I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C21 Saving a Person!
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C21 Saving a Person!
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C21 Saving a Person!

Amidst the crowd lay two half-bodies and a man who had lost both legs. The blood pooling around them was theirs, spilling out in copious amounts.

The term "half-bodies" was no exaggeration; the lower halves of two individuals were completely gone, their intestines and viscera strewn across the ground in a chilling display.

The legless man's face was deathly pale, and he seemed on the verge of unconsciousness. Despite hastily applied bandages, blood continued to seep through. Left unattended, he was likely to die from either blood loss or infection.

Chen Yuan recognized these three as members of the exploration team that had departed two days prior. They had been in good spirits then, but now, they had returned in this horrific state.

Internally shaken, Chen Yuan edged closer to Mr. Mo to hear the elders' explanation.

After listening, he felt a surge of relief for their own fortunate escape.

Apparently, the team had the misfortune of encountering an Arch Dragon shortly after setting out. After a lengthy pursuit, just when they thought they had evaded the creature, it reappeared on their path home.

This time, luck was not on their side. Three lives were lost in their desperate flight.

The two mutilated bodies were retrieved by the Hunting Team's captain, who risked his own life. Otherwise, they too would have been devoured.

The remaining team member was not spared by the Arch Dragon, and the man who lost his legs had also been bitten, but fate was slightly kinder to him; he only lost his calves and was not yet fatally wounded.

Chen Yuan had seen similar injuries among the tribe's elders. Missing limbs were a common sight, often the result of the same perilous cause.

The Arch Dragon was undoubtedly one of the tribe's greatest adversaries.

"How many teams have made it back?" Mr. Mo inquired.

"Counting yours, four have returned. The other two didn't find much, but thankfully, they're unharmed. It's the remaining two teams out there that concern me," the old chief lamented.

Chen Yuan's mind raced back to the system alert he had received upon their initial departure. Could the Arch Dragon have been the assailant?

Moreover, the collapsed tunnel they encountered on their return might have been the work of the same beast. Without the system's guidance, they could have been among the casualties.

Before they could continue their conversation, the man without legs lying on the ground let out a heart-wrenching cry.

The sound drew the attention of many, prompting the old chief and Mr. Mo to return to his side. After a brief examination, the old chief shook his head gravely. "Hai Sheng's condition is critical. We've exhausted our supply of hemostatic herbs, and there's no time to gather more. His fate is now in his own hands."

A wave of despair washed over the onlookers, but Chen Yuan was struck with disbelief.

He couldn't fathom that they would simply leave Hai Sheng to his own devices, an approach that seemed utterly futile.

In that moment, Chen Yuan grasped the harsh reality of why their tribe's numbers were dwindling. Many had likely succumbed to infections or bled to death from untreated wounds.

This was not the time for contemplation, though. Realizing the tribe's helplessness, Chen Yuan approached the injured man and gently touched his forehead.

It's scorching!

He's running a fever!

"His condition is dire. Without immediate attention, he'll surely succumb to the ongoing bleeding and fever!" Chen Yuan's voice rang out, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"We want to help, but we've run out of hemostatic herbs. We've done all we can with the bandaging. Now, it's up to fate," someone nearby interjected, unable to contain their concern.

Chen Yuan glanced over, recognizing the man as the tribe's healer.

But his skills were... less than reassuring.

Dispensing with further discussion, Chen Yuan commanded in a low tone, "Mr. Mo, get a bonfire going, and make it quick! Mr. Wudian, bring some boiling water!"

"Right away!" Mr. Mo and Mr. Wudian responded without hesitation and set to work.

The others, including the old patriarch, watched Chen Yuan's flurry of activity with skepticism. They were itching to ask questions, but at Mr. Mo's signaling glance, they held their tongues.

They might not know Chen Yuan's capabilities, but they were well aware that he might just pull off another miracle.

Soon, the bonfire blazed brightly, and Mr. Wudian had a huge stone pot of water boiling. Following Chen Yuan's instructions, he cooled it in a nearby pool.

"Dunzi, come and remove all his bandages. Be gentle, and don't disturb the wound," Chen Yuan instructed.

He then rose, drew the Azure Peak Sword from behind his waist, and approached the bonfire.

At that moment, the old patriarch, who had been silently brooding, finally erupted. "Foolishness! Yuan, do you realize how grave Hai Sheng's condition is? Removing his bandages now could hasten his death. I cannot condone this!"

"Indeed, the Patriarch speaks wisely. We empathize with your desire to save him, but his condition is critical. He won't survive such rough handling," the tribe's doctor added.

"Patriarch, let Yuan try. You know best how precarious Hai Sheng's state is. Can he really make it through the night as he is?" Mr. Mo interjected.

Dunzi and Wudian chimed in, "Exactly, Patriarch. Give Yuan a chance. It's a desperate measure, but it beats standing by and watching him die. We believe Hai Sheng himself would want Yuan to try if he could choose!"

The patriarch sighed, resigned. "Fine, fine. But Yuan, heed my warning: don't attempt this unless you're certain. Recklessness will serve no one."

"Understood," Chen Yuan acknowledged with a nod, then turned his focus back to the task at hand, tossing the Azure Peak Sword into the flames.

The fire roared, the heat intense. In moments, the blade of the sword glowed a fiery red.

Chen Yuan glanced back to see that Hai Sheng's bandages were nearly off, the trickle of blood now flowing more freely, draining the color from Hai Sheng's face.

The tribe's elders watched with heavy hearts, knowing all too well that Hai Sheng's chances were slim.

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