I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C7 Unexpected Gains
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I Cut Gods In Alien Worlds/C7 Unexpected Gains
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C7 Unexpected Gains

In just a short time, one of the men named Duan called out from nearby, "Mr. Mo, Chen Yuan, I think I've spotted a crack in the mud layer over here. Looks like we might be able to dig through!"

"Really?" Chen Yuan was the first to dash over, with the others quickly on his heels.

Gathering around Duan, they indeed noticed that the mud overhead was a different color than the surrounding area. It appeared that something had collapsed there before, and the Arch Dragon had burrowed through it, embedding it into the passage.

"What's our next move? Do we dig?" The group glanced between Chen Yuan and Mr. Mo, uncertain of what to do.

The longer they lingered in the wilderness, the greater the danger they faced.

And digging here was tantamount to a death wish. If the noise of their excavation alerted the nearby Strange Beasts, they wouldn't have enough lives to spare.

"Duan, Wudian, both of you scout the area for any danger. Sound the alarm immediately if you spot anything!" Mr. Mo commanded.

"Got it!" Without hesitation, they set down their Wolf Spider Meat and the bags of Wolf Spider Eggs beside the tunnel and took off in opposite directions.

Now, all eyes were on Chen Yuan.

Unlike the rest, Chen Yuan wasn't concerned. The system had hinted that this was merely an abandoned lair, posing no threat.

With that in mind, Chen Yuan reclaimed the Burning Stick from Mr. Mo and motioned for everyone to step back before he began to dig fervently.

Digging with the Burning Stick was a slow process, but Chen Yuan's strong cultivation meant he didn't tire easily.

After nearly half an hour, he managed to carve out a narrow passageway just big enough for a person to squeeze through.

Above this point, digging wasn't necessary; the cavity was naturally hollow, only the lower section had been clogged with mud.

"Stay here. I'm going up to check it out. Mr. Mo, I'll need to borrow your Moonlight Stone," Chen Yuan announced.

With the Moonlight Stone in hand, Chen Yuan leapt up, grabbed the edge of the hole, and quickly scrambled up. Climbing more than ten meters, he emerged into a cave constructed of mud and stones. A tunnel about thirty to forty centimeters in diameter led off into the unknown. The cave was odorless, a clear sign it had been deserted for some time.

Chen Yuan's attention was soon captured by an item shimmering beneath a pile of sand and stones in the distance.

Under the Moonlight Stone's glow, the object gleamed persistently. He approached, dug around, and unearthed an axe. Its handle was rotted beyond recognition, and rust coated the blade. Yet, a simple sharpening would make it perfectly usable.

This axe was a treasure compared to the assorted junk Mr. Mo and the others had brought.

Chen Yuan grinned, picking up the axe, ready to share his find with the others. But then, a thought struck him. His expression shifted subtly as he drew his Azure Peak Sword from the System Space.

The pristine sheath and finely etched patterns were a stark contrast to the worn and decayed items Chen Yuan was accustomed to, leaving him utterly captivated.

After only a brief glance, Chen Yuan tossed the object into the dirt at his feet and stomped on it repeatedly. Unsatisfied, he grabbed the sword sheath and furiously scraped it against the sand and rocks until it was covered with scratches and caked with soil, finally ceasing his efforts.

Holding the Azure Peak Sword and Mountain Splitting Axe, Chen Yuan called out into the tunnel, "Mr. Mo, everyone, come on up. It's safe!"

Soon, Mr. Mo and the rest joined him, including the lookouts and Wudian. The group began to search the area, with Wudian venturing into the dark tunnel leading outside. He returned after some time, reporting, "There's no danger outside. The tunnel's destination is unclear, but it seems long abandoned."

"Indeed, there's no odd smell here. It must be abandoned," the group murmured, puzzled by Chen Yuan's invitation to explore the deserted cave.

"This isn't a tourist cave, so it's hardly a gathering spot for our tribe," they thought, seeing no point in the visit.

"Mr. Mo, check out what I found in the mud!" Chen Yuan said, presenting the Mountain Splitting Axe and the mud-covered Azure Peak Sword.

"An axe?" Mr. Mo's attention was immediately captured by the axe, so much so that he overlooked the muddy Azure Peak Sword.

He took the axe and swung it, only for the decayed handle to snap instantly. Unfazed, Mr. Mo examined the broken piece, "This is a fine find. A bit of polishing and it'll be an excellent weapon. Yuan, you've made a significant contribution!"

Then, noticing the Azure Peak Sword, he asked, "Did you find this too?"

"Yes, it was buried alongside the axe. What do you think, Mr. Mo?" Chen Yuan replied.

Without hesitation, Mr. Mo inspected the sword and unsheathed it. Astonished by its pristine condition, he said, "This has been buried for who knows how long and not a spot of rust. It's certainly no ordinary weapon—it might even be a Spirit Weapon."

Hearing this, Mr. Mo's eyes sparkled, and he handed the sword back to Chen Yuan. "You found it, and you're the strongest among us. With this sword, our chances of survival just got better."

"Absolutely! It's perfect for Yuan to have it," the others agreed.


"Truthfully, I should return the axe to you, but it'll serve us better in my hands for now," Mr. Mo admitted, his cheeks reddening slightly with embarrassment. "I'll give it back once we're home in the tribe."

"Mr. Mo, please, the axe was a gift to you. Our survival thus far is thanks to your leadership. Besides, I'm not accustomed to using it. With you wielding it, our team's prospects are much improved. And if we come across more fine weapons, we'll aim to equip everyone," Chen Yuan said, grinning.

Upon hearing those words, Mr. Mo's eyes softened considerably as he looked at Chen Yuan. A ripple of cheers and enthusiastic nods spread through the surrounding crowd.

Noticing the group's excitement, Mr. Mo took a moment to reflect before suggesting, "This spot is a rare opportunity for a good rest. Let's take a break for a couple of hours and grab a bite to eat. Once we're well-fed and refreshed, we'll set off again!"

"Sounds good!" came the unanimous response, with heads nodding in agreement.

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