I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C4 Instant Kill the Wolf Spider
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C4 Instant Kill the Wolf Spider
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C4 Instant Kill the Wolf Spider

At that moment, the distant green speck finally emerged into the light, and Chen Yuan and his companions could make it out with crystal clarity thanks to the faint illumination. It was a colossal spider, nearly half a meter tall and over a meter wide, its body cloaked in pitch-black fur. The eight abdominal eyes were particularly unnerving, enough to make one's skin crawl.

The Wolf Spider was lightning-fast. No sooner had it appeared in the light than it lunged at Mr. Mo, who was leading the group. Its two massive front legs shot up, aiming to impale Mr. Mo with a vicious thrust, as if intent on skewering him on the spot.

But Mr. Mo was no pushover. In the instant the Wolf Spider's legs came down, he sidestepped to the left with a swift move, evading the deadly embrace of the arachnid's attack.


A dull thump echoed as the Wolf Spider's front claws slammed into the ground, hitting nothing but dirt.

Mr. Mo wasted no time capitalizing on this golden chance. As the spider's legs pierced the earth, he swung his Mountain Breaking Blade with all his might.

Clang! Crack...

Sparks flew as a severed limb sailed through the air—the Mountain Breaking Blade had cleanly sliced through one of the Wolf Spider's front legs!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The Wolf Spider let out anguished shrieks, its fury unleashed. Its remaining intact leg flailed wildly at Mr. Mo, desperate to exact vengeance on the detestable creature that had dared to wound it.

Yet Mr. Mo, a seasoned adventurer, remained unflustered amidst the onslaught. He danced around the Wolf Spider with such agility that it couldn't land a hit. He even managed to inflict several gashes on the spider during his evasive maneuvers. While not fatal, these cuts suggested that the battle's conclusion was merely a matter of time.

"Mr. Mo truly is formidable. He's rightfully the second most powerful man in our tribe, just after the patriarch!"

"That's right. Don't forget who we're talking about. A few years back, Mr. Mo led a team to hunt down a hundred-meter Arch Dragon—a feat still unmatched to this day!"

"I was worried we'd be going hungry for days, but now it looks like we'll be feasting on Wolf Spider Meat tonight. Just the thought of it makes my mouth water!" Wudian said, baring his teeth.

Chen Yuan overheard the murmurs of the group, realizing the leader he had followed was none other than the tribe's mightiest man, second only to the patriarch. He had earlier questioned Mr. Mo's decisions, but the man had let it slide. Chen Yuan couldn't help but feel fortunate.

As he was reflecting on this, his expression abruptly shifted, and he whispered urgently, "Not good!"

In that same moment, Mr. Mo, who had been nimbly dodging around the Wolf Spider, seized his chance. He raised his machete once more, aiming for the spider's other front leg. Cutting it off would rob the creature of most of its combat prowess, allowing the group to converge and finish it off.

But then!

As the machete made contact with the Wolf Spider's leg, a sharp "crack" pierced the air!

Mr. Mo's eyes bulged in disbelief as his blade shattered into several pieces, scattering in the air, while the Wolf Spider's leg bore only a minor nick.

"Damn it!"

The bystanders immediately sensed trouble.

Simultaneously, the Wolf Spider's leg recoiled with a violent snap, striking Mr. Mo squarely in the chest!

In a split second, Mr. Mo was hurled toward the Wolf Spider's abdomen by an immense force.

It was crucial to understand that the abdomen was precisely where the Wolf Spider's mouth was located. A bite from it could spell disaster; even if it wasn't fatal, serious injury was guaranteed!

Yet, everything unfolded too swiftly. From the moment the machete snapped to Mr. Mo being catapulted through the air, it was all over in the blink of an eye.

By the time the spectators realized what was happening and tried to intervene, it was already too late!

Despair washed over everyone as they watched the scene unfold. If Mr. Mo were to die or sustain grave injuries, their mission would be prematurely terminated, and they'd be forced to retreat back to their tribe.

Hearts plummeted in that moment of collective dread.

But not everyone lost hope.

Just then, a powerful gust of wind arose from behind them. Before they knew it, a shadowy figure vaulted over the crowd and confronted the Wolf Spider with astonishing speed. It reached Mr. Mo just as he neared the spider's jaws, grabbed his arm, and flung him back, crashing into the onlookers.

The tremendous force sent everyone stumbling backward several steps before they could finally regain their footing.

As they turned their gaze back to the Wolf Spider, eyes bulged and jaws dropped in sheer disbelief. The shock etched on their faces seemed to solidify.

Mr. Mo was no exception.

It took a while for everyone to snap out of their stupor and rush to the scene.

Mr. Mo, the quickest among them, cautiously approached the Wolf Spider, only to find it motionless, evidently dead.

"Yuan... How... How did you do that?" Mr. Mo gaped at Chen Yuan, who stood triumphantly on the spider's abdomen, dumbfounded.

Chen Yuan was there, brandishing the Burning Stick, now lodged in the spider's mouth, having pulverized its brain. This was the fatal blow that had killed the beast instantly.

"I saw you were in danger, Mr. Mo, and I just... I couldn't help myself. I had to rush in and pull you to safety!" Chen Yuan explained, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

At his words, the crowd stared at Chen Yuan as if he were a ghost.

Did he really think they were all fools?

Mr. Mo's face was a mix of emotions. Even if the others hadn't grasped the full extent of what had transpired, he had a rough idea.

He had resigned himself to a grim fate, but in a flash, Chen Yuan had seized him and thrown him clear. The sheer force and velocity left no room for reaction. It was over before he knew it.

This only served to confirm that Chen Yuan was not just stronger than him—he was significantly more powerful.

As Chen Yuan was about to offer some feeble excuse, his expression shifted to one of excitement.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the mutated Wolf Spider. Experience +10.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for your first Strange Beast kill. Reward: 100 system points.]

[The threat within the passageway has been neutralized. Proceeding forward may yield unexpected treasures.]

The system's notifications chimed once more.

"Mr. Mo, we can discuss this later. Why don't you all start cleaning up here?" Chen Yuan suggested, then promptly turned away from the group, eager to check his system rewards.

Mr. Mo and the others might have been curious about Chen Yuan's newfound strength, but in the grand scheme of things, did it really matter?

Not in the slightest.

What mattered most was that Chen Yuan was one of them—a human and a member of their tribe, committed to their cause!

The sudden addition of such a powerful protector was a cause for celebration, not suspicion.

Without delay, at Mr. Mo's signal, the group quickly set to work dismembering the massive Wolf Spider, making it easier to transport in the journey ahead.

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