I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C12 Investment
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C12 Investment
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C12 Investment

Hsiao Lin saw through Boss Liu's worry and tried to persuade him.

"Fresh things have to go through such a stage!"

"Since everyone is not interested, let's do it ourselves." After saying that, Hsiao Lin turned around and prepared to return to Feihu Technology to prepare for the next step.

"Wait, I choose to invest!"

A young woman in a navy blue coat stood in front of Hsiao Lin.

Hsiao Lin was surprised. He turned around and looked at the woman behind him.

Could it be that something had changed?

The woman was wearing light makeup. Although she was wearing plain clothes, she had a different temperament.

"Boss Liu treats me very well. I'm willing to trust him once!"

Liu Ping turned around and nodded to Boss Liu, who was beside her, and continued to speak.

"Your suggestion is very fresh. I also want to make a bet to see if I am going to make a fortune!"

Her simple words gave Hsiao Lin confidence again.

"Sister Liu, don't worry. The first one I created was you!"

The other hesitant businessmen had basically all received Boss Liu's favor. After hearing Liu Ping's words, they all went forward and agreed to invest.

However, Liu Ping was the only one who had passed in terms of image.

He asked Chen Feihu to arrange for all these people to enter the meeting room.

According to the information provided by Feihu Technology, the company only had Feihu app under its name.

There were only tens of thousands of users on the app, so it couldn't support the traffic at all.

Plus, the people who operated the software didn't know how to operate at all, so the software became unpopular as soon as it was released. No one cared about it at all.

During the meeting, Hsiao Lin used five million to fill in the gaps in the Feihu Technology. Then, he took out five million and started operating the software.

"Brother Chen, send someone to arrange the press conference immediately. Go and attend it. Do as I say."

"First of all, it means that the Feihu Technology's failure this time is because Chen Baoqiang escaped with money. It has nothing to do with the development project.

" Second, tell all the reporters that we are going to launch a live broadcast dating system! "

Although Chen Feihu did not understand, he nodded in agreement.

"Can Wang Wei use it?"

Hsiao Lin looked at Chen Feihu with a smile on his face.

Chen Feihu glanced at Wang Wei, who had a confused look on his face.

From the time they greeted each other, he had already guessed that there was a conflict between the two of them.

However, Hsiao Lin was the only person who could save the Feihu Technology. How could he dare to disobey?

"Of course!"

"Wang Wei, from now on, you will listen to Brother Hsiao Lin!"

Wang Wei was a little confused. He looked at Hsiao Lin with an ugly expression.

"Next, Wang Wei will look for some media channels. The more the better. After all, we don't lack money."

A sentence comforted everyone present.

If they didn't lack money, then they would do it to the end!

"You guys, pull out a eloquent sales guide from your subordinates. Of course, beautiful first priority."

The few of them nodded and went back to pick their employees.

Hsiao Lin arranged everything and went straight to the technical department.

Chen Feihu actively followed Hsiao Lin's instructions and started to prepare the information.

Although Wang Wei was unwilling, he followed Hsiao Lin's instructions and drove out to contact the media.

After all, he had played outside for so many years and knew many reporters.

The media was interested in when the Feihu Technology would go bankrupt. They were all willing to come when they heard Wang Wei's invitation.

After completing the mission, Wang Wei drove back to the Feihu Technology proudly. He heard from his secretary that Hsiao Lin was still in the technical department and did not come out.

His disdain for Hsiao Lin deepened. As expected, he didn't have much ability.

"Yes, you must be able to face many people alone!"

"Just like on TV. We will act here. They can watch the live broadcast!"

Hsiao Lin explained to the development department. After all, video calls were not popular at this time. Hsiao Lin could only try his best to explain.

Wang Wei stood at the door of the technical department and waited for Hsiao Lin to come out. He started to mock him.

"Hsiao Lin, can you do it?"

Of course Wang Wei would not forget the humiliation Hsiao Lin gave him at the 4S shop.

How could he let such a person climb up his head?

Hsiao Lin glanced at the man who stopped him behind him.

"If you don't want to be the young master of Feihu Technology, you can do as I say!"


Wang Wei was speechless.

Of course, he couldn't adapt to the life of ordinary people. He had to admit that Hsiao Lin was the only person who could help the Feihu Technology.

He could only shut his mouth and not say anything else.

Boss Liu had been waiting in the office. When he saw Hsiao Lin enter, he quickly got up.

"Mr Hisao, what software are you going to do? Making friends?"

Boss Liu, who was a conservative person, naturally could not understand what Hsiao Lin was thinking.

Hsiao Lin took out the smartphone he had just switched out.

"Look, the software we are going to research is very similar to the Internet chatroom."

Boss Liu listened carefully.

Hsiao Lin told Boss Liu all his thoughts and plans.

"Nowadays, people who are single are all fantasizing about finding a good and obedient wife or husband, but the reality is not satisfactory. We can't give each of them an ideal partner."

"So, we created such a person for them so that they can spend their spare time on us. " When the traffic starts to increase, there will be more people. These people will become our future customers. "

Hsiao Lin's explanation made Boss Liu confused. He was already in his forties, so he had long lost the thoughts of these young people.

"Alright, alright. You can arrange this. I will give one million as start-up funds. I hope we can succeed."

Hsiao Lin smiled and agreed to Boss Liu's words.

Watching Boss Liu leave, Hsiao Lin looked at the time. It was already night.

He got off the elevator and drove straight to the hospital.

Yuan Bing stayed in the hospital obediently for the whole day. The doctors and nurses were very concerned about Yuan Bing because of Hsiao Lin.

Hsiao Lin walked all the way to the ward and happened to see Yuan Bing sitting on the bed looking down at the magazine.

On the page of the magazine, there were many women with heavy makeup and makeup. They were beautiful and bright.

"Do you like colored makeup?"

Hsiao Lin tried to ask. In his previous life, Yuan Bing did not have a choice at all.

Because of her family background, Yuan Bing forced herself to work and earn money. She had a sad life.

Yuan Bing looked up in surprise and closed the magazine. She did not say anything.

"I happen to have a project right now. I lack makeup artists. Do you want to try?"

Hsiao Lin probed the woman in front of him. He knew Yuan Bing's personality. She would not ask him for help easily.

"If you want to try, I will send you to train first. When you learn, I will arrange work for you. What do you think?"

Hsiao Lin put the dinner he had bought aside and waited for Yuan Bing's reply.

Yuan Bing was silent for a moment and quickly nodded her head in agreement.

Hsiao Lin called Wang Wei. After all, he was the best at these things.

This time, Wang Wei did not complain and readily agreed.

When Qiangzi and the others came back from their meal, Hsiao Lin asked them to go to the Feihu Technology directly. Although the publicity on the Internet was very important, they had to catch it online.

Hsiao Lin had already arranged for the publicity department to design a poster. He asked Qiangzi and the others to go over and distribute the poster according to the arrangement.

Qiangzi and the others turned around and left. Without hesitation, they went straight to the Feihu Technology.

Everything was arranged. Yuan Bing should be discharged today.

Hsiao Lin finished the discharge procedures. He originally wanted Yuan Bing to come to his house to stay, but thinking that Yuan Bing would not agree, he decided to fight for a single room for Yuan Bing in the Feihu Technology.

After arranging everything, he left a few hundred yuan of pocket money for Yuan Bing.

"When everything is settled here, our company will send you to train. When the time comes, learn well. The treatment will not be a problem."

Yuan Bing nodded gratefully and watched Hsiao Lin leave.

Hsiao Lin did not stay idle. He went back to the company and began to pick the prep live streamers he needed.

First of all, he had to find the person who knew how to chat, the person who loved to talk among these people.

However, because he had to do a live broadcast later, he had to pass in terms of looks.

After an hour, he finally picked the first candidate.

Hsiao Lin looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

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