I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C20 Rescue
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C20 Rescue
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C20 Rescue

The next day, more than ten hours after the news of Chen Baoqiang's death came from the car accident, something unexpected happened to Hsiao Lin.

A headline read, "A senior executive of Feihu Technology escaped with money and died in a car accident." It was the headline of a certain financial newspaper that day.

After that, a few smaller media outlets published similar news one after another.

In just a day's time, this news spread and caused a huge commotion.

Moreover, a day later, the live broadcast platform established by Young Director Wang released a new advertisement.

"A reliable live broadcast platform will let you reach the peak of your life."

Rumors that were detrimental to the Feihu Technology spread all over the internet. The netizens started discussing among themselves.

"Have you heard? The senior executive of the Feihu Technology ran away with the money, but he didn't manage to get the money back."

"The Feihu Technology can't make ends meet. They don't have any money left."

Sigh, isn't the host of the Feihu Technology going to be in trouble? I thought this company had created a miracle, but in the end..."

Filled with gossip, the employees of the Feihu Technology as well as the beautiful live streamer who had come to apply for the job were all in a panic.

At this moment, as soon as Hsiao Lin stepped into the company, Chen Feihu rushed in front of him.

"Hsiao Lin is in trouble. Chen Baoqiang's news has affected the recruitment of the company's live streamer."

Chen Feihu remembered pacing back and forth and said, "If this continues, perhaps the company that came to work with us will regret it."

Just as he was reporting to Hsiao Lin, a group of people who came to apply for a live streamer surrounded him.

Actually, when Hsiao Lin came to the company today, he realized that the number of applicants was much less than the previous few days.

"Director Hsiao, you finally came. The Feihu Technology is about to close down, so why are you still hiring?"

"That's right. Don't tell me you're going to cheat us of our hard-earned money and run away."

The group of people kept chattering. Although Chen Feihu was anxious, he was helpless.

Facing the questions of the applicants, he could only try his best to comfort them.

"Don't panic, everyone. The Feihu Technology will handle it well. It won't affect your benefits."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, one of the women harrumphed coldly.

"Humph, what guarantee do you have? Young Director Wang's live broadcast platform has a large company backing it up. It's much more reliable than your Feihu Technology!"

"Everyone, hurry up and disperse. This is a handbag company."

As the woman spoke, Hsiao Lin's gaze immediately fell on her.

As a streamer, this woman was quite old. She looked to be in her thirties.

She had a thick layer of powder on her face and was wearing heavy makeup.

He also noticed that the woman had a jade bracelet in her right hand.

The bracelet was glossy and glossy. It was quite expensive, and the pearl necklace under the woman's neck was faintly visible.

This woman did not seem to be someone who would come to be a female streamer and make quick money by showing her face.

The most important thing was that Hsiao Lin remembered seeing this person on TV in his previous life. He had attended the press conference of Little Wang's company as the organizer of the event.

Therefore, women were obviously here to instigate and create trouble.

Thinking of this, Hsiao Lin walked to the woman's side and sneered.

"If you don't want to work for the Feihu Technology, you can get lost."

"You..." The woman's face turned red. "With a boss like you, no wonder..."


Before the woman could finish her sentence, she was slapped on the face.

Chen Feihu widened his eyes. The other applicants were also furious.

But at this moment, Hsiao Lin said coldly.

"Isn't it good to plan your activities in the company? Why do you have to come to my territory and behave atrociously?"

"I understand what you're talking about..."

"No, you understand. He went back to tell Young Director Wang. I, Hsiao Lin, will never lower my head and admit defeat to him."

Hsiao Lin's eyes were cold. "Are you still not going to leave? I will not be polite to you. Business spies have to take legal responsibility."

The woman's face alternated between green and red. But she knew she was in the wrong, so she snorted and left.

Seeing the woman's reaction, the others finally reacted. Hsiao Lin's words were eighty percent true.

However, this couldn't solve the problem of the Feihu Technology's huge deficit.

At this time, Hsiao Lin spoke seriously to everyone.

"I can guarantee everyone that the Feihu Technology won't mistreat the live streamers under their banner."

"As for those rumors, don't worry. The company has only lost a small sum of money because of them. " Also, we will recover the stolen money as soon as possible. "

"If you still don't want to stay, I won't force you. But I hope you guys can think it through. The competition to become a live streamer in a big company is very intense. You can consider the amount of benefits that fall into your hands. "

Everyone present clearly felt that what Hsiao Lin said was very reasonable. For a moment, no one refuted him.

Returning to the office, Hsiao Lin thought for a long time alone.

Although he had temporarily stabilized the emotions of the applicants, Chen Baoqiang's matter had a very bad influence on the company. They had to resolve it as soon as possible.

Furthermore, Hsiao Lin went through the entire matter in his mind again. His thoughts gradually became clear.

In his previous life, Chen Baoqiang's death had indeed affected the Feihu Technology greatly, but it was not as it was now.

Many media outlets were scrambling to report this matter, and it caused a heated discussion among the people. Furthermore, the speed at which the rumors spread was so fast that it was hard to believe.

Even if the Feihu Technology was the first one to create an online live broadcast, it was still an unremarkable small company in the industry, and it was not worth the media to publicize it.

Unless, this was the result someone wanted to see.

Combined with Young Director Wang's new advertisement and the woman today.

Hsiao Lin instantly understood. He was afraid that the rumors about the company's shortfall would spread so quickly, and it had something to do with Young Director Wang.

Just as he was thinking about this, Chen Feihu also entered the office.

At this time, Chen Feihu's forehead was full of cold sweat. When he saw Hsiao Lin, he said anxiously.

"Luckily Hsiao Lin came in time today. This Chen Baoqiang still wants to cause trouble for me after he's dead."

"Your mother must have owed him in her previous life. She came to ask for my debt."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hsiao Lin suddenly looked at him and asked.

"Did you find anything about Chen Baoqiang?"

Chen Feihu sighed. "Sigh. After all, we found him. We did find some."

"Can you get back the money Chen Baoqiang took?"

"It's difficult." Chen Feihu frowned. "I know Chen Baoqiang took away the money because he owed a loan out there."

"He paid the money back and transferred the rest to his wife's account."

"Even if he took back the money, I'm afraid he doesn't have much left. What's more, he's already..."

"No matter how much money I can get back, I must get it."

Hsiao Lin looked serious.

"As long as we can get the money back, no matter how much it is, we can announce it to the public."

"So the reason why we want the money back is not all for the stolen money. More importantly, it is to stop the people from slowly recovering the company's reputation."

Chen Feihu also came to his senses at this time and answered seriously, "I understand. I will handle this matter myself."

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