I'm Immortal King/C7 The Funniest Joke
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I'm Immortal King/C7 The Funniest Joke
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C7 The Funniest Joke

"Yo, is this the beautiful Lin Xiwen?" Did you miss me? "

As soon as Lin Xiwen entered the office, Zhao Jianhua looked at her and asked with a smile.

Zhao Jianhua could be said to be the chief instructor of Tenghwa Martial Arts School and had always enjoyed a very high reputation and status within the circle of instructors in the entire Chung City Martial School.

It was probably because of this that he slowly became so arrogant and didn't put anyone in his eyes.

In Lin Xiwen's heart, this kind of person was extremely annoying.

"Zhao Jianhua, it's almost time for the college competition. If you don't bring your Tenghwa Martial Arts School's teachers and students to properly prepare for the competition, why are you here at our high moral level?"

"The university competition?" Zhao Jianhua squinted his eyes, and looked at Lin Xiwen with disdain, "This matter may be very important to your Gao De Martial Arts School, but to our Tenghwa Martial Arts School, it is not worth mentioning. In any case, no matter how we compete, our Tenghwa Martial Arts School will always be number one, but your Gao De Martial Arts School will only be at the bottom. "

Hearing Zhao Jianhua's words, all the teachers in Gao De Martial Arts School revealed signs of anger, but for a moment, no one dared to stand out and refute.

He was right. In the last few university competitions, Gao De Martial Arts School had always been placed last among the four great institutions.

"The match has yet to begin, so don't be too complacent. We'll meet in the arena in a week. "

Even though Lin Xiwen said this, he knew in his heart that Gao De Martial Arts School did not have the strength to compete with Tenghwa Martial Arts School.

"See you on the stage?" After hearing Lin Xiwen's words, Zhao Jianhua suddenly laughed, his laughter was very presumptuous and he looked at her with a playful expression and asked, "What do you think, from teacher to student, do your Gao De Martial Arts School still have the ability to fight against our Tenghwa Martial Arts School? "A bunch of useless bums."

"Zhao Jianhua, don't go too far." Lin Xiwen's expression immediately darkened when he heard what Zhao Jianhua said.

"What is it? Great Beauty Lin, was what I said wrong? " Zhao Jianhua did not care about Lin Xiwen's feelings at all, and continued to look at her, "Could it be, the students and teachers of your Gao De Martial Arts School are not trash? Then, why are your rankings always at the bottom of the university competition? In my opinion, if you guys still lose during the tournament, then automatically withdraw from the ranks of our Four Major Academies. Give them a chance, so that you don't have to occupy the latrine pit and waste a space for nothing. "

"You seem very arrogant." Ye Changsheng, who hadn't said anything since he entered, saw Zhao Jianhua being so aggressive, so he tilted his head and looked at him playfully.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Jianhua looked towards Ye Changsheng and frowned.

Zhao Jianhua naturally understood Gao De's Martial Arts School very well. He was very familiar with all the famous instructors here.

Zhao Jianhua had never seen the young man that just spoke to him before. He didn't know that there was such a person in Gao De.

What made Zhao Jianhua even more surprised was that he could not feel any cultivation level from Ye Changsheng.

As a martial artist, as long as their cultivation had reached a certain level, they could easily determine other strengths.

Could it be that the person who spoke to him with such an impudent tone was not a martial artist?

Thinking about this, Zhao Jianhua instantly felt extremely angry.

He even dared to shout and shout in front of an ordinary person who was powerless. He was simply courting death.

Even Lin Xiwen opened his eyes wide and looked over at Ye Changsheng the moment he heard Ye Changsheng's words.

Before entering, Lin Xiwen had already warned him not to act on his own, everything depended on her eyes. Unexpectedly, this person didn't take his words to heart.

"You don't need to know who I am." Ye Changsheng smiled faintly, "You only need to remember one thing: Gao De Martial Arts School is not a place where you can act as you please."

"What big words." Hearing that, Zhao Jianhua snorted, "Who gave you the courage to say that to me? Are you courting death? "

He wasn't even a martial artist, yet he dared to speak such arrogant words in front of him. It was simply a joke.

"I am not courting death. I am merely trying to persuade you with kind words."

Zhao Jianhua naturally could not see Ye Changsheng's cultivation level. Before he came out of the library, he had already consumed a special kind of Pill to conceal his cultivation level.

A Qi Creation stage martial artist might not amount to much in the entire martial world, but in this tiny Chung City, he could definitely be considered an existence at the top of the pyramid.

Ye Changsheng was still "young" after all.

To have such a high level of cultivation at such a young age, if news of this were to spread, it would inevitably bring about a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, before more people knew his cultivation level, Ye Changsheng chose to temporarily hide it.

"Beauty Lin, your Gao De Martial Arts School really has no rules right now. No wonder your strength is getting weaker and weaker." Zhao Jianhua snorted coldly again, disdained to have any conversation with a "mortal". He looked at Lin Xiwen with a straight face and said, "Just a casual logistics staff member can make a fuss on such an occasion. How did you become a dean?

As a "mortal", since Guan Yu was able to appear in such an occasion, Zhao Jianhua was the first to assume that he was the logistics staff of the Gao De Martial Arts School.

"You don't need to meddle in the matters of our Gao De Martial Arts School." Lin Xiwen retorted, "Also, Instructor Ye is the instructor we just hired and not some logistics staff. Please be more respectful when speaking to him."

"What?" This person is your Gao De Martial Arts School's newly hired instructor? " Zhao Jianhua repeated Lin Xiwen's words as if he didn't hear them clearly.

"Yes." Lin Xiwen said firmly, "Instructor Ye is a very outstanding instructor, and under his leadership, our Gao De Martial Arts School is very confident that we will be able to turn the tables in the university competition."

Although he knew that it was highly likely that such a thing wouldn't happen, he still couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

"... "Hahaha..."

Hearing Lin Xiwen's words, Zhao Jianhua was stunned for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

Zhao Jianhua's laughter was very loud, as if there was no one around, and he did not even put Lin Xiwen and the other Gao De Martial Arts School teachers in his eyes.

"It's the funniest joke I've heard this year."

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