I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C24 The Beautiful Woman Invited Them to Dinner
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C24 The Beautiful Woman Invited Them to Dinner
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C24 The Beautiful Woman Invited Them to Dinner

Yuan Bing walked into the chairman's office, feeling dejected. She felt sorry for the opportunity Hsiao Lin gave her.

Seeing her like this, Hsiao Lin could not help but feel pity in his heart. How about returning the money for her?

Although he had used all the money in his hands to invest, it would not be a problem after the funds were recovered.

"I can do it. Let's try again." Yuan Bing bit her lips and mustered her courage to say, "I will definitely do it. Trust me."

Hsiao Lin swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Yuan Bing was a strong woman. She had already accepted a lot of help from him. If he insisted on helping her repay her debt, it would definitely hurt her self-esteem.

Thinking of this, Hsiao Lin gave up on the idea of helping her repay her debt. Since this would not work, then he would help her do a live broadcast.

"Okay, let's try again." Hsiao Lin nodded with a smile and said, "Do you have any ideas? Do you have any experience in this live broadcast?"

Yuan Bing heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, she clenched her fists and quickly summarized the flaws of this live broadcast.

She was born into a wealthy family and her quality was not bad. It was just that she was not used to the first live broadcast and could not pull herself down. She was too nervous to cause the current result.

"Her voice was too soft, so she did not take out any special talents..."

Chief Lin, she had said more than ten words in an instant. In the end, her voice became lower and lower, and she felt that she was really terrible.

When she saw Hsiao Lin holding back his laughter, her face instantly turned red.

Hsiao Lin also knew that she was embarrassed. He looked away and adjusted his expression. He said, "I believe you can do better. Let's plan the content of the live broadcast. What do you think?"

Yuan Bing raised her head and looked at Hsiao Lin with sparkling eyes. She believed that Hsiao Lin could help her with the live broadcast.

Because the live broadcast was his pioneer.

"What should I do?" Yuan Bing asked impatiently.

"How many choices do you have..."

Hsiao Lin gave an example of some of the later generations' live broadcasts, from talent to food and clothing.

After the conversation, not only did Yuan Bing find the direction of the live broadcast, Hsiao Lin also sorted out his thoughts. He thought of how to arrange the live broadcast content and attract the audience.

The traffic was the king, and the cash flow was the money in his pocket.

"Alright, let's arrange it like this."

Hsiao Lin patted Yuan Bing. Seeing that she was still in high spirits, he wished he could talk more and make her famous tomorrow.

If Hsiao Lin did not know that Yuan Bing did not want to be famous but wanted to repay her debts, he would have thought that this girl was going to do a live broadcast.

Yuan Bing was full of confidence. She raised her fist and said, "Alright, we will do as you said. We will definitely do it."

Seeing how she trusted him so much, Hsiao Lin's heart began to stir. Suddenly, he grasped a trace of inspiration and opened his mouth to invite her.

"I helped you. As a thank you, treat me to dinner."

Since they had known each other in this life, they had never eaten together. Hsiao Lin did not want to let go of such a good atmosphere and opportunity.

Yuan Bing subconsciously touched her wallet. She still had some money in her hands, but it was only enough to eat roadside stalls. Dozens of yuan was the limit.

Hsiao Lin was the chairman, so he wouldn't go to roadside stalls, would he?

But if she didn't treat him to dinner, she felt very embarrassed. Hsiao Lin had helped her a lot.

Those three hundred thousand debts...

Forget it. Let's go to the roadside stall first. When she got the first bucket of money from the live broadcast, she would treat him to a big meal.

"The roadside stall, are you going or not?" Yuan Bing said generously.

"Then we will see who we are going with." Hsiao Lin said happily, "With a beauty like you, you can just sit on the roadside and eat some mantou."

It was not like he had never eaten roadside stalls in his previous life, especially barbecue. He had invited a group of friends to barbecue and drink beer. It was also a rare time for him to enjoy himself.

Hsiao Lin drove a Porsche and drove Yuan Bing to the lively night market.

BBQ stalls and large stalls were already open for business. They were bustling with activity. They heard many people calling their friends and ordering wine and dishes.

Hsiao Lin drove the Porsche around and finally chose a barbecue place called Liu Mao.

"How about this one?" Hsiao Lin asked Yuan Bing's opinion.

Yuan Bing rarely ate roadside stalls or large stalls in the past. All the restaurants she went to were star hotels.

Later on, her family went bankrupt and naturally could not continue living like that. However, in order to pay off her debts, she had to consider the thickness of her wallet when eating roadside stalls.

Therefore, she was not familiar with the night market. As long as Hsiao Lin said it was okay.

"You decide." Yuan Bing said.

Hsiao Lin parked the car nearby and brought Yuan Bing into the barbecue restaurant. They sat on the outdoor tables and chairs.

"Fatty An, order!" Hsiao Lin shouted skillfully.

"Yo, Hsiao Lin?"

The fat Mao An who was cooking the barbecue poked his head out and said in surprise.

Mao An had grown fat since he was young. He grew fat whenever he ate. From what he said, drinking cold water could also make three pounds of meat.

"What do you want to eat? It wasn't easy for me to come here. Today, I'll treat you!"

Mao An and Hsiao Lin were high school classmates. The two of them had a good time in junior high school and had dropped out of school together.

However, after Mao An took over the barbecue stall at home, Hsiao Lin went to work. It had been a long time since they last saw each other.

"Then I won't be polite." Hsiao Lin said with a smile, "Give me some of each. Anything expensive."

"My treat." Yuan Bing looked at Hsiao Lin and said seriously.

Since she had agreed, she must do it no matter how much she ate.

Mao An brought a few bottles of beer over and glanced at Yuan Bing. His big round face raised his eyebrows and said.

"This is sister-in-law?"

Yuan Bing's face immediately turned red. She lowered her head and did not refute.

Hsiao Lin did not explain. He only asked, "Do you look good?"

Mao An teased. "Yes, you look good. It's just that you don't deserve her."

"Get lost." Hsiao Lin laughed. "I'm poor today. Do you believe me?"

Mao An did not want to be outdone. At this time, someone called for the bill. He called for the bill and ran over.

However, the table suddenly became noisy.

"Such a small amount of food, so expensive, and not delicious!"

The one who spoke was Yellow Hair. He looked like he was eighteen or nineteen years old. He was hugging a girl, and beside him were three young men of similar age.

"It's cheaper. What about 20% discount?"

"Yeah. Our Brother Dong said this price. He still doesn't want to make a big deal."

"Otherwise, I'll smash your stall!"

One look and one could tell that it was a group of delinquent students, a chuunibyou who hadn't been beaten up by society.

However, Fatty An was a businessman and paid attention to harmony to make money. He also knew that the little ghosts were difficult to deal with. It was fine if he lost this table.

"Okay, I'll treat you this time." Mao An smiled politely and said, "We can't do this next time."

Yellow Hair was unhappy. He flipped the table and said, "What do you mean? Who are you looking down on?"

"I look down on you." Hsiao Lin walked over and stood side by side with Mao An. "I'll give you a 20% discount. Hurry up and get lost!"

Mao An stifled a laugh when he heard that. What 20% discount? If he scolded someone, it would be 250%.

Yellow Hair obviously did not understand, but when he saw Mao An's expression, he reacted. He picked up a chair and threw it at Hsiao Lin's head.

"Yellow Hair, what are you doing? Who are you hitting?! This is our Director Hsiao!" Qiangzi led five men and rushed over. He grabbed Yellow Hair and shouted.

Yellow Hair was scared silly and replied with a trembling voice.

"Ah? Is this your boss, Director Hsiao? Brother Qiang, this... is all a misunderstanding."

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