I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C11 Defeated?
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C11 Defeated?
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C11 Defeated?

Wang Meng threw himself into the fight with all his might, intently countering Lin Feng's every move. Lin Feng, for his part, nimbly dodged, avoiding Wang Meng's relentless onslaught.

Seeing Lin Feng effortlessly evade his attacks without breaking a sweat, Wang Meng's anger reached new heights. He unleashed his signature skills, aiming to defeat Lin Feng in a single, deadly move. Everyone watching knew what was at stake.

Yet, no one dared to cross Guu Yi's direct disciple, Wang Meng—their respected senior brother. He was not someone they could afford to provoke.

In a careless instant, Lin Feng was struck down, coughing up blood. Zhan Shuining, seated in a place of honor, watched with growing anxiety for Lin Feng. Couldn't the foolish boy see that Wang Meng was pulling out all the stops, with each strike meant to be lethal? Why wouldn't he just concede?

Disciples close to Lin Feng were already fretting over his well-being. Despite spitting blood and barely able to stand, Lin Feng attempted to rise and continue the fight, only to collapse again, drained of all strength.

The outcome was clear: Wang Meng had triumphed. But Lin Feng couldn't reconcile himself with the defeat, unwilling to let the competition end this way. It was crucial to remember that the Inner Sect Advancement Competition occurred only once every two years, meaning outer sect disciples had just one chance in that period to ascend.

Everyone was desperate to seize this rare opportunity to join the Inner Sect. But at that moment, Lin Feng lacked the strength to press on and was at a loss on how to reset the system.

After the bell tolled five times, Lin Feng remained on the ground. This time, he was out of the running. The remaining contenders had secured their place as Inner Sect disciples.

His friends, sympathetic to his plight, tried to offer consolation. "Look, we've been in the outer sect for four or five years already. What's another two years?"

Wounded and weary, Lin Feng mounted his Flame Beast, ready to head back to his outer sect dwelling. Unbeknownst to him, Zhan Shuining looked on with concern. She remembered Lin Feng well from their chance encounter at the market just days before—it had left a lasting impression.

Seeing Lin Feng astride his Flame Beast, Zhan Shuining no longer needed to worry.

Yet, Wang Meng's actions seemed excessively brutal. As fellow outer sect disciples of the Profound Purity Sect, it was disheartening to witness such hostility among comrades. An expert could tell that Wang Meng's strikes were lethal. Zhan Shuining had no desire to associate with someone so merciless.

Despite this, Wang Meng was relentless in his pursuit of her, constantly seeking her favor and going out of his way to protect her. To Zhan Shuining, his attention was suffocating. She loathed the idea of being treated as someone's possession, with Wang Meng tracking her every move.

The feeling was unbearable, but she couldn't shake off his pursuit. As one of the few women among the outer sect disciples, her looks naturally drew attention. But since Wang Meng's arrival, the other disciples kept their distance, likely to avoid his wrath.

Zhan Shuining was both angry and frustrated by the situation, yet powerless to change it. Seeing Wang Meng's ruthless attack on a fellow disciple today only intensified her disdain.

She felt a surge of helplessness.

Zhan Shuining also caught sight of the Flame Beast that Lin Feng had ridden in on. She hoped the creature would carry him to safety, allowing him to heal.

She was aware that the Flame Beast was a common mount among the outer sect disciples, referred to as a Level One Divine Beast. These included the Red Lin Python, Blue Rock Beast, Clear Fox, Poison Demon Ape, and the Flame Beast. Each of these Divine Beasts was known for its vitality and ferocity. The Flame Beast Lin Feng had rescued was injured, its fur stripped away, making it look particularly unsightly among its peers.

Fortunately, the disciples weren't overly critical of Divine Beasts, viewing them as mere transportation, akin to riding a horse. What they didn't realize was that Lin Feng's Flame Beast had led him to a secret cache of Flame Crystals—a treasure trove that constituted Lin Feng's greatest fortune.

Among the throng of Divine Beasts, Lin Feng paid no mind to the roaring Flame Beasts and made a beeline for one secluded in the corner. He was drawn to its proud and solitary air.

As Lin Feng drew near, the creature lazily lifted its half-closed eyes for a brief glance before dismissively turning away, refusing to acknowledge him further.

Surprisingly, the Flame Beast shared Lin Feng's disposition—both were perennial underdogs, often overlooked and marginalized.

Battered and forlorn, Lin Feng now lay sprawled across the Flame Beast's back.

The Flame Beast, understanding Lin Feng's resolve, soared directly toward the volcano with him. Over a month of companionship had revealed Lin Feng's dedication to his practice, all to best Wang Meng. Yet, despite his efforts, Lin Feng had been bested in the day's contest. Witnessing Wang Meng's smug triumph, the Flame Beast nearly unleashed its fiery wrath then and there.

At a loss for words of comfort, the Flame Beast silently transported Lin Feng into the volcano, settling him within its stone cave.

There, amidst a trove of Flame Crystals pulsing with potent Spiritual Energy, the beast tended to Lin Feng's wounds.

Lin Feng was confident that just a few hours among the crystals would suffice to restore his vigor.

Now, Lin Feng slumped amidst the Flame Crystals, a spent force, grappling with his defeat.

Despite four years of grueling preparation for the biennial advancement trials, he had still fallen to Wang Meng. His heart seethed with discontent.

Sensing Lin Feng's frustration, the Flame Beast offered a gesture of solace, nuzzling a crystal against his cheek.

Lin Feng caressed the erect tufts of hair on the Flame Beast's brow.

In silence, they shared the weight of their defeats, bolstering each other's resolve.

The Flame Beast remained steadfastly by Lin Feng's side, a comforting presence for his wounded soul.

Hours passed before Lin Feng finally stirred, his strength remarkably replenished by the crystal's energy. His body reinvigorated, he felt his power surge back to life.

Feeling a touch of dryness in his mouth, he was just then when the Flame Beast had already sourced a clear spring for him.

Quenched by the spring water, Lin Feng settled into meditation, his body unwinding as every limb and bone stretched out, freeing the congested Qi from his heart.

The Flame Beast, witnessing his recovery, couldn't help but share in his joy, flapping its wings in encouragement.

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