I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C23 Patriarch's Reward
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C23 Patriarch's Reward
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C23 Patriarch's Reward

"Which technique holds greater power?"

"The Chaos Essence Palm, without a doubt. Once mastered to Great Perfection, it can slay an adult Arch Dragon with a single strike—effortlessly," the old patriarch explained with deliberation.

"In that case, I'll choose the Chaos Essence Palm, if that's acceptable?" Chen Yuan ventured.

"Excellent! Just wait here; I'll fetch it for you," the old patriarch replied, beaming as he rose to his feet. He made his way alone, shuffling towards the deepest part of the cave, his private quarters.

The patriarch was swift both in departure and return. In the time it took to sip a cup of tea, he was back, a stone box in hand.

Approaching Chen Yuan, the patriarch offered the box with a warm smile. "Truth be told, anyone in our tribe is welcome to study this technique. It's just that you haven't had the chance to see it until now. Take it, give it a study. Any progress you make will be a boon. And if it proves challenging, don't lose heart. I have another technique you might consider as well!"

"Thank you, Patriarch!" Chen Yuan acknowledged, ready to depart with his new possession.

But the patriarch wasn't finished. With a knowing grin, he drew a fist-sized leather pouch from his chest and gently placed it in Chen Yuan's hand.

"What's this?" Chen Yuan inquired, a note of confusion in his voice.

"As I mentioned, the cultivation technique is available to all—it's hardly a prize. What's inside here, however, is the true reward," the patriarch said, his smile encouraging Chen Yuan to look inside.

Curiosity piqued, Chen Yuan unwrapped the package under the patriarch's expectant gaze. His face froze at the sight.

Inside lay a yellowish-brown crystal, roughly half the size of his fist, speckled with grains of sand—identical to the salt Mr. Mo had previously given him.

The old patriarch had presented Chen Yuan with yet another substantial packet of "salt."

"Our tribe may be large, but our salt is scarce. Use it sparingly; it should last you a year. Now, help me back to my quarters," the patriarch instructed, still smiling.

Chen Yuan managed a smile more pained than any grimace. The last thing he wanted was more of the bitter, potentially toxic salt. Yet, without a word of complaint, he carefully repacked the salt and tucked it away. With the stone box in one hand and the patriarch's arm in the other, they made their way back.

As they neared the crowd, Chen Yuan braced for the patriarch's inevitable inquiry into his cultivation level. Sure enough, the patriarch couldn't resist. "Yuan, Little Mo has praised your recent feats. You must be at least as strong as a Fifth Level Body Tempering expert by now. Would you share your current level with me?"

Chen Yuan hesitated, but only briefly. There was no sense in secrecy; the truth would come out eventually. Besides, his cultivation was the highest in the tribe, and revealing it might bring unforeseen advantages.

"After a recent breakthrough, I've reached Body Tempering Level Nine," he declared plainly.

A collective gasp filled the air, and the patriarch's stride halted abruptly, rooted to the spot in astonishment.

He turned his head stiffly, his voice rising sharply, "What did you say? Body Tempering Level Nine?"

Tushan Huai was genuinely astounded, his eyes bulging as he fixated on the young man who was meekly supporting him.

He couldn't fathom it—this little guy, whom he'd watched grow up, running bare-bottomed around the tribe, had somehow become a peerless warrior at Body Tempering Level Nine!

He couldn't recall how long it had been since someone in their tribe had reached such a level.

To think that after decades of leading the tribe, a new powerhouse had emerged under his watch!

It took him a while to snap out of his stupor. Shaking, Tushan Huai reached out and grasped Chen Yuan's arm, channeling Genuine Qi to probe.

Chen Yuan allowed the examination without protest.

Moments later, Tushan Huai released his grip, his face a tapestry of complex emotions—excitement, joy, perhaps even relief.

"Excellent! Our Tushan Tribe has hope again, we truly have hope..."

With those final words, he moved on without inquiring into the specifics of Chen Yuan's rapid advancement.

To Tushan Huai, the details of Chen Yuan's progress were inconsequential. The Tushan Tribe had gained something far more significant—an expert capable of standing toe-to-toe with an Arch Dragon after decades!

Approaching the gathered crowd, the chief clapped his hands to draw attention before announcing, "I have some significant news to share!"

Anticipation was etched on every face; they had already caught wind of the expedition's success from Wudian and the others. Now, they awaited the chief's confirmation.

Sure enough!

Under the watchful eyes of the tribe, the elder chief turned to Mr. Mo and declared with a grin, "This expedition, led by Captain Mo Chi, has not only replenished our stores with food and light but has also discovered a new dwelling place perfect for our tribe. We can start moving immediately! Prepare yourselves. First, we'll feast on the game they've brought back. After the meal, pack your belongings. In three days, we'll relocate officially!"

"Fantastic! Hooray!"

Joyous cheers erupted.

The excitement was palpable—some thrilled by the prospect of a new home, others by the promise of fresh food, but most were buoyed by hope.

Chen Yuan, who had been at the chief's side throughout, couldn't help but smile at the crowd's elation.

In that moment, he felt an unexpected surge of accomplishment.

With the announcement complete, the chief dismissed the crowd with a wave of his hand.

Suddenly, everyone sprang into action, finding tasks to occupy themselves—except for those incapacitated. Some slaughtered the game, others prepared water and scrubbed stone pots, while many gathered firewood for the bonfire. The cave was a hive of activity.

Just then, another figure approached the chief, ruffling Chen Yuan's hair with a smile before suggesting, "Chief, how about I cut the Moonlight Stone that Mr. Mo's team brought back? It'll make it easier for the Hunting Team to use."

"Go ahead, and make sure to cut a larger piece for Yuan, alright?" The chief instructed with a smile.

"Alright!" The visitor nodded in agreement and then turned to depart.

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