I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C10 Follow Me
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C10 Follow Me
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C10 Follow Me

"Damn it, this isn't true, is it?"

"Did I hear wrong?"

Someone actually sent over 600,000 yuan?

This made the hooligans stunned.

Hsiao Lin calmly walked forward and opened the package.

A dozen notes entered their eyes and made them widen their eyes.

Hsiao Lin took out a dozen notes and muttered, "One, two, three..."

When he counted to thirty, Hsiao Lin raised his head and looked at the few hooligans who were still arrogant a moment ago.

Pointing at Yuan Bing who was sitting on the bed, Hsiao Lin said faintly.

"Here are three hundred thousand yuan. She owes you all!"

"The rest, one, two, three... thirty!"

"These are for your life. You should fulfill your promise just now!"

The man's face turned gloomy as if he had eaten explosives.

Hsiao Lin stood up and looked at the leader of the gangsters with a smile.

"What? You don't want to admit what you just said?"

The gangster obviously didn't want to admit it. He picked up the three hundred thousand yuan on the ground and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, the door was surrounded by security.

Hsiao Lin was a man that even the dean had to respect. When he asked the security guards to step out, naturally no one dared not come.

The security guards of the entire central hospital gathered in front of Yuan Bing's ward, all of them holding a guy in their hands.

"What, you want to leave just like that?"

Hsiao Lin was still standing where he was, looking at the leader who was full of regret.

Yuan Bing did not say anything. She just looked at Hsiao Lin who was standing in front of her seriously.

"Yang, I don't want the three hundred thousand. Let us go!"

The hooligan who was no longer stubborn instantly softened his attitude.


Hsiao Lin smiled.

"Why don't you just say no? Since I have taken it out today, you have to keep it. I will take your life as well!"

Hsiao Lin signaled the security guard to control the leading gangster.


The man fell to his knees. His face was full of fear.

Hsiao Lin took the scalpel from the security guard and slowly approached the thug.

"Brother, I was wrong. I took other people's money and did things for others. It really has nothing to do with me... Please let me go. In the future, I can do anything for you!"

Obviously, this gangster was scared.

"Oh?" Hsiao Lin did not plan to do anything. After all, this was a society ruled by law.

He squatted down and looked at the nervous gangster.

"I can spare your life. But from now on, you will listen to me!

Hsiao Lin's words stunned everyone.

"What's your name?"

Hsiao Lin stood up and let the security guards go down. He asked the leading gangster in front of him.


Qiangzi replied and looked at Hsiao Lin with fear.

"Since your life is mine, follow me in the future."

"Don't do such immoral things anymore. Trust me. How about we make money together?" Hsiao Lin threw away his knife and looked at his first subordinate.

"As long as you are willing, I will make you rich!" Hsiao Lin said affirmatively again. After all, the direction of society was completely in his mind.

The other gangsters all shook their heads. Clearly, they did not believe what Hsiao Lin said.

However, unexpectedly, Qiangzi nodded. His expression was unusually firm.

Qiangzi was a man of justice since he peed. It was only because he did not have a good family background that he did the job of bullying the weak.

Qiangzi was already tired of it.

His nod surprised the subordinates around him.

"Yang, are you really going to follow this kid?"

"Boss Luo, we can't afford to offend you, Big Brother!"

"Let's go back."

The boys panicked. Qiangzi had made up his mind.

"Since I chose to fight him, he is my boss," Qiangzi said.

"If you are willing to stay, then stay. If you are not willing, then leave!"

Qiangzi's tone was firm. He had already regarded Hsiao Lin as his boss.

Hsiao Lin nodded. He really did not see wrongly.

Many factors had already been decided in his previous life.

Qiangzi and Hsiao Lin were only companions on the train in his previous life.

Hsiao Lin clearly remembered that Qiangzi's face was full of helplessness and unwillingness at that time.

When they were out, who didn't want to be successful? It was just that people who didn't have any special skills could only rely on being hired thugs to make a living.

Qiangzi, who had to play a bad role every day, had been living in torment all this time.

Now, since he could meet him earlier, Hsiao Lin had to change.

Qiangzi's attitude, along with his two close brothers, also sided with Hsiao Lin.

The remaining two did not want to offend Fafa Luo, so they turned around and left with the three hundred thousand.

"These three hundred thousand are our start-up funds."

Hsiao Lin looked at the three brothers in front of him with a smile on his face.

Qiangzi was a little surprised. This boss was very generous.

"Qiangzi, your first task is to protect Yuan Bing."

Hsiao Lin had already arranged the roles of the few of them. He knew Yuan Bing's current situation and that there would be an endless stream of debt in the future. How could he be at ease?

Yuan Bing was surprised. Not only did this person know her name, he even sent people to protect her. Could it be that he knew her?

The doubt grew deeper and deeper. Yuan Bing could not help but raise her head to observe Hsiao Lin.

Hsiao Lin's attention had always been on arranging things. Naturally, he did not notice Yuan Bing looking at him.

After instructing Qiangzi to take note of the problem, Hsiao Lin turned around and looked at Yuan Bing.

"Your injuries are not healed yet. Stay here for a while longer!"

Hsiao Lin's eyes were filled with love and Yuan Bing felt a little shy when she saw him.

After dinner, Hsiao Lin stood in front of the bed and watched Yuan Bing sleep before leaving.

In the morning, Hsiao Lin packed up everything. First, he sent his mother to the hospital in the city center. Then, he took a look at Yuan Bing. When he found out that she was fine, he went straight to the Feihu Technology.

On the way, Hsiao Lin called Boss Liu.

"There's a big event today. Come to the Feihu Technology!"

After saying that, Hsiao Lin hung up the phone.

The Porsche flew all the way to the Feihu Technology.

Hsiao Lin parked his car in the underground parking lot and took the elevator directly to the 11th floor.

The entire Feihu Technology was currently in a state of extreme chaos.

Wang Wei sat in his office and looked at his uncle who was frowning with worry. His face was also haggard.

"Uncle, is there any other way?"

He asked the middle-aged man carefully, only to see the middle-aged man's face full of grief and indignation.

"There is no other way, there is no other way. That damn Chen Baoqiang actually ran away with the money. Let laozi catch him! He must be beaten to death..."

But now, no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do.

Hsiao Lin stood at the elevator and listened to the angry roar.

He knew that this was the last chance for Chen Feihu of Feihu Technology to struggle. In the end, because Chen Baoqiang escaped with money, Chen Feihu would be sued and his family would be destroyed.

Hsiao Lin stood at the door of the office. At this moment, no one had the time to stop him.

"Boss Chen, how have you been?"

He pushed open the door and saw Chen Feihu.

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