I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C20 A Lucky Chance
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C20 A Lucky Chance
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C20 A Lucky Chance

After Lin Feng and Lai Qing had their fill of food and drink, they found themselves slightly tipsy. One was from the Inner Sect, the other from the Outer Sect, and their fates were unexpectedly different.

Lin Feng had been on the receiving end of Wang Meng's bullying. Lai Qing, on the other hand, seemed to be under Guu Yi's thumb. Despite the camaraderie between Lai Qing and Wang Meng as fellow sect disciples, and Wang Meng's reluctance to cross Lai Qing, Lai Qing was acutely aware that he was no more than a dog in Guu Yi's eyes. Wang Meng had never dared to overstep with him, primarily because Lai Qing's cultivation level had always surpassed his own, keeping Wang Meng at bay.

Lin Feng's situation was quite the opposite; with his lower cultivation level, he had endured years of Wang Meng's torment. His determination to improve was fueled by a desire to defeat Wang Meng and finally hold his head high.

The two kindred spirits were now preparing to make their way back to the Profound Purity Sect. "Senior Brother, are you worried about being punished by your master for not obtaining the Vajra Wolf's heart and Beast Core?" Lin Feng inquired, concern lacing his voice.

Given their similar plights and Guu Yi's overbearing nature, Lin Feng knew that Lai Qing's failure to complete the task would not go unpunished. "Punishment is inevitable, but there's nothing I can do if I haven't secured the items. Let the punishment come if it must," Lai Qing responded with a nonchalant shrug, resigned to his fate under a master like Guu Yi.

"Senior Brother, let me help. We'll find another Demonic Beast to make up for it," Lin Feng offered.

"It's not easy to find a Demonic Beast that possesses a Beast Core. This could be quite the challenge," Lai Qing replied skeptically.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother, I have a plan," Lin Feng assured him.

Lin Feng knew that finding a Demonic Beast with a Beast Core on short notice might not be feasible. However, he could still seek out other high-tier spiritual treasures as a substitute for the Beast Core. With such a compromise, perhaps his master would be less critical, and Lai Qing could return with something to show for his efforts.

Lin Feng set out to seek his fortune in the bustling market. He noticed a young man in a black robe ahead, bathed in a radiant white light that stretched for meters, with a thread of fate leading straight to the gates of the Profound Purity Sect. Could it be that this individual's destiny lay within the Sect?

Without hesitation, Lin Feng grabbed Lai Qing and quickly followed the youth through the mountain gate. It was then that they recalled today marked the selection of Outer Sect Disciples by the esteemed Profound Purity Sect.

The Sect, known for its lofty reputation, naturally had a rigorous selection process for its Outer Sect Disciples. As the Sect's renown soared, the criteria for selection tightened. In the past, even someone with Lin Feng's modest abilities could secure a place in the Outer Sect. But times had changed, and such opportunities were no longer available.

The selection process was stringent, and Lin Feng knew that if he were to be assessed today, he wouldn't stand a chance of even passing through the Outer Sect's threshold.

With the biennial competition for Inner Sect Disciples drawing to a close, the time had come to select new Outer Sect recruits—a crucial moment for sects to replenish their ranks and ensure their continued prosperity.

After witnessing the hopefuls at today's competition, many shrouded in a promising white glow, Lin Feng realized that intercepting such chances would be of little benefit to him. He needed to seek his fortune elsewhere.

That's when he spotted a humble herb picker with a basket, radiating a green aura indicative of intermediate Fate. Considering he had consumed the heart and Beast Core of the Vajra Wolf, Lin Feng felt compelled to compensate Lai Qing with this intermediate Fate, sparing his friend further hardship.

To keep his own secrets safe, Lin Feng sent Lai Qing away and trailed the herb picker alone towards the North Nether Mountains.

"Senior Brother, let's do this: you return and wait for me for four hours. I'll come back to find you then. In the meantime, don't mention anything about the Vajra Wolf to your master," Lin Feng instructed.

"Junior Brother, do you have a good solution?"

"Senior Brother, just leave this matter to me for now. I'll have an answer for you in four hours."

Lai Qing decided to let him handle it, curious to see what the young upstart could achieve in such a short time.

So, Lai Qing chose to head back to the Inner Sect of the Profound Purity Sect by himself.

Lin Feng, meanwhile, accompanied the farmer deeper into the mountain woods.

There was no need for Lin Feng to conceal his identity from the farmer; instead, they struck up a friendly conversation as they walked.

The farmer shared that he had been harvesting herbs for a long time, selling them to sustain his family.

He was intimately familiar with the mountain's hidden treasures, knowing exactly where each rare and precious herb could be found.

Today, he was on a mission from a pharmacy owner to locate a specific Ganoderma Immortal Grass.

The female plant thrived in extreme cold, typically found clinging to the peaks and precipices of the mountain.

Lin Feng continued to shadow the farmer as they made their way to the cliff.

The farmer was an open book, eagerly sharing details about the various Ganoderma Immortal Grasses with Lin Feng.

This openness stirred a twinge of guilt in Lin Feng, knowing he would soon intercept the farmer's find, leaving the man's day's work unrewarded and the pharmacy owner's request unfulfilled.

But time was of the essence, and Lin Feng had to secure the Ganoderma Immortal Grass, consequences be damned.

For Lin Feng, the trek was effortless, as if he were as light as a feather, reaching the destination without breaking a sweat. But for the farmer, devoid of any mystical cultivation, the journey was exhausting, leaving him breathless.

Atop the cliff, the farmer's keen eyes scanned the landscape in search of the elusive herb. Lin Feng, unfamiliar with the appearance of the Ganoderma Immortal Grass, relied on following the farmer's gaze.

Suddenly, the farmer gripped Lin Feng's arm with excitement, "Look over there! Do you see it? On that cliff, there's a Ganoderma Immortal Grass, and right beside it, a Blood Exquisiteness."

Lin Feng followed the farmer's pointing finger and indeed spotted the solitary Immortal Grass, standing apart from the world, with a vibrant, blood-red Blood Exquisiteness fluttering in the breeze beside it.

The farmer's excitement was palpable, and he was poised to scale down the cliff to harvest the Ganoderma Immortal Grass as he spoke.

Lin Feng sized up the cliff's daunting height and steepness.

Concerned for the farmer, whose agility was lacking, Lin Feng feared a fall was imminent.

He intervened.

"Uncle, allow me to fetch it for you. You're after the Ganoderma Immortal Grass today, but may I claim the Blood Exquisiteness growing beside it?"

The old farmer bristled at the suggestion. The Blood Exquisiteness was more precious than the Ganoderma itself.

Determined to pick it himself, he didn't want Lin Feng anywhere near it.

Reading the farmer's intentions, Lin Feng backed off, silently conceding. He figured if the farmer managed to get it, he'd find a way to acquire the Blood Exquisiteness regardless. And if not, he'd simply take matters into his own hands.

With that, the old farmer started his awkward descent down the cliff.

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