I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C21 Blood Exquisiteness
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C21 Blood Exquisiteness
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C21 Blood Exquisiteness

Observing the old farmer's stingy behavior, Lin Feng simply perched atop the cliff, a spectator ready to enjoy the unfolding drama.

The old farmer, a seasoned herb gatherer, was well-equipped for the task. He secured one end of his rope to a sturdy tree trunk and the other around his waist, intending to use the safety line to lower himself beside the Ganoderma Immortal Grass. Once he harvested it, he planned to ascend the cliff by climbing the rope.

Had Lin Feng been malicious, had he been a conniving scoundrel, he could have easily cut the farmer's rope, sending him plummeting to his death. But that was not in Lin Feng's nature. He couldn't bring himself to harm an old man he had only met once, a man without a hint of malice.

It seemed the old farmer, who had met all sorts of people, had also discerned Lin Feng's character. Confident that Lin Feng was no lowlife, he boldly proceeded to descend the rope in pursuit of the Spiritual Pearl Immortal Grass.

Each man was lost in his own thoughts, no longer meddling in the affairs of the other.

As the old man neared his prize, the Spiritual Pearl Immortal Grass and Blood Exquisiteness, the rope frayed dangerously close to snapping. Lin Feng watched, his heart in his throat, knowing a broken rope meant certain death.

"Old man, your rope is nearly gone. What's your plan?" Lin Feng called out, his concern evident.

The old farmer had already sensed his perilous descent, his eyes confirming the frayed lifeline.

Without Lin Feng's intervention, a grim fate awaited him at the bottom of the valley.

Assessing the situation, he made his plea. "Young man, pull me up, and the Blood Exquisiteness Grass is yours."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng sprang into action, yanking the rope and hoisting the old farmer to safety. The close call had thwarted the farmer's attempt to pick the herbs.

Now, it was Lin Feng's turn. With the agility of the Ghost Shadow Mystery, he swiftly reached the spot where the Spirit Pearl Immortal Grass and Blood Exquisiteness grew. He plucked them with ease, tucking the immortal grass into his bosom and clutching the Blood Exquisiteness in his hand.

To his surprise, the Blood Exquisiteness melted away in the palm of his hand.

The vivid red that stained his hand vanished in an instant.

Had his body absorbed all the juice from the Blood Exquisiteness?

Upon closer inspection, the Blood Exquisiteness appeared rejuvenated, standing tall and unscathed in the breeze.

"You shouldn't grasp the stem when you're pulling out the Blood Exquisiteness, little brother. Go for the roots instead."

A lightbulb went off in Lin Feng's head.

Then it occurred to him—why not seize the moment to squeeze it a few more times, to extract more of its essence? After all, the Blood Exquisiteness could heal itself.

With that thought, Lin Feng gripped the Blood Exquisiteness and gave it a firm squeeze.

As the Blood Exquisiteness oozed its lifeblood, Lin Feng's palm absorbed it ceaselessly. His arm transitioned from numbness to a sense of free-flowing ease. He could feel his blood vessels dilating, opening up, and his circulation quickening.

The surge of blood coursed through his meridians, nourishing his entire body.

It was an intoxicating sensation, almost too blissful to bear.

He hadn't anticipated the Blood Exquisiteness to be so potent in advancing his cultivation.

He clung to it greedily, reluctant to release his grip.

"Are you alright, little brother? Come on up now. The Blood Exquisiteness is extremely yin and cold; it's harmful to absorb too much," the old farmer cautioned.

What the farmer didn't realize was that Lin Feng had previously healed his wounds in a pile of crystals, which were of an intense heat. Now, the interplay of hot and cold blood was fortifying his constitution even further.

After roughly a quarter of an hour, Lin Feng's entire body felt supremely limber, and he finally released his hold.

Once he did, the Blood Exquisiteness swiftly plumped up, vibrant and dewy once more.

Lin Feng mused that if only he could carry the Blood Exquisiteness with him indefinitely without it wilting, how wonderful that would be.

He unearthed the root of the Blood Exquisiteness and, executing the Ghost Shadow Mystery Steps, swiftly ascended the cliff.

The old farmer breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing him safely reach the top.

Lin Feng pulled out the Ganoderma Immortal Grass from his embrace and handed it over to the old farmer.

The old farmer heaved a deep sigh, clearly finding it difficult to let go of the Blood Exquisiteness.

It was a shame, really. The Snow Exquisiteness would wither in an instant if it were removed from its native soil and handled again.

Lin Feng gingerly spread the Blood Exquisiteness across his palm, not daring to grip it tightly.

Both parties had gotten what they needed from the exchange.

Just then, Lin Feng was alerted by a signal from the system.

He had successfully intercepted the target and was awarded a Body Tempering Pill.

Lin Feng realized that the green glow emanating from the old farmer was meant to lead him to the Blood Exquisiteness. Moreover, by inadvertently grasping the Blood Exquisiteness and absorbing its essence, he had triggered the system's reward of a Body Tempering Pill.

Indeed, it was a case of hitting two birds with one stone.

Now he could hand over the Blood Exquisiteness to Lai Qing, who could then report back to his master, alleviating Lin Feng's sense of guilt.

The two made their way down the mountain in haste. The old farmer headed for the pharmacy; selling the Ganoderma Immortal Grass today would earn him 50 Low Grade Spirit Stones, covering his family's expenses for half a month.

Yet, it was regrettable that the Blood Exquisiteness, valued at 500 Spirit Stones, was lost.

He blamed his own inadequate rope, but saving his life was a consolation. He resolved to be better prepared next time the opportunity to acquire Blood Exquisiteness arose, to avoid a repeat of today's mishap.

With this thought, the old farmer found some comfort.

Lin Feng, with the Blood Exquisiteness Grass in tow, was exceedingly cautious not to jostle it, fearing any damage that would leave him with nothing to offer Lai Qing.

Outer Sect disciples were prohibited from entering the Inner Sect.

Despite both being within the Profound Purity Sect, they were distinct realms.

Lin Feng approached the Inner Sect's gate.

He asked the junior brother on duty to announce his arrival.

Although he was merely a disciple tasked with guarding the Inner Sect's gate, Lin Feng, an Outer Sect disciple, was obliged to address him as 'senior brother.'

The junior senior brother gave him a quick glance and, with a hint of impatience, went to notify Lai Qing.

Lin Feng was effusively grateful.

Before long, Lai Qing emerged on his own.

He caught sight of Lin Feng, who stood gazing into the Inner Sect with a dazed expression.

Lin Feng's attire was disheveled, and he was caked in mud.

Lai Qing shook his head, a wry smile on his face.

Lin Feng truly had a way of being endearingly unkempt and straightforward.

As Lai Qing approached,

Lin Feng hurriedly retrieved the Blood Exquisiteness Grass from within his clothes and presented it to him.

"Junior brother, this is the Blood Exquisiteness Grass, a truly rare find. Where did you come across such a treasure? It's said to appear once in a century."

Lai Qing was taken aback upon seeing the Blood Exquisiteness Grass, impressed by the young man's resourcefulness. Such a plant was a once-in-a-century discovery; how had he managed to find it?

"Senior brother, let's not dwell on the details. Take this grass to your master; it should offset any faults, and he'll have no reason to trouble you," Lin Feng said.

In that moment, Lai Qing was touched by Lin Feng's sincere nature.

Yet he pondered whether he should really hand over such a rare specimen of Blood Exquisiteness to Guu Yi.

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