I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C22 A Strange Look in His Eyes!
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C22 A Strange Look in His Eyes!
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C22 A Strange Look in His Eyes!

Chen Yuan rose to his feet, gripping the glowing Azure Peak Sword, and crouched beside Hai Sheng's leg. "Stuff a cloth in his mouth!" he instructed.

Duner blinked in confusion but quickly understood, scrambling to shove a large cloth into Hai Sheng's mouth.

The onlookers furrowed their brows at the dramatic display, puzzled by Chen Yuan's intentions.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan pressed the heated Azure Peak Sword against Hai Sheng's severed right leg. The sound of sizzling filled the air, accompanied by the scent of charred flesh and billowing smoke that quickly filled the cave.

Shock painted the faces of everyone present, including Mr. Mo and Wudian. They stared, mouths agape, at Chen Yuan's merciless action, which none had anticipated from the unassuming young man.

Hai Sheng, nearly unconscious, was jolted awake by the agony, his body thrashing and roaring in protest.

Muffled by the cloth in his mouth, his cries were stifled as he writhed helplessly, his body slick with sweat.

The pain was so intense that Hai Sheng's legs flailed uncontrollably, but Chen Yuan was swift to pin them down.

As the smoke cleared, Chen Yuan removed the sword; the tip of Hai Sheng's right leg was blackened and charred.

While the others were on the verge of rebuke or inquiry, Mr. Mo was the first to spot something unusual. "Eh, the bleeding's stopped!"

The elder chief, taken aback, stepped forward to examine the wound, which had indeed ceased bleeding. It was unsightly but no longer life-threatening.

Chen Yuan paid no mind to the others as he returned to the fire to reheat the Azure Peak Sword. He then approached Hai Sheng, who lay unconscious from the pain, motionless until the red-hot blade touched his left leg.

A gut-wrenching scream erupted as Hai Sheng was once again roused by the pain.

Within the tribe, elders instinctively shielded the children's eyes and ears, sparing them from witnessing the brutal scene.

Even seasoned individuals like Mr. Mo and the elder chief shuddered, goosebumps rising amidst the harrowing screams.

"Bring water now!" Chen Yuan commanded, tossing the Azure Peak Sword aside as he kept a watchful eye on the wound.

Wudian, snapped from his stupor by the command, quickly fetched the Stone Pot filled with pool water.

With no other options, Chen Yuan tore off a strip of clean gauze, soaked it in the warm water, and gently cleaned the blood from Hai Sheng's leg.

The water in the basin turned a deep crimson from the blood.

Blood stained Chen Yuan's body, hands, and even his face.

"Now, his fate is in his own hands. Without disinfectant, we must leave it to destiny," Chen Yuan declared, rising with the Azure Peak Sword in hand and walking toward the pond as the onlookers parted ways.

Reaching the water's edge, Chen Yuan plunged in, washing away the blood that coated him.

After cleaning up, he made his way back to the bonfire to continue roasting the Azure Peak Sword.

There was no choice—the blade was still caked with blood and flesh that refused to come off. His only option was to burn it away with the flames.

Surprisingly, this crude method proved effective. Before long, the Azure Peak Sword was restored to its former glory, albeit with a new blue sheen from the fire's scorching instead of its original silver glow. It was quite striking.

Chen Yuan recognized this as a common side effect of intense heat on raw iron. It wasn't a major issue, so he let it be.

Upon rejoining the crowd, Chen Yuan immediately sensed a shift in the way everyone looked at him. Their gazes held a mix of fear and an odd sense of intrigue.

Before Chen Yuan could utter a word, Mr. Mo chuckled softly, "Yuan, Hai Sheng's condition has stabilized for now. If he makes it through the night, he should be fine. Don't fret. Also, I've filled the Patriarch in on your recent exploits. He's looking to have a word with you in the cave. Go on, he's waiting in a spot further inside!"

"Alright!" Chen Yuan nodded, and as expected, saw the Patriarch had already moved away from the crowd, heading deeper into the cave.

Catching up quickly, Chen Yuan noticed the Patriarch's unsteady gait and offered his arm for support as they ventured further into the cave's depths.

The Patriarch's cane was topped with a fist-sized Moonlight Stone, casting a soft glow that ensured the path ahead was not shrouded in darkness.

After traversing several meters, the Patriarch chose a clean stone seat and settled down, his gaze upon Chen Yuan warm and filled with an ineffable gentleness.

Chen Yuan was certain that neither he nor the body he now inhabited had ever seen such a tender look from the Patriarch.

As Chen Yuan was about to speak, the Patriarch preempted him, "Yuan, you've done well. I've checked on Hai Sheng, and the bleeding has stopped. With a robust constitution, he's unlikely to succumb."

"The Patriarch flatters me. When the tribe is in need and I'm able to assist, it's only right that I do so," Chen Yuan replied with a smile.

"Good! Very good! I'm old now, and the future belongs to you, the younger generation," the Patriarch said with a hearty laugh.

"Patriarch, you're still full of youth!" Chen Yuan was ready to lay on the flattery thick.

But the Patriarch dismissed it with a wave of his hand, "Old is old. Little Mo has briefed me on your actions outside—how you dealt with the Wolf Spider and the Tree Spirit, found a sizable Moonlight Stone, and discovered a new location for our settlement. You've earned a great deal of merit for our Tushan Tribe. Now, what reward would you like?"

Chen Yuan mentally noted the name 'Tushan Tribe,' hearing it for the first time, but quickly refocused.

"A reward?" Chen Yuan's eyes sparkled.

"Yes, anything within my power is yours for the asking," the old Patriarch assured him with a warm smile.

"Do you have any cultivation techniques or martial skills? My own cultivation seems too weak. If there are techniques or skills that could enhance my strength, that would be ideal," Chen Yuan asked directly, his desire for such knowledge evident.

The old patriarch's smile remained unwavering as he nodded amiably and inquired, "Indeed, I possess the Chaos Essence Palm technique, which can lead one to the Essence Core Stage, as well as the Yellow Dragon Force, capable of reaching the Celestial Lake Stage. Which of these would you like to learn?"

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