilometer without discerning its purpose, but they were confident that the immediate vicinity was secure.

"Let's all get some good rest tonight," Mr. Mo suggested cheerfully as he watched the bonfire. "Tomorrow, we'll head back to the tribe!" His words prompted a wave of relieved smiles among the group.

Their previous foraging trips had never been this leisurely, always fraught with the peril of flight or pursuit. But this time, aside from a couple of close calls with Wolf Spiders and a treant, they had encountered no significant threats.

Chen Yuan had deftly handled both dangers, making this expedition feel like the most relaxed they'd ever experienced. And they owed it all to him. The group exchanged knowing glances, their eyes alight with gratitude as they looked over at Chen Yuan by the fire.

Unaware of their admiration, Chen Yuan was busy dealing with a pair of luminescent fish he'd caught. Unsure of their edibility, he meticulously cleaned out their innards before skewering them on a branch to roast by the fire.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mo and the others had laid out the Wolf Spider Meat to cook. They planned to feast on it tonight and take any leftovers for the journey home tomorrow. The foolish roosters they had caught would serve perfectly as provisions for the tribe.

That night, everyone slept deeply, the occasional disturbance from the roosters' nocturnal antics doing little to disrupt their rest. After about four hours of sleep, they rose one by one.

Embracing the new day with enthusiasm, they all plunged into the pond for an invigorating cold bath. The chill of the water snapped them awake, and after some time, they emerged, casually wiping their faces dry.

Wudian, Pang Zi, and a few others went a step further, stripping off their tattered animal skins and wringing them out before slipping them back on.

Chen Yuan, however, had no need for such measures. The leafy makeshift garment he wore had nearly disintegrated with his movements.

He glanced at his playful companions before heading to a small pool where he had processed the robe the night before. The robe had softened considerably, and the grease was now fully cleansed from it.

Without hesitation, Chen Yuan drew his Azure Peak Sword and cut a third from the robe. After giving it a shake and rinsing off the remaining ashes in the pond, he wrapped it around his waist, using a vine from his previous makeshift "pants" as a belt.

In these rudimentary conditions, sewing was out of the question. Chen Yuan discarded the leafy pants—they were not only uncomfortable but unsightly. Now, clad in the newly fashioned leather robe, he not only felt warmer but also appreciated the improved appearance.

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