I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C11 Those Who Believe in Me Stay
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C11 Those Who Believe in Me Stay
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C11 Those Who Believe in Me Stay

"Why are you here? Do you not want to work today?"


Wang Wei was surprised when he saw Hsiao Lin. He looked at him with disdain and rushed to the door to find someone to chase Hsiao Lin out.

Hsiao Lin didn't seem to be in a hurry. He walked in front of Chen Feihu.

"Boss Chen, I'm here to talk about cooperation!"

A partnership?

Chen Feihu and Wang Wei were surprised at the same time. Then, they heard Wang Wei's loud laughter.

"Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"Don't think that you can show off here just because you bought a broken car. Get out of here and don't cause trouble here!"

After saying that, Wang Wei started pushing Hsiao Lin outside.

He had always thought that Hsiao Lin had gotten the respect of Director Zhou because of his luck. Now that this was his territory, how could he let Hsiao Lin gain the upper hand?

Hsiao Lin ignored Wang Wei and took out the black gold card in his hand. He waved it in front of Chen Feihu.

Chen Feihu saw that it was actually "Teng" who stood up.

"Uncle, I don't know where he stole this black gold card from..."

Wang Wei wanted to say something but was slapped again.

No matter how much Chen Feihu doted on his nephew, he had to admit that the black gold card in Hsiao Lin's hand was one of the few in the city.

He knew the black gold card, and on the back of the card was the owner's name.

When Hsiao Lin was shaking just now, he had already seen the two words Hsiao Lin on the back.

"You are Hsiao Lin?"

Chen Feihu had heard of the young man who became rich overnight. He didn't expect that he would meet him today and work with him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that happiness had come too suddenly. How could he let Wang Wei cause trouble again?

"Yes, I came to talk to you about the matter of acquiring the Feihu Technology."


Chen Feihu and Wang Wei were surprised at the same time. The Feihu Technology was obviously an empty shell, so why would anyone be willing to buy it?

"Boss Chen, you don't need to doubt me. I'm here to buy Feihu." After saying that, Hsiao Lin took a step forward and pushed Wang Wei, who was standing in front of him.

"Boss Chen, your business philosophy is very attractive to me. That's why I'm willing to work with you. Also, this company still has a chance to rise."

Hsiao Lin looked at the current situation of Feihu Technology. Sure enough, they were like loose sand.

"Hsiao Lin, if you really have a way to make the Feihu Technology rise again, I'll listen to you."

Chen Feihu used all his heart and blood to run this company. How could he bear to let it be destroyed?

Hsiao Lin nodded. Under Wang Wei's disbelieving gaze, he walked to the desk at the side.

"How many other bosses can we contact?"

After all, the technology company relied on the trust of other companies.

Now that the manager of Feihu Technology had fled with money, his credibility had been reduced to the lowest.

Chen Feihu shook his head helplessly. Feihu's company was now in a dead end.

Hsiao Lin frowned slightly and dialed Boss Liu's number again.

"Brother Xiao, I'm on my way. I'll be there immediately!"

Boss Liu looked anxious and urged the driver to hurry up.

"Boss Liu, do you have any other bosses to introduce you to?"

"The small bosses in the mall can do it!"

He knew what he was going to do.

"Little Boss?"

There were too many people like this. But what was the point of having them?

Boss Liu could not figure it out, but he could not figure out what was going on in Hsiao Lin's mind.

He responded to Hsiao Lin's words and then contacted the small bosses who rented the shop at his own mall.

In less than ten minutes, Boss Liu brought a group of his subordinates into the Feihu Technology.

"Boss Liu, you said that you wanted to give us a chance to start a business, right here?"

"The scandal of the Feihu Technology has spread like wildfire. How dare you work with him?"

"We don't want to work with someone who doesn't have any credibility. Boss Liu, you better forget about it."

When these rental bosses arrived at the entrance of the Feihu Technology, they turned around and left.

This really made Boss Liu anxious. This was the first time he had taken such a risk.

He anxiously took out his phone and called Hsiao Lin.

"Mr Hisao, hurry up and deal with them. They don't want to cooperate with the Feihu Technology anymore. I can't stop them..."

The voice was so loud that Chen Feihu could hear it clearly.

He sighed helplessly and lost his confidence again.

Hsiao Lin stood up and pulled Chen Feihu to the elevator.

All the employees were stunned by this scene.

"Who is this person? How dare he treat our Director Chen like this?"

"Yeah, look at Director Chen, he seems to listen to him very much!"

"Is he our new boss?"

"In your dreams. Our company is like this. I don't think we can afford to pay him. He is our new boss..." said Wang Yao.

Everyone was talking about the future of Feihu Technology, but only Chen Feihu felt depressed.

Very quickly, the two of them walked down the elevator. Boss Liu had just forced the merchants who were about to leave to stay.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

Hsiao Lin stretched out his hand and looked at the people in front of him.

"I invited all of you here today for the sake of future business development."

"In the future, it will definitely be the era of electronics and technology. That's why we need to seize this opportunity to have a better development. Don't you agree?"

The era of electronics?

To the people of ten years ago, this was a completely foreign term.

Therefore, Hsiao Lin's words made everyone frown.

Hsiao Lin took out his phone and opened a chat app.

"Just like online chatting, the meaning of our electronic era is to let people all over the country see our products and do business with us through computers."

Before he could finish, there were already people questioning him.

"Stop daydreaming. How could there be such a thing?"

"That's right, do you think this Earth is circling around you?"

"Boss Liu, who do you know?" Boss Liu asked. Did you come out of a mental hospital?"

Someone pointed the blame at Boss Liu. Boss Liu's face was full of disbelief.

This matter was truly impossible to achieve.

"I won't do it. I won't take such a risk."

That big sister immediately turned around and left.

"I don't want to take such a risk either. Forget it."

"That's right. Don't say that this project isn't reliable. Even this person isn't reliable!"

The group of people looked at Chen Feihu who was standing at the side. He had been so arrogant back then. Now, he was in dire straits.

"How about this? If any of you can do it with me, you can stay here."

"Of course, I won't let you take too much risk in the beginning. All of you are within your acceptable range. How about it?"

Hsiao Lin didn't insist anymore. He just showed everyone his cards and let them choose.

Soon, more than half of the merchants had left.

Hsiao Lin frowned deeply. In fact, he had enough money to fill the gap, but he had to pull in some investments. Only then would there be a guarantee.

Boss Liu was also a little hesitant. He had never seen such an investment method before.

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