I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C5 Buy Clothes for My Mother
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I Earned Tens of Millions After Rebirth/C5 Buy Clothes for My Mother
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C5 Buy Clothes for My Mother

Wang Ping never thought that the final outcome would be like this.

This Hsiao Lin family that she looked down on actually had such great power that it made her husband lose his job.

The reason why she could live so freely and arrogantly was because her husband had a monthly salary of more than 100,000 yuan. In addition to the annual salary of a million yuan, there were also various kinds of bonuses.

Money was the only condition that supported her luxurious life.

She did not dare to imagine what her life would become after her husband lost his job, and how much temper her husband would have.

"Sister, ah, no, my dearest sister. Hsiao Lin. I beg of you. I was wrong. I was really wrong."

Wang Ping was in despair after receiving her husband's call.

As she begged for mercy, she even knelt on the ground and started crying while hugging Hsiao Lin's thigh.

"Get lost."

Hsiao Lin had no intention of taking pity on her. Being rich did not mean that he would become arrogant and arrogant, but one advantage of being rich was that he no longer needed to be hypocritical and endure these meaningless social interactions.

There was no need for such a scumbag and scumbag to date at all.

"Hsiao Lin, Hsiao Lin, I beg of you." Wang Ping was still pleading for mercy, but she did not know that Hsiao Lin already hated her personality. No matter how much she begged for mercy, the outcome would be the same.

After pleading bitterly and fruitless, Wang Ping was finally pushed out of the house by Hsiao Lin, leaving Hsiao's mother in the room with a shocked expression.

"Hsiao Lin, do you really know the boss?" Hsiao's mother asked curiously.

Hsiao's mother did not have to endure the anger. She did not have to take out her beloved stamp. She was naturally happy at the moment.

"Yes. Not only do I know him, I have also helped him a lot. Mom, I forgot to tell you that your son made a lot of money by investing in stocks. There is a total of 800,000 yuan. Our family does not lack money now. Don't worry." Hsiao Lin held Hsiao's mother's hand and said.

Really? "

Hsiao's mother was so excited that tears fell down. Hsiao Lin sat down and explained for a long time before persuading Hsiao's mother.

Of course, Hsiao Lin would not tell her that he had 25 million yuan. He was afraid that it would be too shocking and would cause his parents to misunderstand.

"Mom, quit your job starting tomorrow and take care of Dad full-time. I have arranged the best ward for Dad. The best medicine and doctors have all been upgraded to VIP. There is also a single bedroom for family members in the ward. You can also rest there."

"Okay, okay."

Hsiao's mother agreed readily. She looked at Hsiao Lin with pride and love.

She worked during the day and accompanied Hsiao Lin at night. She was already very tired. Hsiao's mother did not know how proud and touched Hsiao's mother was that her son could help her free herself from the pressure.

The next day Hsiao Lin took his mother to quit her job and bought a few sets of clothes in the mall.

For her father's illness, the family of three had not bought any new clothes for nearly half a year. Now that Hsiao Lin had money, he naturally wouldn't be stingy with his parents.

Moreover, Hsiao Lin himself still had a few business deals to discuss later. Even if he didn't wear branded clothes, at least he couldn't wear such shabby clothes.

After entering the mall, he went shopping with his mother to buy clothes. Although this wasn't the first time, Hsiao Lin wasn't as bored as he used to be this time. He came back from transmigration and came back to life again. What Hsiao Lin wanted to do the most in this life was to show respect to his parents.

He swore that he would cure his father's illness in this life and let his parents live a life where they didn't need to worry about food and clothing.

Hsiao's mother walked around for a while but did not buy a single piece. Suddenly, she saw a piece of clothing in front of the window. She stood rooted to the ground, her eyes full of nostalgia and desire.

"This piece of clothing is quite similar to the one I did not buy when I went shopping with your dad last time. Other than the pattern of the sleeves, everything else seems to be different. Your dad and I especially like it but unfortunately it is too expensive and cannot afford it."

"Come, let's go take a look." Hsiao Lin pulled his mother and left.

"No, this is the window again. None of the clothes in the window are cheap. Let's take another look. Let's take another look." Hsiao's mother quickly pulled Hsiao Lin back.

"No, I want that one. Let's go. I'll bring you to buy it."

Hsiao Lin ignored his mother's obstruction and walked straight into the shop. The two sales assistants took two steps closer. When they saw the set of clothes Hsiao Lin and Hsiao's mother were wearing, they walked away with disdain.

With their many years of experience as salesgirls, people like Hsiao Lin who wore clothes that had obviously been washed more than a hundred times and had faded colors and loose clothes could only buy two or three hundred yuan worth of clothes even if they were paid. The clothes in this shop cost more than a thousand yuan. It was absolutely impossible to buy them.

"Don't you have shop assistants in your shop?" Hsiao Lin could not get the clothes in the window, so he shouted with slight displeasure.

"Here it comes."

The shopping guide did not have a good attitude. He came up and looked at Hsiao Lin. He looked at the beggar and said, "Which one do you like? Even if the clothes here are discounted, they cost at least 500 yuan. You guys can take a look. Don't touch it if you don't want to buy it."

Hsiao Lin frowned. He didn't expect the salesperson's attitude to be so bad. He had thought that he would be despised, but such a direct insult still made Hsiao Lin angry.

"Let's go, son." Hsiao's mother was actually scared by the salesperson and pulled Hsiao Lin away.

When the shopping guide saw Hsiao's mother acting like a country bumpkin, the look of disdain on her face became even more unrestrained.

"I want the one in the window. Please take it for me." Hsiao Lin said calmly.

The shopping guide even laughed contemptuously this time. "The one in the window? That one costs 1500 yuan, a discount of 1200 yuan. Are you guys here to take pictures? If you don't want to buy it, don't wear it. Don't disturb our business. Take a look at the clothes you're wearing. "I don't see any decent clothes that are over 50. Why are you still here to buy this?"

"You're the shop assistant, and I'm a customer. You just need to get me some clothes to earn some commission. There's no need to talk so much nonsense." Hsiao Lin was not polite.

"I am afraid you will dirty our clothes. It will be hard for us to sell them. If you can't afford it, then go out earlier. There's a pedestrian street on the right when you go out. It's cheap there. "

"How can there be a shop assistant like you? Where is your manager? Let the manager talk to me." Hsiao Lin's eyes were sharp and his attitude was strong. The manager was surprised.

"You need to find the manager, right? Sure, go ahead. Cousin, someone is causing trouble here."


So that was the case. No wonder he had such a big temper. It turned out that he was using his power to bully others. Hsiao Lin wanted to see. The manager is not a man of business.

In less than half a minute, a man walked out of the office. Hsiao Lin was stunned when he saw that.

"Zhang Dongke?"

What a coincidence.

A trace of a smile appeared on Hsiao Lin's face, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

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