I'm Immortal King/C6 Kicking House
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I'm Immortal King/C6 Kicking House
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C6 Kicking House

"These bastards."

When Lin Xiwen heard that the people from Tenghwa Martial Arts School had come to Gao De's Kick again, his expression immediately darkened.

Tenghwa Martial Arts School and Gao De Martial Arts School are the same, they are both ranked as one of the Four Major Academies.

However, due to the fact that Tenghwa Martial Arts School had emerged victorious in the recent University Tournament, the number of students they were recruiting had increased year by year. Some good seedlings that trained in martial arts would often make Tenghwa Martial Arts School their first choice.

In addition to the fact that the Gao De Martial Arts School was not well managed, the gap between his and the Tenghwa Martial Arts School's strength grew wider and wider.

It was precisely because of this that the teachers and students of Tenghwa Martial Arts School became increasingly arrogant in front of the people of Gao De Martial Arts School these past two years.

Every once in a while, they would send someone to use Gao De Martial Arts School and exchange pointers with each other to humiliate him.

Who would have thought that this group of bastards would come here without any sense of shame right before the start of the university competition?

"Who brought the team this time?" Lin Xiwen quickly adjusted his condition. The girl reporting the message asked.

"It's Instructor Zhao Jianhua and Zhao." "This time, over twenty people, including the instructor and the students, have come here from the Tenghwa Martial Arts School, which is more than ever before."

"Bastard." After hearing the news, Lin Xiwen clenched his fists tightly.

"Teacher Lin, Instructor Zhao has already brought some people to the meeting room. He asked to see you by name. Are you going or not?"

"Go, how can we not go?" Although Lin Xiwen couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of meeting with Zhao Jianhua, as the person with the most power in Gao De Martial Arts School other than the Principal, she had an unavoidable responsibility.

Just when Lin Xiwen was about to go to the meeting room to meet Zhao Jianhua, he saw Ye Changsheng walk out of the library.

Ye Changsheng spent the whole afternoon in the library absorbing all kinds of information, trying to get a complete understanding of the new world in front of him.

"Instructor Lin." Although Lin Xiwen was not friendly with him before, Ye Changsheng had never been willing to argue with a woman, not to mention that the other party was his colleague. After meeting him, he still greeted him.

"Ye Changsheng!"

When Lin Xiwen looked at Ye Changsheng and saw him approaching him step by step, he recalled the words he heard in the office earlier.

This guy actually defeated sixty or seventy first year students by himself?

If this was true, then how terrifying was his skill?

Could it be that the principal was not recommending a relative, but a real talent?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiwen's heart was touched.

"I heard that you defeated sixty or seventy boys in class by yourself in the afternoon. Did something like this really happen?"

"Is that strange?" Seeing that Lin Xiwen seemed to be questioning her, Ye Changsheng looked at her and said, "If I can't even handle a bunch of brats, what qualifications do I have to be their instructor?"

Seeing that Ye Changsheng had not only personally confirmed the matter, but had also said it so casually, Lin Xiwen's gaze instantly became passionate.

"Come with me, and solve a problem with me."

"Where to? "What trouble?"

After hearing the question, Lin Xiwen briefly explained the grudge between Gao De Martial Arts School s and himself.

From this explanation, Ye Changsheng also found out that the College Entrance Examination was going to take place in a week's time.

"Teng Hua's people are so arrogant." After understanding what happened, Ye Changsheng squinted his eyes.

"Yeah." Speaking of Teng Hua's people, Lin Xiwen felt his anger rise, "In the past two years, our Tenghwa Martial Arts School relied on more talented people than us. On the surface, and in private, we were bullied quite a bit. However, our Gao De's skills are not as good as his, and we've had to suffer quite a bit. "

"Alright, then I'll accompany you to meet these people and see what abilities they have."

Since this Gao De Martial Arts School was created by his own disciple, Ye Changsheng felt that he had the obligation to help that little guy spread it around and let him die as he pleased. After his birth, this matter would probably become history.

"Alright, but don't act on your own then. Do as I say."

Ye Changsheng did not pay attention to Lin Xiwen's warnings as he did not care for them at all.

After a simple communication, Ye Changsheng followed Lin Xiwen into the school's conference room.

This group of bastards, they often came to bully Gao De Martial Arts School, they are even very familiar with the classrooms and meeting rooms here.

Before long, the two of them had arrived at the meeting room where Zhao Jianhua and the others were.

"Teacher Lin."

"Teacher Lin."

… ….

A group of school instructors had rushed here after hearing the news. After they saw Lin Xiwen, everyone surrounded her worriedly.

All these years, practically all of the well-known instructors in Gao De Martial Arts School had suffered under the hands of those in Tenghwa Martial Arts School and were humiliated by them.

Who would have thought that these people would come looking for trouble again when the competition was only a week away? This was simply going too far.

"Everyone, keep your spirits up." Seeing that everyone had a dejected look, Lin Xiwen encouraged them, "Even if our skills are inferior, we can't lose our momentum. Haven't you heard those words? Losing wouldn't be a disgrace, but a disgrace. "

Hearing Lin Xiwen's words, everyone's mental state increased a bit in an instant, but the degree of improvement was very limited.

The fear of being suppressed by Teng Hua's men time and time again had already been gradually buried in everyone's hearts.

However, when Ye Changsheng heard Lin Xiwen's words, he looked at her with admiration.

It was hard to tell that this little girl's character was very tough. She also had a bit of backbone and really had a bit of Ye Changsheng's temper.

"Alright, everyone follow me inside. Let's see what kind of tricks Teng Hua's people are planning to play this time."

As Lin Xiwen said this, he walked into the office ahead of everyone else with his head held high.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other and quickly followed.

When Ye Changsheng followed everyone into the meeting room, he saw more than 20 people gathered there. There were both men and women, and most of them were between the ages of 30 and 40.

Ye Changsheng took a quick glance at everyone and roughly understood that most of them were in the middle stage of the Innate realm.

These people might be able to call the wind and summon the rain on the surface like Chung City University, but in Ye Changsheng's eyes, they weren't even worth a single cent.

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