I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C13 He Was Thinking about Something
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C13 He Was Thinking about Something
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C13 He Was Thinking about Something

The biennial outer sect promotion tournament featured a Revival Round in each match, offering disciples a second chance at victory. Given the two-year wait, it was only fair to provide them with an opportunity to bounce back and catch their breath.

Lin Feng, accompanied by his Flame Beast, reappeared in the outer sect courtyard after consuming the Scarlet Flame Fruit. This unexpected boon granted him divine power, propelling him to Body Refining Level Eight.

Despite his previous grave injuries, Lin Feng had made a swift recovery, thanks to the healing properties of crystal stones and the boost from the Scarlet Flame Fruit. Now, he was in good health, and his cultivation had significantly improved.

Standing before his fellow disciples, rejuvenated and clear-headed, Lin Feng's transformation drew looks of amazement. They had braced themselves for his long recuperation, yet here he was, mere hours later, not only fully recovered but also radiating vigor, leaving them bewildered.

Some disciples, eager for entertainment, encouraged Lin Feng to secure a win the following day. Meanwhile, well-meaning friends cautioned him against entering the Revival Round, doubting his ability to best Wang Meng and fearing for Lin Feng's safety.

But Lin Feng was not swayed by their concerns. His resolve was set on defeating Wang Meng, whose haughty demeanor and deceitful ways had long been a thorn in his side. Few in the outer sect had escaped Wang Meng's bullying, and while resentment simmered, none dared confront him.

For Lin Feng, who had endured years of Wang Meng's torment, patience had worn thin. As a modern soul with the memories of his host, he bore the weight of a past marred by Wang Meng's cruelty. Inhabiting this body, Lin Feng felt compelled to contribute to his host's legacy by vanquishing Wang Meng.

Someday, should Lin Feng find his way back to modern society, his host could live free from Wang Meng's shadow.

He was determined to enter the revival competition and was resolved to put forth his utmost effort to defeat Wang Meng.

While contemplating his next move, his senior brother, Lee Ann, approached him. Lee Ann was the closest friend Lin Feng had in the outer sect. Known for his honesty and simplicity, Lee Ann chose not to vie for attention or compete with others. He had been part of the outer sect for several months longer than Lin Feng, already a fixture by the time Lin Feng arrived.

Lee Ann quietly attended to the menial tasks of the sect, his efforts largely unnoticed by his peers. Only Elder Gu Changqing of the outer sect would occasionally sigh at the sight of his diligent figure. Gu Changqing believed in letting disciples with average abilities find their own way, understanding that cultivation required innate talent. As long as these disciples didn't stir up trouble and lived obediently within the sect, contributing to its maintenance while cultivating enough to defend themselves, Gu Changqing was content to let them be, without imposing demands beyond their capabilities.

Lee Ann was one such disciple, and so was Lin Feng.

Lee Ann made his way to Lin Feng's bedside, where Lin Feng was comfortably reclining and playing with his Flame Beast. Lee Ann now realized why the Flame Beast's fur never seemed to grow; Lin Feng's habit of plucking its hairs was the obvious culprit.

"Junior brother, I advise against joining the revival match tomorrow. We all witnessed Wang Meng's viciousness yesterday. He surely won't spare you," Lee Ann said, sitting on the bed's edge with a tone of deep concern.

"We've all seen Wang Meng's brutality. You're no match for him. What if he endangers your life tomorrow?"

"Senior brother, no need to fret over me. Even if it costs me my life, I'm going to knock Wang Meng out of the competition," Lin Feng replied with a chuckle, amused by Lee Ann's cautious demeanor.

Senior Brother Lee Ann was indeed a kind soul. From the day Lin Feng had arrived in the outer sect, Lee Ann had looked after him. Lin Feng vividly remembered waking up on his first day, overwhelmed by the strangeness of this ancient society, his mind swirling with fear and uncertainty. Where was he? Who were these people around him?

The other disciples remained indifferent to his distress, some even suspecting he was mad or delusional, and chose to ignore him.

Lee Ann had been quietly by his side, taking care of many things for him, easing him into the unfamiliar surroundings.

His feelings of friendship and gratitude toward Lee Ann were beyond words.

Lee Ann's concern for his safety was something he deeply understood. Beyond offering comfort, he was at a loss for how to reassure his earnest senior brother.

Then he remembered the Scarlet Flame Fruit in his pocket, which he had saved for Lee Ann while he was eating one himself.

He handed the fruit to Lee Ann, urging him to eat it.

Lee Ann eyed the unsightly fruit with skepticism. "Are you sure this is edible?"

Lin Feng glanced at the fruit again. The Scarlet Flame Fruit, fiery by nature, was a stunning red when on the tree.

But now, it had turned completely black and appeared to be spoiled.

On closer examination, a tiny worm was wriggling inside.

It was quite revolting.

"Don't eat it, Senior Brother. I'll check what's wrong," Lin Feng said, quickly taking back the fruit.

How could the Scarlet Flame Fruit rot so quickly after being picked?

Holding the fruit, Lin Feng inspected it with surprise.

The Flame Beast, drawn by the commotion, fixated on the worm and began to howl incessantly.

Lin Feng knew the Flame Beast's calls signified something auspicious. The beast's excited cries and demeanor told Lin Feng that a stroke of luck was imminent.

The Flame Beast and Lin Feng shared a bond of understanding. Its cries suggested the wriggling worm was something valuable, encouraging Lin Feng to consume it quickly – the true essence of the Scarlet Flame Fruit.

The worm grew larger, its color shifting from white to red, until it became luminous and transparent, radiating a red glow.

Lin Feng studied the now radiant red creature, finding it too endearing to eat.

Instead, he placed it in his palm to observe it more closely, watching as it burrowed around as if in search of something.

Oh no, the little critter seemed to have already burrowed into his palm and was vigorously tunneling further in.

Yet, it caused him no pain; instead, he felt a tingling numbness throughout his body, followed by a surge of warmth that rushed to his forehead.

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