I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C1 Intercepting System
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C1 Intercepting System
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C1 Intercepting System

At the base of North Nether Mountain, the bustling outer grounds of the Profound Purity Sect were alive with activity following the monthly outer sect assembly.

"The Inner Sect Advancement Competition is just a month away. How's your preparation coming along?"

"Don't worry, I've just made a breakthrough to Body Refining Level Eight. Plus, with the new secret martial technique I've mastered, I'm set for sure."

"Then you'd better remember to look out for me down the line."

"Of course, we're brothers, aren't we?"

Joy and worry often walk hand in hand. At that moment, a young man named Lin Feng slumped in despair, his head hanging low.

"Are you blind?"


With a swift palm strike, Lin Feng was sent sprawling, drawing the attention of numerous outer sect disciples.

"Is that Lin Feng?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Poor guy, he's been with the sect for over three years and is still stuck at Body Refining Level Three."

"He really should have been more careful. He just ran afoul of Wang Meng, one of our outer sect's prodigies. His master is an Inner Sect elder, so Wang Meng's promotion is practically guaranteed."

Lin Feng's fists were clenched in frustration. He wasn't originally from this world. Four years ago, he had crossed into this realm of cultivators, dreaming of a meteoric rise like the protagonists in the novels, to become a favored child of the heavens. Instead, he found his cultivation talent to be mediocre at best, languishing at the bottom of the ranks.

To qualify for the Inner Sect Advancement Competition, one needed to reach at least Body Refining Level Eight. Lin Feng didn't even meet the basic criteria.

"What's the matter? Got a problem with me?"

Wang Meng loomed over Lin Feng, who was seated on the ground, silent and unapologetic. Wang Meng stepped forward, planting his foot on Lin Feng's garment.

Biting back his anger, Lin Feng managed to keep his composure and retorted:

"Seems you weren't watching where you were going either. Could you please get off my clothes? I have things to do."

"Oh? I didn't realize there were still people in the outer sect who dared to defy me."

"Do we really need such arrogance among fellow disciples?"

Wang Meng let out a derisive laugh. "A mere Body Refining Level Three trash dares to call himself my peer?"

All the outer sect disciples at North Nether Mountain's Profound Purity Sect felt a chill on Lin Feng's behalf, yet none dared intervene.

They all knew that without an apology from Lin Feng, there would be no easy resolution today.

But Lin Feng's pride had been wounded by Wang Meng's words. As a transmigrator, being considered worthless was a bitter joke.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Lin Feng swung a punch directly at Wang Meng.

Wang Meng scoffed and effortlessly caught his fist.

"Has he lost his mind? Wang Meng has mastered the eighth level of Body Refining. He's on the verge of condensing a cyclone to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, ready to break through to the Spirit Gathering Stage."

"Why is he making it harder on himself? A simple apology would suffice."

The mockery in Wang Meng's eyes was like a needle stabbing deep into Lin Feng's heart.

Before Lin Feng could retract his hand, Wang Meng's counterattack came swiftly.

The more timid onlookers covered their eyes, unable to watch the ensuing one-sided pummeling.

Lin Feng stood no chance of defending himself.

"Lin Feng, just stop and apologize to Senior Brother Wang Meng already."

"Senior Brother Wang Meng, for the sake of our brotherhood, please spare him."

At last, someone unable to watch the beating spoke up in an attempt to mediate.

"Mind your own business," Wang Meng snapped, silencing any further attempts to help.

Beaten to a bruised and swollen state, Lin Feng was resolute. He'd rather die at Wang Meng's hands than live in humiliation.

With a sickening thud, Wang Meng's uppercut connected with Lin Feng's jaw.

Blood sprayed from Lin Feng's mouth as his legs gave way, and he collapsed to his knees.

Only then did Wang Meng cease his assault, folding his arms with a sneer and remarking, "You overestimated yourself."

"Master Changqing has arrived!"

The sudden exclamation drew everyone's attention.

A figure descended rapidly, taking in the sight of Lin Feng bleeding on the ground and the triumphant Wang Meng.

He instantly grasped what had transpired.

Wang Meng's arrogance and tyranny were bolstered by his innate talent and the backing of a senior master from the Inner Sect. He didn't even regard his own master, an Outer Sect disciple, as significant.

"Wang Meng, you've gone too far. No matter what, you're facing confinement to reflect on your actions this time," Gu Changqing declared while assessing Lin Feng's wounds.

"Hmph, Master Changqing, you're accusing me unjustly. All the fellow disciples present can attest that it was this blind fool who threw the first punch at me."

Wang Meng remained composed, clearly no stranger to such incidents.

In the cultivation world, might makes right.

Laws and morals, after all, were crafted by the powerful to control the weak.

And he was fated to be a future celestial favorite, lofty and superior, with no need to extend courtesies to these mere insects.

"I'll be sure to bring this issue before the Elder Council."

Despite Gu Changqing's words, he was well aware that the Elder Council wouldn't bother with such petty concerns.

He produced a healing pill and administered it to the comatose Lin Feng.

Lin Feng then sank into a profound unconsciousness.

As his consciousness plunged into the depths of his mind, an announcement chimed.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully discovering the Fortune Interception System.]

[The Fortune Interception System is now fully activated.]

The thrill for Lin Feng, submerged in his subconscious, was indescribable.

He had persevered, never imagining that this game-changing advantage was so close at hand, hidden within his own mind all along.

[Fortune Interception, as the name suggests, means to seize the fortunes and destinies of others.]

[Upon activating the system, you can view the fortunes of everyone nearby.]

[White represents the lowest tier of fortune.]

[Green signifies a mid-tier fortune.]

[Blue denotes a high-tier fortune.]

[Purple indicates a top-tier fortune.]

[Red symbolizes a special-tier fortune.]

[Gold reflects a heaven-defying tier of fortune.]

[Target a person, and you'll receive insights into their fortune.]

[Successfully intercept their fortune, and you'll earn system rewards. The higher the tier of fortune you capture, the more substantial the rewards.]

With the system's rules clear in his mind, Lin Feng swiftly regained consciousness under the healing medicine's influence.

Wang Meng let out a cold huff and turned on his heel to leave. Lin Feng watched his retreating figure and quickly scrambled to his feet.

"Where are you headed? Your injuries require rest and recuperation," Gu Changqing called out to Lin Feng with a note of urgency in his voice.

"I'm alright, thank you, Master Changqing," Lin Feng replied, not allowing himself to delay. He needed to take a shortcut to get ahead of Wang Meng.

Gu Changqing shook his head in resignation. A disciple with Lin Feng's modest talents was likely to remain in the outer sect, relegated to menial tasks.

The North Nether Mountains snaked and coiled across the landscape, stretching for millions of miles. Lin Feng, running through them, seemed like a mere speck in their vastness.

Upon waking, he had wasted no time in activating the system and immediately noticed a faint blue glow emanating from Wang Meng.

High level of Fate!

Without a moment's hesitation, Lin Feng locked onto it. Instantly, a pale blue egg-shaped phantom materialized in the sky far away. Lin Feng knew this was Wang Meng's chance.

Approaching the base of the phantom egg, Lin Feng treaded carefully, slowing his steps and moving closer in stealth.

He was now beyond the bounds of the Profound Purity Sect's domain. A misstep into a Demonic Beast's territory could mean becoming their next meal, given his level of cultivation. Even a lowly Rank One Demonic Beast was stronger than an average Spirit Gathering Cultivator.

Concealed in the underbrush, Lin Feng's gaze landed on an ancient tree with a three-meter-high hollow at its base. He surmised that the opportunity he sought lay within.

Circling to the back of the tree, he intended to investigate further.

Suddenly, a shrill screech pierced the air, freezing Lin Feng in place. Had a Demonic Beast discovered him?

The next moment, a black bird with the head of a sparrow burst forth from the hollow, wings beating furiously.

In the midst of the dense woods, two figures stood boldly, as if issuing a challenge.

From his hiding spot behind the tree, Lin Feng watched the direction in which the bird had flown. There, an elder calmly stroked his graying beard, with Wang Meng, the one who had earlier brought Lin Feng to the ground, standing right behind him.

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