I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C3 The Use of the System
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C3 The Use of the System
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C3 The Use of the System

[Ding! At the end of the far-left path, there's a hundred-meter-long Arch Dragon taking a rest. If you'd rather not disturb it, best to choose a different route!]

[The second path to the left looks promising. Venture further and you might stumble upon some unexpected treasures! Sure, there might be Wolf Spiders along the way, but they're no match for you.]

Two system notifications rang out abruptly.

Initially, Chen Yuan was clueless about how to wield the power of the ultimate Survival System, but now it was clear: whenever he faced a decision, the system would offer the most sensible advice.

If the system's guidance proved accurate, it meant he had a knack for sidestepping danger and uncovering opportunities, rendering him nearly unstoppable. As long as he avoided reckless moves and heeded the system's counsel, he was set for success.

"Mr. Mo, we shouldn't take this path. Let's head down the second one on the left!" Chen Yuan called out hastily, halting the group that had already started down the passage.

Quickly, the team backtracked, their faces etched with confusion as they turned to Chen Yuan, particularly the towering figure leading them. This was Mr. Mo, the team captain and the only member who had achieved Body Tempering Level Two. He had secured ample food for the tribe over the years and had taken down numerous ferocious Strange Beasts.

He was, in essence, the team's linchpin, yet his decision was now being vetoed by a rookie, a kid on his first foray into the outside world!

Mr. Mo, however, wasn't bothered. He cast a curious glance at Chen Yuan and asked simply, "Why?"

"I'm not sure myself!" Chen Yuan admitted, hands outstretched. Noticing the shifting gazes around him, he quickly added, "But there's this persistent voice in my head saying 'not this way, not this way.' I've got a hunch this path is fraught with danger. How about we try the second path on the left? It feels like a better option to me!"

No sooner had Chen Yuan spoken than the man who had initially led the way stepped up to him and hissed, "Yuan, have you lost your mind? Out here, we follow orders. Cut the nonsense, or the old patriarch will have words for you when we return!"

"It's okay, I'm just sharing my gut feeling," Chen Yuan reassured, waving off the concern.

"Intuition?" Mr. Mo's gaze sharpened as he considered Chen Yuan. After a moment, he gestured decisively, "Let's move on. We can't afford to waste time here."

With that, he turned and re-entered the tunnel.

Behind him, Chen Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Because Mr. Mo had chosen the second path on the left—the very one Chen Yuan had suggested!

Without further delay, Chen Yuan followed, clutching his Burning Stick, and swiftly caught up to the group.

Navigating the moist Underground Cave, the team moved stealthily, guided by the faint glow of the Moonlight Stone in Mr. Mo's hand.

Their caution was warranted; they were treading through a mud-lined tunnel, a disturbance away from provoking the Strange Beasts lurking within.

Chen Yuan, however, harbored no such fears. He was aware that Wolf Spiders might be their only concern in this tunnel, assuming, of course, the system hadn't misled him.

As they advanced, Chen Yuan was also testing the system's reliability.

After what felt like an eternity in the subterranean labyrinth, Mr. Mo at the forefront suddenly halted and signaled to everyone. The group instantly crouched down, waiting in silence for what was to come.

In the surrounding darkness, the only light came from the egg-sized Moonlight Stone in Mr. Mo's grasp, casting a faint glow that reflected the tense faces of our group. Beyond that, darkness enveloped us completely, both ahead and behind.

We were on a crucial path, one that required us to traverse an underground tunnel stretching for thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands, of meters before we could emerge on the surface to forage for food.

But food was a secondary concern on this journey. Our primary mission was to find a new gathering place suitable for our tribe's relocation. It was likely we'd spend the next day or two navigating this subterranean passage.

Initially, I had assumed these tunnels were the work of our ancestors, but Wudian, the man who had guided us here, corrected me. These were not man-made. In fact, we avoided digging even the smallest amount of soil if we could help it, for fear of attracting the attention of the Strange Beasts that lurked nearby.

Wudian explained that these tunnels were the handiwork of a creature known as the Arch Dragon, and in a way, we were benefiting from its labor.

Rustle, rustle, rustle...

A subdued, grinding noise broke the silence, faint at first but growing steadily louder with each passing moment, signaling that something was drawing near.

The faces around me grew tense, some so nervous that their fingers began to tremble. Mr. Mo, however, merely furrowed his brow slightly, betraying no other sign of concern.

The noise swelled, and in a hushed tone, Mr. Mo instructed, "Sounds like a Wolf Spider. Everyone, step back and be ready to defend yourselves. We'll find a way to take it down. Remember, Wolf Spider Meat is quite the delicacy."

"Wolf Spider?" The mention of the creature seemed to ease the tension among us.

I knew that while the Wolf Spider had undergone mutation, it was nothing compared to the terror of other Strange Beasts. Some of these beasts had grown to several meters in length, some even reaching dozens or hundreds of meters. The very tunnel we occupied was likely carved out by an Arch Dragon of at least a hundred meters long.

In comparison, the Wolf Spider, with its mere one-meter stature, was practically a symbol of frailty. Despite its strength, which could rival that of a Body Tempering Level One or even Level Two martial artist, it was no match for our numbers.

The rustling intensified, and from the depths of the darkness, eight small green lights flickered into view. They spotted us, and with a sudden burst of speed, they charged.

Mr. Mo, at the forefront with his worn machete at the ready, positioned himself protectively in front of us. His blade poised high, he was prepared to strike at a moment's notice.

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