I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C16 Derivative
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C16 Derivative
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C16 Derivative

Reflecting on their shared history, Lin Feng and Lee Ann couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Lin Feng, fortunate enough to ride the tides of his own destiny, stood on the cusp of ascending to the ranks of the Inner Sect disciples. Lee Ann, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky, having been eliminated in the first round without even a chance to compete in the Revival Competition.

Lin Feng harbored concerns that once he joined the Inner Sect, Lee Ann might be left vulnerable to bullying in the Outer Sect. Determined to prevent this, Lin Feng knew he had to prepare. If he were to leave, Lee Ann needed the means to defend himself.

An idea struck Lin Feng. Why not have the Flame Beast escort Lee Ann to the crystal pile for a few days of cultivation? He shared his plan with Lee Ann, who, eager to enhance his own cultivation level, agreed to the proposal.

When they summoned the Flame Beast, however, it was unexpectedly resistant. Its roars seemed to convey a warning: "This individual's aptitude is insufficient for the crystal pile. Trespassing could result in serious harm to his vital organs, potentially endangering his life." Yet, it appeared there was an alternative solution.

With a series of howls, the Flame Beast indicated its willingness to lead them both. Climbing atop the creature, they soared toward the crystal mountain. Despite the Flame Beast's modest stature at rest, its wings spanned an impressive three meters when unfurled, providing a stable platform for their journey.

In no time, they reached the crystal mountain, dismounting on a massive rock that stood out like a lone peak, complete with trees sprouting from its crevices. Five trees, each a different species, stood in a row, one adorned with vibrantly colored flowers of various shapes, while the others boasted lush foliage.

What purpose did the Flame Beast have in bringing them to this place? Was it possible that they were meant to harvest these flowers?

The Flame Beast unfurled its wings, soaring to perch atop the treetops, where it pecked at the trunk with its sharp beak. Instantly, a liquid as red as blood oozed from the tree. The sap rained down, splattering on stones and blossoming into crimson snowflakes. The impacted stones were stained red, blooming into petite stone flowers, while droplets that fell into the grass gave rise to actual flowers.

Lin Feng and Lee Ann were struck dumb with awe. Was this some sort of magical feat? Could it be the fabled dragon blood? Lin Feng recalled accounts of dragon blood he had encountered in the Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion. Such botanical dragon blood was exceedingly rare. Surely, this had to be the Dragon Blood Tree.

Surrounding the Dragon Blood Tree stood four trees, the Dragon God Trees, its protectors. They grew flanking the central tree like four formidable imperial guards, shielding their fortress and barring malevolent forces from drawing near. Legend held that to harm the Dragon Blood Tree, one must first overcome the challenge posed by these four sentinels.

Yet, the Flame Beast had effortlessly ascended the trunk and tapped into the tree's sanguine sap—without any interference from the guardian trees. What other wonders did this plucked bird possess?

As they pondered this, the Flame Beast's cries rang out once more. Was it beckoning them to drink the sap? Lin Feng gestured in understanding. The creature indeed intended for them to partake. The two opened their mouths, awaiting the descending nectar. A cacophony of pattering followed, and they were met with a sweetness that filled their mouths.

They eagerly lapped up the liquid, feeling as though their very blood was being purified. Their bodies were cleansed and invigorated, infused with a fresh, potent energy. Once sated with the sap, the Flame Beast descended from the tree and alighted gracefully upon a rock.

In that moment, Lin Feng and Lee Ann felt a surge in their vitality, their vigor noticeably amplified. Lin Feng, in particular, had already been fortunate to have amassed considerable karmic luck. Now, with the sustenance from the dragon blood, his prowess ascended to new heights. As for Lee Ann, a man of previously unremarkable talent, the nourishment transformed him. His constitution rapidly improved, and his cultivation level soared.

At that moment, Lee Ann seemed to have shed all traces of the mundane, radiating an otherworldly spiritual light from within.

The Flame Beast was truly impressive.

Since Lin Feng's path had crossed with it, his cultivation had soared, earning him the title of the Son of Fate.

Lin Feng stroked the Flame Beast's forehead, his touch gentle on the few strands of fur, his heart brimming with boundless gratitude.

The Flame Beast appeared to share a deep connection with Lin Feng's spirit, letting out several howls that seemed to say there was no need for such formality between them.

In the midst of their warm exchange, they noticed the boulder beginning to sink at an alarming rate.

This wasn't good—the Dragon God Tree must have awakened and was likely seeking retribution.

The Flame Beast quickly unfurled its wings, signaling to Lin Feng and Lee Ann that it was time to flee.

Lin Feng had assumed the Flame Beast shared a profound bond with the Dragon God Tree, one of life and death.

To his surprise, the Flame Beast had merely seized the opportunity to steal dragon blood while the tree slumbered.

As the Flame Beast was about to take flight, Lin Feng, thinking fast, grabbed Lee Ann's arm and leaped up, believing they had secured a stable position on the beast's back. However, Lee Ann's footing faltered, and he stumbled, his body teetering backward. Lin Feng's quick reflexes saved him from a fall.

The Flame Beast sensed the imminent danger, ready to take off at any moment, but Lee Ann's clumsiness had cost them precious seconds. In such a dire, split-second situation, how could he afford such a basic error?

It was enough to make anyone frustrated to the point of despair.

Lin Feng tightened his grip on Lee Ann's arm, urging the Flame Beast to take to the skies with haste.

As the rock's descent accelerated, Lin Feng's anxiety peaked, and Lee Ann's face drained of color. Was this the end? Was his life hanging by a thread?

Sweat poured down in heavy droplets.

The Flame Beast had finally taken flight, but the rock's gravitational pull was immense. After several failed attempts and a couple of rough landings, the beast managed to ascend shakily into the air.

Just then, the ground erupted, rocks bursting apart, sparks scattering wildly, pelting the Flame Beast's body. Each collision sent tremors through the beast, causing Lee Ann to slip further each time. The situation was dire. As the rocks split open, thick smoke billowed, enveloping the Flame Beast in a dark cloud. Dust and debris obscured its vision, rendering the path ahead invisible.

Thankfully, they took off in time. Had they been a moment later, the three of them would have tumbled into the rock crevices and been crushed to death.

It was a stroke of luck that the Flame Beast flew swiftly, snatching them from the jaws of death.

Yet, Lee Ann remained precariously dangling from the Flame Beast's wing, with Lin Feng firmly gripping his arm to prevent him from plummeting.

At this point, the Flame Beast was beyond words.

Lee Ann was truly clumsy to have managed such a fall.

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