I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C18 Coincidence Is Everywhere
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C18 Coincidence Is Everywhere
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C18 Coincidence Is Everywhere

The young man, bathed in a blue glow, approached the Vajra Wolf and shook his head in regret. He was just a step too late. Retrieving the heart of the Vajra Wolf was the very task his master had assigned him for the day.

To his dismay, someone had beaten him to it. The Vajra Wolf was not only dead, but its heart had already been harvested, leaving behind a worthless carcass.

What could he possibly present to his master now? The youth radiating blue light felt a wave of dejection wash over him.

Had he not lingered in the streets and reached Vajra Mountain sooner, the wolf's heart might have been his, fulfilling his master's command.

Now, what was he to do? Should he lug the Vajra Wolf's useless hide back and report that someone else had outpaced him?

Hidden behind a tree, Lin Feng witnessed the entire scene, silently expressing his gratitude to the young man.

Without the guidance of the youth's blue light, Lin Feng would not have achieved the breakthrough to Body Refining Level Nine.

For this, Lin Feng felt a deep sense of thanks.

Suddenly, Lin Feng was puzzled. The youth's blue light had led him to the Vajra Wolf, and Lin Feng had claimed its heart. By all accounts, the blue light should have vanished with the opportunity seized. Yet, there it was, not only persisting but intensifying. What was this mystery?

Could it be that the young man possessed a second layer of blue light and a second chance?

Opportunity was not to be squandered when it presented itself, lest one miss out on fortune.

Resolved, Lin Feng decided to shadow the blue light youth.

The youth unsheathed his dagger and began to skin the Vajra Wolf. The hide, as large as a man and slick with value, could likely fetch a handsome sum in the market.

If it sold for 100 Low Grade Spirit Stones, that would equal ten months of his own salary.

Lin Feng hadn't expected the blue light youth to be so frugal. He couldn't help but see the young man in a new light.

The young man with the blue glow was incredibly swift. In just moments, he had expertly skinned the entire wolf, leaving it unscathed. His speed and finesse were so impressive that even Lin Feng might not have managed such a smooth operation with the Vajra Wolf.

As the young man was about to walk away with the wolf skin, several muscular men burst onto the scene, barking commands.

"Boss, this kid's the one who killed the Vajra Wolf and stripped its hide."

"We can't let him live. If we don't kill him, drink his blood, and feast on his flesh, we'll have failed the Vajra Wolf we've been tracking for so long."

Lin Feng gleaned from their exchange that these men had been staking out this area for quite some time, intent on hunting the Vajra Wolf. Unfortunately for them, Lin Feng had beaten them to the punch.

Why hadn't these fools shown up when he was battling the Vajra Wolf?

Now they were scurrying out of the woodwork.

Lin Feng surmised that while he was slaying the Vajra Wolf, this ragtag bunch must have been off carousing in the streets. Only after their revelries, satiated and ready to resume the hunt, did they find the youth in blue had already claimed the prize.

These hunters had been after the Vajra Wolf for months, too cautious to close in, always waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Little did they know, they were just a step too late.

The burly men spotted the youth clutching the prized Vajra Wolf skin and moved to seize it.

Drawing their gleaming blades, they encircled the youth in blue.

He surveyed them with a sneer, clearly unimpressed.

One of the men let out a furious roar, and they charged.

With a casual toss, the blue-robed youth flung the wolf skin, which instantly unfurled into a canopy, ensnaring the men within its folds.

Powered by the youth's energy, the skin spun relentlessly, creating a massive whirlpool above the heads of the burly men. They seemed cursed, unable to escape the swirling trap, their cries echoing pitifully.

In disarray, they dropped their armor and clutched their heads, howling in agony within the wolf skin's swirling vortex.

Lin Feng concealed himself behind a tree trunk, covertly observing the scene before him. He was inwardly astonished by the display of skill. The person's cultivation had to be at least Body Refining Level Eight.

Lin Feng realized he had encountered a formidable opponent.

In a flash, several burly men lay defeated on the ground.

Their so-called leader stood nearby, his face a mask of shock. Terrified to the core, he was too scared to move an inch, likely having lost the capacity for rational thought.

His legs gave out, and he fell to his knees, pleading incessantly, "Great hero, please have mercy on us. We'll leave this instant. The wolves are all yours; we claim no interest in them. Please, spare our lives."

They were indeed just a ragtag bunch, mere underlings who crumbled at the first sign of trouble.

The youth clad in blue robes casually waved his hand, swiftly collecting the wolf pelts.

The fallen brutes ceased their groaning, utterly spent and unable to rise.

The leader scrambled over to them, bellowing, "You fools, get up! We need to escape with our lives!"

They managed to flee, tumbling and stumbling out of the blue-robed youth's view.

As the burly men retreated into the distance, the blue-robed youth called out, "My friend, you've been hiding behind that tree for quite some time. Would you care to come out and show yourself?"

Lin Feng scanned the area; there was no one else in sight. Was the blue-robed youth referring to him?

Having been spotted, Lin Feng decided to emerge with a nonchalant air.

Skulking in the shadows wasn't his way.

Had he remained undetected, he might have simply walked away.

But now, discovered by the blue-robed youth, there was no harm in making an acquaintance.

Besides, given the youth's impressive cultivation, Lin Feng was curious and open to forging a new friendship.

Stepping forward, Lin Feng greeted him with a bow of his hands.

"My name is Lin Feng. May I have the honor of knowing who you are?"

"Lin Feng, are you by chance an outer sect disciple of the Profound Purity Sect?"

"Yes, that's correct. I am indeed an outer sect disciple of the Profound Purity Sect."

"I see. You're the Lin Feng whose reputation soared during the recent promotion competition. You've shown remarkable prowess."

"I'm hardly worthy of such praise. In the end, I was bested in battle."

"That's not the way to look at it. Wang Meng is a ninth-level Body Refining disciple. For you, an obscure third-level Body Refining disciple, to even step into the ring with him is no small feat. You may have been defeated, but you can hold your head high with honor."

It turned out this youth radiating blue light was no ordinary individual. He was intimately familiar with even the most minor details of the Profound Purity Sect.

Clearly, this person had an impressive background.

"May I inquire as to your identity? How is it that you're so well-informed about the affairs of our sect?"

"I'm merely a disciple from the Inner Sect, and I happen to have a friendship with Wang Meng."

So, he was Wang Meng's friend. Could this mean that he was also an enemy to me?

Lin Feng felt a twinge of disappointment. He had initially taken a liking to him, only to discover that he was in league with Wang Meng.

It seemed that a friendship between them was not in the cards.

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