I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C12 Victory
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C12 Victory
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C12 Victory

As Lin Feng watched the Flame Beast flap its wings, his heart was a tumult of emotions. His physical strength had returned, and the Genuine Qi within him was now more refined than before, yet he was still a long way from defeating Wang Meng.

The Flame Beast, having developed a keen intelligence, clearly grasped Lin Feng's concerns. It cocked its head, pondering for a moment before deciding to lead Lin Feng to a certain place.

With its fluffy claws, it tugged at the hem of Lin Feng's clothing and cast a glance outside.

"Should I follow you?" Lin Feng asked.

The Flame Beast headed out, with Lin Feng trailing behind. As it ventured deeper into the forest, Lin Feng's curiosity piqued, yet he didn't halt his steps. Perhaps an unexpected boon awaited.

The further they went, the more eerie the surroundings became. Their passage startled a flock of nightingales. After a lengthy trek, Lin Feng noticed the Flame Beast showed no signs of stopping.

Growing impatient and on the verge of losing his temper, he was about to react when he noticed it had halted at the edge of a cliff. He hurried forward.

The sight that greeted him sent him into raptures... Could it be? Scarlet Flame Fruit? A third-tier spiritual medicine... with seven leaves and the fruit sprouting from the center.

Contrary to its environment, it thrived in the cold yet bore the nature of fire.

Lin Feng had read about the Scarlet Flame Fruit in the library's pharmacopoeia. Known for refining one's essence and enhancing cultivation, it was immensely beneficial for his current practice.

He executed the Ghost Shadow Mystery technique, attempting to harvest the Scarlet Flame Fruit. But before his hand could reach it, a dark shadow surged from beneath the cliff.

Lin Feng squinted, cursing under his breath. A Black Rock Snake! The Flame Beast had led him into a trap! This creature was no easy adversary!

The Black Rock Snake hissed menacingly at the man before it, seething with anger. The Scarlet Flame Fruit was its treasure, and now this accursed human dared to claim it.

With that thought, the Black Rock Snake lashed out with its thick tail. Lin Feng, reacting instantly, pushed the Ghost Shadow Mystery to its limits, leaving a trail of afterimages.

"This creature's speed is astonishing," Lin Feng mused.

Without his agile movement technique, he would have been swept a hundred meters away with a single strike.

The Flame Beast watched anxiously from the sidelines, second-guessing its decision to bring Lin Feng along.

A loss here meant no chance to compete tomorrow.

The Black Rock Snake proved to be a formidable opponent, and Lin Feng was eager to end the battle quickly.

Seizing the opportune moment, he unleashed the Inferno Palm at its head.

Caught off guard by Lin Feng's frontal assault, the Black Rock Snake took a heavy blow to the head, recoiling in pain as its tail whipped towards Lin Feng at lightning speed.

Sensing danger, Lin Feng propelled himself backward in the nick of time.

Narrowly evading the attack, Lin Feng, seeing the Black Rock Snake in distress, pressed his advantage with a flurry of Demon Wind Kicks.

The Black Rock Snake couldn't withstand Lin Feng's relentless assault and was driven back repeatedly.

Meanwhile, the Flame Beast, seeing Lin Feng entangled with the Black Rock Snake, attempted to seize the Scarlet Flame Fruit.

But as it reached for the fruit with its mouth, a fierce gust of wind knocked it aside.

The Flame Beast let out a piercing cry...

Enraged by its injury, Lin Feng's energy surged.

Channeling his Genuine Qi, he concentrated the power within his body into a radiant sphere between his hands. The sphere shrank as he focused his energy, emitting a brilliant white light, while the surrounding air twisted under the immense force. This was a new technique Lin Feng had conceived in a flash of inspiration.

In this critical moment, Lin Feng hurled the condensed ball of light at the Black Rock Snake.

The projectile sped towards its target, leaving the Black Rock Snake no time to evade the inevitable impact.

Panting heavily, Lin Feng watched as the Black Rock Snake lay defeated against the cliffside, a gaping hole pierced through its vital seven-inch region, the edges charred black.

Lin Feng, unsteady on his feet, approached the Flame Beast to assess its wounds.

Relieved after a thorough examination, he was grateful the injuries were not severe.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have a clue how to lug it back—this thing is no small fry.

Lin Feng took a brief rest before darting towards the Scarlet Flame Fruit. With swift movements, he yanked it from the ground. He feared another creature might spring from the cliff below, and if that happened, he might meet his end right there and then.

With the Scarlet Flame Fruit in hand, Lin Feng tended to the Flame Beast's wounds before they both retreated to the safety of the cave.

Staring at the two Scarlet Flame Fruits inside the box, Lin Feng was at a loss on how to proceed. He picked one up, hesitated, then set it down again. Eventually, with a determined grimace and a steely resolve, he chopped into one of the fruits and shoved it into his mouth.

The fruit's sweet juice cascaded down his throat before he could savor the taste, as it dissolved instantly upon contact. A surge of heat coursed through his abdomen, radiating warmth through his meridians, soothing his limbs and bones.

But the gentle warmth soon gave way to a tempestuous onslaught. The heat exploded within him, its fiery breath tearing through Lin Feng's meridians, threatening to rip them asunder.

Lin Feng's veins stood out in agony, his sweat-soaked clothes clinging to his muscular frame. Yet, with his veins protruding like serpents, his appearance was somewhat ghastly.

It took considerable effort to master the blistering heat, but gradually, Lin Feng managed to subdue it. The tamed energy flowed through his meridians, completing cycle after cycle, each small cycle building towards a larger one.

After four small cycles, completing one grand cycle, Lin Feng sat in silent meditation, his breath held, his legs crossed like an ancient monk in deep contemplation.

Despite the darkness outside, he was acutely aware of every rustle and whisper of the night.

Once he was certain that all was normal, Lin Feng immersed himself in cultivation, undisturbed.

Two hours passed, and Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, exhaling a breath of stale air. A smile of satisfaction spread across his face; he had successfully advanced to Body Refining Level Eight. He was on the verge of reaching Level Nine but deliberately held back, knowing that rushing his progress could hinder his cultivation.

As dawn broke, Lin Feng and the Flame Beast embarked on their journey back to the outer sect.

They had vanished for the entire night, only to reappear suddenly in the outer sect's courtyard. Lin Feng's close friends, his fellow disciples, quickly gathered around him with concern. "Lin Feng, where were you all night? How are your injuries?"

Touched by their concern, Lin Feng replied, "Senior Brother, I'm alright. My injuries have healed."

"Good to hear. Just be careful, okay? You've got to win the revival match the day after tomorrow."

Once the crowd of disciples had dispersed...

Lin Feng stretched out on his wooden bed, his arm cradling his head, lost in thought.

The Flame Beast paced restlessly beside him, unsure of how to be of help.

Lin Feng's mind was on the upcoming revival match.

He was evenly matched with Wang Meng in a direct confrontation, but Wang Meng was notoriously tricky, necessitating caution.

Wang Meng's leg strength was formidable; a single kick could cause internal devastation. Lin Feng knew he had to steer clear of those powerful legs tomorrow.

Wang Meng's Achilles' heel, however, was his neck.

That would be Lin Feng's target in the match.

If he could just get a hold of Wang Meng's throat and focus his attack on the neck, those deadly legs would lose their power.

As he pondered his strategy, the Flame Beast let out a playful howl, eager to engage Lin Feng in another game.

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