I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C6 Wolf Spider Egg
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C6 Wolf Spider Egg
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C6 Wolf Spider Egg

As the thought crossed their minds, a wave of excitement washed over the group's faces.

Wolf Spider Meat was a delicacy, no doubt, but Wolf Spider Eggs were a gourmet's dream. If this cave was indeed a Wolf Spider Den, the likelihood of finding eggs was high.

Without hesitation, all eyes turned to Mr. Mo, who glanced at Chen Yuan before speaking softly, "Stay here while I check it out. If there's any danger, get out of here fast!"

"Got it!" came the unified response.

"Mr. Mo, take this with you!" Chen Yuan called out from the crowd.

Mr. Mo turned to see Chen Yuan offering his Burning Stick. Without any fuss, he accepted it, gestured for everyone to step back, and then, armed with the Moonlight Stone for light and the Burning Stick, he cautiously entered the cave.

The cave was tight; Mr. Mo had to stoop to move forward, leaving those behind staring at his disappearing shadow, unable to see what lay beyond.

The cave stretched deep, and soon Mr. Mo was out of sight.

Outside, the group kept a watchful eye on their surroundings while peering into the cave's depths. The occasional flicker of light from within reassured them that all was well.

After what felt like the time it took to sip a cup of tea, Mr. Mo's deep voice echoed from within, "Come on in, it's a Wolf Spider Den!"

At his words, excitement surged among those waiting outside. They exchanged looks, and all eyes eventually settled on Chen Yuan. Wudian, with a grin, said, "Chen Yuan, you first!"

"Sure," Chen Yuan nodded and led the way into the cave.

Inside, the stench was overpowering, causing Chen Yuan's face to contort, but he pressed on, inching forward.

Aside from the spider silk, the passage was surprisingly clean, if not for the foul odor.

After crawling several hundred meters, the cave opened up to reveal a vast rock cavern.

Three meters high and stretching over ten meters deep, the cavern was draped in spider silk. Mr. Mo, holding the Moonlight Stone, lit the way for Chen Yuan, who had just arrived. "Little Yuan, take a look, there's plenty to find here," he said with a smile.

Chen Yuan stepped closer and couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Nestled deep in the cave, amidst a tangle of spider silk, branches, and bones, was a nest spanning three meters, nearly a tenth of the cavern's size.

But the real prize was the twenty-plus fist-sized snow-white orbs resting peacefully within the nest.

Even without recognition, Chen Yuan knew—these had to be Wolf Spider Eggs.

Behind him, the sound of footsteps resumed as Wudian and the others filed in. The last person stayed in the tunnel, keeping watch—a clear sign of good safety practices.

Wudian, once inside, grabbed Chen Yuan's arm, pulled him aside, and dashed forward to get a better look. Upon seeing the trove of Wolf Spider Eggs, he couldn't contain his glee, picking one up and planting a kiss on it. "This is the real deal. I'm having roasted eggs tonight. How about you?"

"I want some too!"

"Count me in!"

The group was buzzing with excitement, to the point where they completely overlooked the foul stench permeating the den.

"With this food, we'll be able to venture further out. So, let's pack up these Wolf Spider Eggs. They'll make for a good snack on the road!" Mr. Mo suggested after some thought.

"Sounds good!" The group's excitement was palpable. Wudian, without any hesitation, whipped out a burlap sack from his pocket and began filling it with Wolf Spider Eggs.

Regrettably, the sack was too small and could only fit eight eggs before it bulged at the seams.

Wudian, grinning, clipped the sack to his belt. Another person stepped forward, produced a similar bag, filled it with more eggs, and left the rest for others to carry.

It took four people to manage, but eventually, they packed all the Wolf Spider Eggs into their bags.

Chen Yuan observed their actions in silence from the sidelines, gauging the group's character.

He soon realized that this was routine for them; they had likely been through many such expeditions, as evidenced by the complete lack of squabbling over the food distribution.

"Yuan, since it's your first time out, you might not know that we share the food we gather. Whatever we don't need to bring back, we divide up on the spot. Take as much as you can carry comfortably!" Mr. Mo, noticing Chen Yuan's gaze on Wudian and the others, offered a friendly explanation.

"Got it. What's our next move? Keep going?" Chen Yuan inquired.

"Yes, let's press on. We'll stop for a break and some food in another couple of hours," Mr. Mo replied before leading the way back into the cave and down the tunnel.

Chen Yuan and the rest hurried after him, and the group of six quickly found themselves back in the earthen corridor.

Mr. Mo glanced back at the way they had come and murmured, "We'll continue forward. Going back isn't an option right now, and I'm not sure if the Arch Dragon has left the area."

The group, without objection, resumed their slow trek through the tunnel.

[Ding! If you dig upward in the tunnel about three hundred meters ahead, you might discover an abandoned nest. Take a look inside; you might stumble upon something unexpected!]

The system's prompt echoed once more.

Chen Yuan's face lit up with excitement at the sound. The system had already rewarded him handsomely with Wolf Spider Meat and Eggs, and now it promised more. He was determined to check it out.

After a moment's pause to estimate the distance, Chen Yuan began to advance slowly.

Reaching a spot roughly three hundred meters along, he stopped and peered up at the tunnel's ceiling.

The others, noticing Chen Yuan's peculiar behavior, especially Mr. Mo, couldn't resist asking, "Yuan, what's up? Did you spot something?"

"Not exactly," Chen Yuan casually fibbed. "But I have a hunch there's something around here. Maybe we should take a look?"

Chen Yuan had underestimated the power of suggestion. At his words, the group's excitement surged, their eagerness to search surpassing even Chen Yuan's own.

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