I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C20 Bloody Smell!
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C20 Bloody Smell!
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C20 Bloody Smell!

After dusting off his clothes with a sense of satisfaction, Chen Yuan turned his gaze towards Mr. Mo.

At that moment, Mr. Mo was standing by the pond, applauding. As a group of people approached, they couldn't help but notice the new "apron" Chen Yuan had donned.

Wudian couldn't resist making a joke, "Yuan, that apron of yours looks way better than the one I'm wearing!"

"You're too kind, Brother Wudian," Chen Yuan replied with a chuckle. "Besides, there are plenty of robes left. We've caught a good number; you're sure to get your share!"

"Okay, time to head back. Let's aim to catch ten of these robes for now. Dunzi, you're in charge of the Moonlight Stones. Everyone else, grab two each—and make sure they're alive!" The final instruction was directed at Chen Yuan.

"Got it!" The group immediately got to work, their hands moving with eager anticipation.

In the next while, the cave erupted into a flurry of activity.

While Chen Yuan effortlessly snagged two robes and tied them up by their legs, setting them aside, the others exerted considerable effort in their pursuit.

The robes may not have appeared mutated, but their speed and agility were not to be underestimated, a challenge for anyone, especially with Mr. Mo's insistence on capturing them alive, which proved to be quite exhausting for the group.

Eventually, after half an hour of struggle, they had only managed to secure four robes. The remaining four were swiftly captured by Chen Yuan.

Lined up on the ground were ten of the largest robes, while seven smaller ones paced restlessly within the cave, their cries echoing off the walls.

The group paid no mind to the remaining few, each person eagerly seizing the robes they needed and heading straight for the cave's exit.

Mr. Mo led the way, with Wudian close behind. Dunzi, burdened with the enormous Moonlight Stone, took his place in the middle of the pack. The stone's glow cast a bright light, revealing every detail within a seven to eight-meter radius of the dark tunnel, rendering additional lighting unnecessary.

The return journey was far smoother and quicker than the outbound trip.

They encountered no dangers along the way, and even the system had fallen silent, which Chen Yuan found slightly disappointing. Without the system prompts, he missed out on further opportunities for gain.

Nonetheless, there would be time for that later. For now, Chen Yuan resolved to focus on strengthening his abilities. Once back at the tribe, he planned to master the movement technique he had acquired, ensuring he wouldn't be defenseless in the face of danger.

Time passed swiftly, and after roughly eight hours, they reached the Tree Spirit's location. They took a few hours' rest inside the tree hollow before setting out again.

Yet, on their way back, they encountered an unexpected setback.

Their path had been blocked!

Upon reaching the site where they had slain the first Wolf Spider, they were met with a collapsed tunnel.

It wasn't a minor cave-in but a substantial collapse that, despite their efforts digging for half an hour, proved impassable. Reluctantly abandoning the idea of retracing their steps, they began to search for alternative routes nearby.

After all, these tunnels, carved out by the Arch Dragon in the mud, were likely interconnected. As long as they didn't have the misfortune of running into an Arch Dragon, the danger should be minimal.

Mr. Mo quickly decided to lead Chen Yuan and the rest of the group back, traveling a kilometer before encountering a fork in the path. Without hesitation, they took the left fork and continued on their way.

Following closely behind Mr. Mo and his companions, Chen Yuan kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, occasionally glancing at Mr. Mo as he pulled out the Si Gui from his pocket to check their path.

The Si Gui was truly remarkable. Despite the labyrinthine twists and turns of the new cave, they miraculously found their way back to the original tunnel they had exited from, skillfully avoiding the collapsed section.

"This tunnel's been severely damaged; looks like an Arch Dragon has passed through here," Mr. Mo murmured in a hushed tone once they had all regrouped in the tunnel.

His words sent a shiver through the group, and their steps became feather-light, as if fearing the slightest sound might summon the dreaded Arch Dragon.

"Move out!" Mr. Mo commanded, prompting everyone to hasten their pace along the passageway.

Thankfully, their journey was uneventful, and the group safely made it back to the tribe. However, as soon as they entered the tribal passageway, Chen Yuan's face paled at the strong scent of blood that hit him.

It wasn't just Chen Yuan; Mr. Mo and the others also detected the overpowering odor.

Mr. Mo, who had been leading at a measured pace, suddenly picked up speed, rushing toward the heart of the tribe with urgency. Wudian and the rest followed suit without hesitation.

They pushed the large boulder blocking the entrance aside and were immediately back within the tribe. Yet, the blood scent intensified as the stone moved.

A crowd came into view, their backs to Chen Yuan and his group. Hearing the stone's movement, they turned around. Recognizing Mr. Mo and the others, especially the robes they carried, the crowd erupted with excitement. "Old Mo's back with the others! And they've brought back a bounty of game!"

"Welcome back! Old Mo, did you run into any trouble?" the crowd inquired, gathering around and taking the robes from Chen Yuan and his companions.

"Wow, is that a Moonlight Stone?" someone exclaimed upon spotting the large stone on Duner's back. They lent a hand to unload it, and the cave's brightness immediately notched up significantly.

Thanks to the Moonlight Stone's glow, Chen Yuan and the others could see the extensive bloodstains on the ground at the tribe's entrance, trailing all the way into the middle of the crowd.

"What happened here? Is someone hurt?" Mr. Mo's face darkened with concern as he made his way through the crowd.

Duner, Wudian, Chen Yuan, and the others quickly caught up, the crowd parting to reveal the grim scene within.

Chen Yuan's stomach churned at the sight, his face ashen, but he managed to keep his composure.

Mr. Mo and the others, seemingly accustomed to such sights, went straight in to examine the scene.

Chen Yuan took a moment to collect himself before he too stepped forward to take a closer look.

By then, Mr. Mo and his group had finished their grim assessment and stood up to consult with the old patriarch, seeking an explanation for the bloodshed.

Chen Yuan listened to the old patriarch's account while surveying the scene before him.

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