I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C14 Red Flame Insect
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C14 Red Flame Insect
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C14 Red Flame Insect

The heat intensified with each passing moment, and Lin Feng's eyes glowed with a fierce red light. Beads of sweat formed a glistening sheen on his forehead. Lee Ann stood by, wracked with anxiety yet at a loss for what to do. Nearby, the Flame Beast paced restlessly, stomping its feet in agitation.

Unaware of the little bug's potential, they watched as its form vanished within Lin Feng's palm, seemingly burrowing into his body and merging with his bloodstream. Lin Feng was now drenched in sweat, his eyes ablaze with red, as he writhed in agony upon the bed.

After roughly two hours, Lin Feng's blood seemed to expand within him, causing even more excruciating pain as he contorted on the bed. Lee Ann, unsure of how to assist, dashed off in search of Gu Changqing for aid.

The Flame Beast remained steadfast by Lin Feng's side, knowing the bug posed no serious threat, yet it couldn't contain its unease at the sight of Lin Feng's suffering.

In a flurry, Lee Ann reached Gu Changqing's bedroom to inform him of Lin Feng's dire condition. Gu Changqing wasted no time, hastening to the side room where Lin Feng resided.

Upon arrival, Gu Changqing found Lin Feng still in the throes of torment. He quickly propped Lin Feng up and attempted to stabilize his breathing.

However, when Gu Changqing channeled his Genuine Qi into Lin Feng, the results were bizarre. The Qi dissolved without a trace, overwhelmed by the intense heat coursing through Lin Feng's body. It was as if the Qi had been absorbed into a mass of soft cotton, eliciting no reaction whatsoever.

Lin Feng's face was now drenched in hot sweat, his veins protruding starkly against his skin, while wisps of white steam rose from his head.

The surge of heat from Lin Feng's body was so powerful that Gu Changqing found himself involuntarily stepping back. "Bone Melting Divine Technique," he murmured to himself. Given Lin Feng's symptoms and the way his Genuine Qi had been repelled, Gu Changqing could only surmise that Lin Feng had somehow mastered the long-lost Bone Melting Divine Technique, a martial arts secret he had once come across in ancient texts within the Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng continued to focus on his own recovery, his body seemingly harboring an endless well of energy. The white steam above his head grew thicker, and his breaths became increasingly labored.

Moments later, he surged from the ground, shattering the roof with his ascent.

Gu Changqing, startled, quickly ran outside to assess Lin Feng's condition.

Lin Feng, having burst through the roof, now sat on the eaves, seemingly much calmer.

His actions drew the gaze of many disciples.

They all gathered in the courtyard, craning their necks to observe Lin Feng atop the roof. What had gotten into Lin Feng? Why had he suddenly burst through the roof to perch on the eaves?

Gu Changqing noticed the disciples whispering amongst themselves.

He rebuked them, instructing everyone to mind their own business and not add to the chaos.

Lin Feng remained motionless on the roof.

The Flame Beast, Lee Ann, and Gu Changqing stood vigil in the yard.

Roughly two hours passed.

Suddenly, Lin Feng leapt down.

He prostrated himself before Gu Changqing.

"Master, please forgive your disciple's disrespect; I have just acted rashly against you."

"Are you alright now?"

Gu Changqing, with a dismissive wave of his sleeve, showed no concern for the offense, focusing instead on Lin Feng's current state.

"Disciple is unharmed, feeling refreshed and invigorated, with blood flowing smoothly and comfortably."

"Try striking that large rock by the pond."

Gu Changqing gestured toward the boulder by the pond, urging Lin Feng to test his strength against it.

Lin Feng concentrated, channeling his Genuine Qi into the center of his palm before unleashing a strike.

The boulder shattered in an instant, sending a spray of smaller stones scattering in all directions.

Lin Feng himself was taken aback by his newfound power; for four years, he hadn't been able to crack even a pebble, yet now he had effortlessly splintered a massive rock.

Gu Changqing watched Lin Feng, equally baffled.

The young man's prowess now seemed to rival his own.

He inquired in detail how Lin Feng had so rapidly advanced his Body Refining technique.

A disciple who had lingered at Body Refining Level Three for four years had now achieved the formidable Level Nine.

Lin Feng recounted his encounters: meeting the Flame Beast, cultivating amidst the crystal pile, encountering the Black Rock Snake, consuming the Scarlet Flame Fruit, and the fusion of the essence from the fruit into his body.

Gu Changqing stroked his goatee thoughtfully. It all made sense now.

Lin Feng's luck was nothing short of remarkable.

The heap of crystals he found was an excellent choice for healing. These crystals, infused with the world's essence over a millennium, could prolong life and bolster one's constitution when consumed. Their spiritual energy would invigorate the body, stretching out limbs and bones, accelerating blood flow, and leaving one feeling a hundred times more vital.

For those practicing Body Refining, even a mere touch could amplify their martial strength by two levels.

But Lin Feng didn't just come across a single crystal; he had immersed himself in a whole pile for hours on end. This undoubtedly played a crucial role in his leap from Body Refining Level Three to Level Eight.

Moreover, he consumed the Scarlet Flame Fruit, a rarity that appears once in a millennium, along with the Scarlet Flame Insect nestled within it. This fruit blooms every hundred years, but bears fruit only once in a thousand, making it an incredibly rare delicacy.

And then there's the Scarlet Flame Insect.

A miraculous creature found inside the already rare Scarlet Flame Fruit, appearing just as infrequently. Out of a thousand such fruits, only one might contain this insect.

Lin Feng had stumbled upon a stroke of fortune that comes once in several millennia.

It seems that Lin Feng truly is a child of destiny.

Upon hearing Lin Feng's story, Gu Changqing was awestruck by his extraordinary fortune.

The Flame Beast at his side, witnessing its master's full recovery and newfound vigor, let out a series of joyful howls, clearly sharing in the celebration.

Lee Ann approached, squeezing Lin Feng's arms and legs, giving his shoulders and back a solid pat, noting his robust form. It was clear that Lin Feng had made a complete recovery.

Only then did Lee Ann's worries subside.

"Master, I have to ask, is there any danger with the Scarlet Flame Essence Beetle inside me? Should I try to expel it?" Lin Feng inquired, referencing the endearing creature that had burrowed into him. Despite the initial pain, the beetle had brought about a transformation so profound that Lin Feng couldn't help but feel grateful.

"The Scarlet Flame Essence Beetle is an exceptional supplement for those practicing Body Refining Cultivation. It requires the blood of a destined individual to integrate within one's body. You, my boy, are incredibly fortunate. It's currently exerting a tremendous influence inside you. As your cultivation level rises, you'll notice its power increasing. Nurture it well within you, and it will be of great benefit." Gu Changqing said with a chuckle before turning and walking out the door.

"Senior Brother, I owe you an apology. I had intended to bring the Scarlet Flame Fruit back for you, but instead, it transformed into an essence beetle and fused with my body," Lin Feng admitted to Lee Ann, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

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