I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C17 Blue Lucky Chance
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C17 Blue Lucky Chance
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C17 Blue Lucky Chance

The Flame Beast exerted all its might to take flight, not allowing for even a moment of laxity.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng, relying solely on the strength of his arms, had managed to pull Lee Ann up to safety.

Lee Ann, still reeling from the ordeal, gasped for air, the fear evident in his breaths. The experience had shaken him to the core, and he vowed never to let his guard down again.

Together, the trio had narrowly escaped disaster.

In the process, they had also reaped the benefits of dragon blood nourishment. Despite the recent peril, they felt invigorated.

Lin Feng, in particular, had seen a significant boost in his cultivation.

Upon reaching the outer sect's courtyard, the Flame Beast set them down, and they could finally catch their breath.

Suddenly, Lin Feng detected an intense blue glow nearby, a sign of extraordinary fortune that only the luckiest could radiate.

He knew he had to capture it.

Without a word, Lin Feng dashed off, leaving Lee Ann calling after him to no avail.

Resigned, Lee Ann and the Flame Beast turned their attention to their own tasks, while Lin Feng sought the origin of the blue luminescence.

He discovered it emanated from a strikingly handsome youth, clad in a gray and purple robe.

The youth radiated vitality, his cheeks aglow, his demeanor cheerful, and his attire elegant—truly a person of remarkable presence.

Lin Feng marveled at the sight.

Determined, Lin Feng knew he must seize this fortuitous aura to bolster his chances in the upcoming revival competition.

The blue glow around the youth traced a path leading to Vajra Wolf Mountain.

Following this thread of destiny, Lin Feng made his way toward the mountain, delving deeper into its wilds.

The further he ventured into the dense forest, the more he encountered secluded valleys and mystical pools, all exuding a powerful essence.

Even with his Body Refining Level Eight prowess, Lin Feng proceeded with caution, aware that each step could bring new perils.

He reached the heart of Vajra Wolf Mountain, where the fate line concluded.

As he neared his destination, the sound of heavy, labored breathing grew louder, mingled with a pungent odor.

Approaching the source, Lin Feng beheld a Vajra Wolf of colossal size, serenely meditating, its massive breaths echoing through the valley.

This wolf was a giant among its kind, its lush fur gleaming with a lustrous black sheen—a prime specimen, likely offering exceptional nourishment.

The creature before him was a behemoth, its size dwarfing that of an average wolf. Lin Feng knew that if he could extract the Diamond Heart from within the Vajra Wolf, he would break through to Body Refining Level Ten—a milestone not to be underestimated. Such chances were rare, and with the Vajra Wolf deep in slumber, the timing couldn't be more perfect. There was no better moment to act than now. If the Vajra Wolf were to awaken, the task would become immensely more challenging.

Lin Feng scaled the tree trunk behind the sleeping beast, ready to extract the heart in a swift, decisive move. But as luck would have it, the Vajra Wolf stirred, shifting its weight and causing the tree to tremble. Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, but thankfully, the wolf was merely adjusting its position to sleep more comfortably—a mere scare.

Taking a moment to steady his racing heart, Lin Feng pressed on with his mission. He had to overpower the Vajra Wolf and claim its heart before it awoke. He positioned himself beside the large tree, behind the wolf. With a tranquil mind and suppressed breath, he dared not disturb the wolf's rest; an awakened Vajra Wolf would be a formidable opponent.

With his dagger drawn from his waist, Lin Feng prepared to deliver a fatal blow. As he edged closer, his hands shook slightly—this was no ordinary wolf, but a superior Vajra Wolf, far from the common canines he had encountered before. The closer he got, the more palpable the wolf's menacing presence became.

The Vajra Wolf exhaled a pungent, bloody stench, which Lin Feng had been enduring for some time. The overwhelming odor hinted at the countless creatures it must have devoured. It was repulsively foul.

Just as Lin Feng's dagger neared the Vajra Wolf's chest, the creature's instincts kicked in. Its green eyes snapped open, emitting a chilling, luminescent glare. Sensing the imminent danger, the Vajra Wolf snarled at Lin Feng, baring its fangs in a low, menacing growl. The sheer fury in its expression sent a shiver down Lin Feng's spine. The intensity in the wolf's gaze alone was enough to slay any other beast that dared to approach.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's cultivation had reached Body Refining Level Eight. Otherwise, the Vajra Wolf would have sent him running in sheer terror. Thwarted in his stealth attack, Lin Feng had no choice but to engage in a head-on battle. The outcome was anyone's guess.

The Vajra Wolf, now on its feet, was incensed that this human dared to invade its territory with lethal intent. Clearly, this man must have a death wish. The wolf stood tall, nearly matching Lin Feng in height, signaling the imminent clash between man and beast.

With a ferocious roar, the Vajra Wolf lunged at Lin Feng, who nimbly sidestepped the attack. The wolf, still seething with rage and unable to catch its prey, swiftly pivoted and charged at Lin Feng again. This time, its assault was spot-on, sending Lin Feng tumbling to the ground. The impact and momentum left him staggering, clutching his chest in pain.

Seizing the moment, the Vajra Wolf clamped its jaws around Lin Feng's neck. In a desperate move, Lin Feng drew his dagger and plunged it into the wolf's left eye. Overcome by agony, the wolf released its grip and staggered back ten feet.

Lin Feng, clutching his bloodied neck, was relieved to find his artery intact; a closer bite would have been fatal. The Vajra Wolf, now with a pierced eye, bled profusely and howled in distress, seemingly summoning the rest of the pack.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Lin Feng knew he had to finish off the Vajra Wolf quickly before the pack arrived, making escape impossible. Capitalizing on his upper hand, he leaped onto the wolf's back, dagger in hand, and repeatedly stabbed at its neck. The wolf's mournful cries echoed through the forest.

Now defenseless, the Vajra Wolf could only endure Lin Feng's relentless assault. No matter how wildly it thrashed, it couldn't dislodge him. Spurred on by the wolf's vulnerability, Lin Feng's stabs grew even more frenzied as he fought to end the Vajra Wolf's life.

Under these circumstances, there was no room for mercy; to show any would mean his own death.

Just then, the Vajra Wolf charged into the tree trunk in a frenzy.

Its aim was to use the tree's inertia to dislodge Lin Feng.

If it couldn't win the fight, it was prepared to go down with its enemy in a mutual destruction.

As the Vajra Wolf collided with the tree, Lin Feng had already leaped from its back.

Tragically, the wolf couldn't halt its charge and fatally crashed into the tree.

As it slowly collapsed, a mournful howl escaped its lips, growing fainter until the Vajra Wolf lay still, beyond saving.

Seizing the moment, Lin Feng swiftly drew his dagger.

He extracted the still-warm, beating heart of the Vajra Wolf.

Holding the steaming organ, he steeled himself for what came next.

Despite the repulsive scent of blood, he knew that consuming it was essential for advancing to Body Refining Level Nine.

With a grimace, he bit into the heart, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth in a macabre display.

Amidst this gruesome feast, the youth in blue drew nearer.

Lin Feng hastily cleaned up and concealed himself.

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