I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C5 Chen Yuan's Strength
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C5 Chen Yuan's Strength
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C5 Chen Yuan's Strength

Chen Yuan stood before the translucent system panel, his eyes alight with excitement. This panel, visible only to him, held a comprehensive record of his information.

Host: Chen Yuan

Age: 16

Identity: Member of the Tushan Tribe Exploration Team

Cultivation: Body Tempering Level Nine

Experience Points: 10/1000, Note: Upon maxing out experience points, the host will advance to the next level.

System Points: 100

Owned Items: Azure Peak Sword, a worn spear


Beyond the system overview, Chen Yuan was surprised to find additional features: a system backpack, a marketplace, and a weapon synthesis option.

He opened the system backpack with ease, revealing the Azure Peak Sword he had received as a reward while in a daze. He had since forgotten about it, but now it came back to him. Glancing at Mr. Mo and the others in the distance, he decided against taking it out just yet.

His sudden surge in strength was already a mystery; brandishing a "superior weapon" capable of overpowering them all would only deepen their bewilderment.

Chen Yuan experimented, discovering that his Burning Stick—referred to by the system as the worn spear—could also be stored in the expansive System Space, which boasted thirty slots. He could store countless items if he chose to, but this secret was his alone to keep.

After a quick test in the shadows confirmed the spear's storage, he promptly retrieved it.

Mr. Mo and the others were busily dissecting the carcass of a Wolf Spider, their excitement palpable. Chen Yuan's attention returned to the marketplace, only to find its button unresponsive and grayed out. Was it his low level or insufficient system points? He couldn't tell.

He then considered the weapon synthesis feature, which seemed operational. The simple instructions suggested placing raw weapon materials into the column for synthesis. With the right materials, he could forge a decent weapon. Yet, looking at his battered spear, Chen Yuan shelved the idea for another time.

His eyes briefly lingered on the 100 system points before settling back on his cultivation status.

"The Patriarch is only at Body Tempering Level Three, if I'm not mistaken?" he mused, a spark of ambition lighting his gaze. Was he now the mightiest man in the tribe?

"With enough experience points, I'll advance automatically. That means if I continue to hunt Wolf Spiders, I could reach the Qi Condensation Stage?" The thought fueled his excitement.

In that moment, Chen Yuan's affection for the system—and his place within it—grew.

He noticed the group had finished their work on the Wolf Spider and made his way over. They eyed him cautiously as he approached, though they couldn't hide their thrill.

Wudian, ever the free spirit, clapped Chen Yuan on the arm with a grin. "You're quite the dark horse, aren't you? Always so quiet in the tribe, and now look at you. Spill it, how did you become so formidable?"

His question drew the curious gazes of the others, including Mr. Mo, who looked on with interest.

Surveying the crowd, Chen Yuan realized that without a reasonable explanation, he wouldn't be able to smooth things over today. He pondered for a moment before explaining, "A few days back, I was hungry and slipped out of the Tushan Tribe. I stumbled upon a dark red fruit nearby, ate it, and then, after a nap, I woke up feeling stronger!"

"Just like that?" Wudian was baffled, and the others gaped in astonishment. One of them pressed urgently, "Yuan, where did you find it? Are there more of those red fruits?"

"I can't recall exactly. It was somewhere close to the tribe, but there was just that one fruit," Chen Yuan clarified.

As the others seemed poised to probe further, Mr. Mo interjected, "Enough. Let's leave it at that. If I'm not mistaken, Yuan fortuitously consumed a Red Fuji Apple. Legend has it that even an ordinary person can become an unparalleled master after eating one. Such luck is beyond our envy. It's enough that we know about it. With Yuan in our tribe, our future is looking brighter. We should get moving. The recent clash could draw other Strange Beasts, and we'd be in deep trouble if we don't vacate the area soon."

His words shifted the mood, and everyone fell silent, no longer speaking.

Led by Mr. Mo, each person hoisted a hefty load of Wolf Spider Meat and hastened deeper into the passageway.

Chen Yuan was about to help with the carrying when Wudian yanked him aside. Grinning, Wudian shouldered two large bundles of Wolf Spider Meat and said as he ran, "Hey, Yuan, just hang back. Leave the heavy lifting to us. You handle the hunting; we'll take care of the carrying. We've got a system!"

Chen Yuan couldn't help but smile at this, choosing not to argue and instead followed swiftly behind.

A few minutes into their escape, a thunderous roar echoed from behind them. The noise was deafening, and everyone took notice.

"The Arch Dragon is coming, move it!" Mr. Mo's voice spurred them on, and they quickened their pace.

After nearly half an hour, they were forced to halt in front of a cave formed by a fissure in a rock wall. The cave was just over a meter high and surprisingly roomy. A foul odor wafted out as they approached.

They stopped here because they were in search of a new Gathering Place for the tribe, and it had to be a cave. Discovering one, they were reluctant to pass it by.

"Yuan, what's your take?" Mr. Mo asked, turning to Chen Yuan after a moment of indecision.

"Could this cave be that Wolf Spider's den?" Chen Yuan mused, blinking.

The suggestion took everyone aback, but then their eyes shone with realization.


It hadn't crossed their minds, but considering they hadn't come across any other Strange Beasts along the way, the likelihood that this cave was the Wolf Spider's den was incredibly high!

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