I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C19 Become Friends with a Friend
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C19 Become Friends with a Friend
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C19 Become Friends with a Friend

The blue-robed young man seemed to pick up on Lin Feng's reservations.

He did have a connection with Wang Meng, but that didn't mean he condoned Wang Meng's behavior. He was well aware of Wang Meng's true nature: a coward at heart who preyed on the weak.

The blue-robed youth often felt a sense of weariness whenever Wang Meng resorted to such actions. He wasn't keen on associating with that type of person, but sometimes social niceties demanded it, especially since they were fellow disciples in the same sect.

"You're actually Wang Meng's colleague? Then we have nothing to discuss," Lin Feng said, clearly upset.

"You've got it wrong. My association with Wang Meng doesn't imply that I endorse him as a person."

"So, you're saying you disapprove of Wang Meng's conduct as well?" Lin Feng's eyes sparkled with hope as he pressed for an answer.

He had finally found someone he felt a connection with and didn't want to lose that over Wang Meng.

"What about me, then? Do you think my character is worth befriending?" Lin Feng seized the moment to ask.

The blue-robed youth offered a warm smile.

"Even though my knowledge of you is limited, your reputation and the stories of your deeds suggest you're a straightforward and sincere young man worth getting to know."

With that, they shared a hearty laugh, a sign of their burgeoning friendship.

The blue-robed youth then introduced himself.

"I am Lai Qing, an Inner Sect disciple of the Profound Purity Sect."

"You're from the Inner Sect too? My apologies for the oversight!" Lin Feng quickly performed a respectful hand gesture in return.

"I witnessed the promotion competition the other day. Your abilities are impressive. I have no doubt you'll make it into the Inner Sect's top five in the upcoming revival competition. We'll have plenty of opportunities to meet and exchange ideas then."

"Really?" Lin Feng was taken aback by such high praise, his excitement clearly showing.

"I pride myself on being a good judge of character. You're definitely going to secure a spot in the top five."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll give it my all and won't disappoint you."

Their conversation continued with great enthusiasm, bolstering Lin Feng's confidence even further.

"By the way, Senior Brother, did you come here for this Vajra Wolf?"

"Yes, I was tasked by our Master to capture this Vajra Wolf for its Beast Core and heart, which are needed for his cultivation. Unfortunately, someone beat me to it. It's quite regrettable. Now, only the beast's skin remains. I'll skin it and sell it for 100 Low Grade Spirit Stones at the market. At least it's a small consolation for the effort."

Lin Feng mused that with his level of cultivation, he certainly would have noticed if the Vajra Wolf had been slain by him.

He found himself a bit perplexed. Should he come clean about it?

It seemed wiser to avoid complications, especially since this was their first encounter, and it wasn't appropriate to say too much.

So, Lin Feng feigned ignorance.

"By the way, Junior Brother, what brings you here? And why are you hiding behind the tree trunk, unwilling to come out?"

"I stumbled into the forest, saw the Vajra Wolf slain, lying on the ground, and then you arrived. That's when I hid."

"I see. I almost suspected you were the one who killed the Vajra Wolf."

"How could I possess such strength? How could I possibly kill the Vajra Wolf?"

In truth, before the arrival of the youth radiating blue light, Lin Feng had not only harvested the heart and liver of the Vajra Wolf for consumption but had also extracted its Beast Core.

To avoid any mishaps, he swallowed the Beast Core right after removing it.

It seemed best to keep this to himself.

If Lai Qing found out he had consumed the wolf's heart and liver, and ingested the Beast Core, it might lead to a falling out between them.

At that moment, Lin Feng noticed Lai Qing still shimmered with a blue glow. He had no desire to compete for it. They were friends now, and it was only fair to leave some fortune for a friend rather than hoard it all for himself.

Besides, this chance was directly linked to the wolf's pelt.

It was worth a mere 100 Low Grade Spirit Stones. There was no point in quarreling with a friend over such a trifle.

The Revival Competition was set to start the next day.

So, Lai Qing inquired, "How are you preparing for tomorrow's Revival Competition? Will you go straight for a showdown with Wang Meng, or will you progress through the rounds one by one?"

In the Revival Competition, disciples could select their opponents. Defeating the top-tier opponent meant there was no need to continue battling others.

The first 10 victors would secure their status as Inner Sect disciples.

Those top 10 winners would then enter a ranking contest.

This contest was all about placement—the higher the rank, the more prestigious the master one could choose.

At the same time, it presented an excellent chance for the Elders to select their standout disciples.

Typically, the Elders would clamor to choose from among the top five disciples, each eager to mentor the most exceptional one.

The higher the master's rank, the greater the disciple's status would rise.

This explained Wang Meng's brazen behavior in the outer sect—his master was none other than Guu Yi, an esteemed Elder of the Inner Sect.

Thus, even after advancing to the Inner Sect, choosing a master during the ranking competition remained crucial, as it would set the trajectory for a disciple's future standing.

Consequently, those eligible to join the Inner Sect would deliberate carefully over this competition—no one desired a lowly position.

Wang Meng, however, had no such concerns. His master, Guu Yi, was a prominent Elder who had only taken him as a disciple in the outer sect. With his Inner Sect status secured, Wang Meng was expected to continue his cultivation under Guu Yi's guidance.

This likely reflected the ancient adage: once a master, forever a father.

Chatting away, the pair emerged from the woods and entered the bustling marketplace, where, sure enough, Lai Qing sold the wolf skin for 100 Low Grade Spirit Stones.

Generous by nature, Lai Qing used his earnings to treat Lin Feng to a meal at a tavern.

They secured a cozy private room and toasted to their fortunes.

As Lin Feng learned more about Lai Qing's past, he realized it was even more remarkable than his own.

Lai Qing had been an Outer Sect disciple of the Profound Purity Sect, joining two years before Lin Feng and achieving Body Refining Level Eight after two years of diligent practice.

He had shone in the biennial Inner Sect promotion competition, earning his place as an Inner Sect disciple under Guu Yi, the same master as Wang Meng.

Despite his Inner Sect status, Lai Qing had long been overlooked by Guu Yi, whose behavior bore a striking resemblance to Wang Meng's. It was no surprise that Guu Yi had seen potential in Wang Meng among the many Outer Sect disciples—they were cut from the same cloth. Once united as master and disciple, they became an infamous duo.

Guu Yi delegated all the unsavory tasks he couldn't handle himself to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng was inherently a sly and deceitful character, which made him the perfect fit for the assignments Guu Yi had in mind. He executed his orders flawlessly and often went above and beyond, adding his own spin to the mischief. Guu Yi was immensely pleased with his performance. With just a bit of guidance, Wang Meng was quickly molded into the ideal disciple Guu Yi envisioned. In no time, Wang Meng became his indispensable lieutenant and marionette. The conniving pair caused endless headaches for the other elders of the Inner Sect.

Upon learning of this, Lin Feng couldn't hide his disappointment. It seemed that the Inner Sect was riddled with the same political intrigue as the Outer Sect.

The martial world, it appeared, was omnipresent!

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