I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C22 Revival Competition
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C22 Revival Competition
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C22 Revival Competition

"Brother, the Revival Competition is tomorrow, so I'm going to excuse myself and rest up for the night," Lin Feng said, giving a respectful bow before taking his leave.

"Little brother, make sure you give it your all in the Revival Competition tomorrow. Aim to join the Inner Sect soon—I'll be waiting for you there," his senior brother encouraged.

"Thanks for the encouragement. I'll give it everything I've got," Lin Feng replied with determination. After exchanging farewells, they parted ways.

Lin Feng rushed back to the Outer Sect Disciples' Quarters. Lee Ann was visibly elated to see him return unharmed. Since Lin Feng's abrupt departure days ago, there had been no word from him, leaving Lee Ann restless and deeply concerned for his safety.

"Where have you been all this time? You have no idea how worried I've been. I even informed Master Chang Qing, who has been searching for you," Lee Ann rambled on with relief upon Lin Feng's safe arrival.

"The Inner Sect's Revival Competition is today at noon. Are you all prepared?" Lee Ann quickly inquired, not even waiting for Lin Feng's response to his previous concerns.

"Rest assured, brother, I'm ready. I'm confident I'll win the Revival Competition—just you watch," Lin Feng assured him.

"Just be careful and don't overdo it. Keep an eye out for Wang Meng's attacks. He's out to eliminate you once and for all, so stay vigilant," Lee Ann warned.

"Don't worry, brother. I've already devised a strategy to counter Wang Meng," Lin Feng said with confidence.

"Oh, and what about your Flame Beast?" Lee Ann suddenly remembered.

That's when Lin Feng recalled the Flame Beast that had been his loyal companion through thick and thin. They had kept the creature hidden in the inner room, uncertain of its well-being over the past days.

"Don't worry. It quietly flew off last night, back to its nest," Lee Ann reassured him.

Knowing that the Flame Beast was safe, Lin Feng felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He carefully opened the cabinet door to check on the Black Phoenix egg he had been secretly safeguarding. This egg, a prize he had snatched from Wang Meng, was a secret he could not afford to let slip—if Wang Meng found out, he would surely seek retribution. Lee Ann was unaware of the egg's origins, but he knew Lin Feng treated it with the utmost care.

The Black Phoenix egg rested quietly in the cabinet, bathed in a soft white glow.

All was as it should be; the egg was brimming with vitality.

The hour was swiftly approaching noon.

Lee Ann had been exceptionally attentive to Lin Feng's needs.

With Lin Feng set to compete in the revival tournament, Lee Ann had gone out of his way to procure the finest meals from the cafeteria.

These gourmet dishes had cost him five Spirit Stones, a price he willingly paid after sweet-talking a junior brother in the kitchen.

Lin Feng savored the meal his senior brother had brought him.

His stomach rumbled with hunger; it had been ages since he had felt so satisfyingly full.

Mealtime came to an end.

Suddenly, the Profound Purity Sect was alive with the sound of gongs and drums.

The revival competition was imminent.

Lin Feng and Lee Ann made their way to the venue, joining the many disciples who had gathered there ahead of them.

Wang Meng sat in the place of honor, his posture defiant and unyielding.

He had the air of a king surveying his domain.

Zhan Shuiling, with her delicate beauty, was also seated.

Zhan Shuining sat with poise, her eyes darting about as if in search of something.

Then, her gaze landed on Lin Feng as he entered, and her face lit up with an encouraging smile.

Lee Ann nudged Lin Feng's sleeve. "Junior brother, see how Zhan Shuining is smiling at you? She's the heart's desire of every disciple in the Profound Purity Sect."

In that moment, Lin Feng felt the surge of Zhan Shuining's encouragement and returned her smile with a nod.

Their silent exchange spoke volumes, conveying a mutual understanding that needed no words.

Bolstered by Zhan Shuining's support, Lin Feng felt a newfound energy. He hadn't expected such a gesture from her, and it set his heart racing with a mix of elation and surprise.

The tournament was about to start.

Lin Feng had no interest in battling just anyone.

His sights were set on Wang Meng.

Without hesitation, he was the first to leap onto the arena, issuing a challenge to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng responded with a scornful smirk.

Shedding his outer robe, he sprang into the air with a graceful leap, landing effortlessly on the platform.

Lin Feng was ready, poised for combat.

Now possessing the strength to lift tens of thousands of kilograms, Lin Feng could easily hoist an 8,000-kilogram cauldron. Fresh from his recent advancement, facing two or three opponents simultaneously would pose no challenge at all.

After consuming the heart and liver of the Vajra Wolf, the Beast Core of Blood Exquisiteness, and other fortuitous encounters, Lin Feng had seized his destiny.

As a result, he had long surpassed the tenth level of Body Refining.

His adversary, Wang Meng, was likely at the same level of Body Refining expertise.

Today was the day to determine who was superior.

Lin Feng decided to strike first.

His fist cut through the air with a fierce whoosh, aimed at Wang Meng.

Wang Meng swiftly sidestepped the blow.

Lin Feng quickly pivoted, feinting a punch to distract Wang Meng before landing a solid hit on his knee.

Leg strength was Wang Meng's forte, and Lin Feng knew he had to neutralize it first.

Taken aback, Wang Meng stumbled backward, surprised by Lin Feng's cunning feint.

The mastery of his Ghost Shadow Mystery Fist was evident in its unpredictable strikes.

Wang Meng realized his complacency had left him open to the sneak attack.

Fury surged through him as the punch to his knee significantly weakened his Shadowless Divine Technique.

The force behind Lin Feng's punch was immense, easily equivalent to ten thousand kilograms of pressure.

An ordinary disciple would have suffered a shattered leg by now, but Wang Meng's resilience allowed him to withstand the blow.

In a frenzied counterattack, Wang Meng unleashed his right leg, alternating between the Shadowless Divine Technique and the Ghost Shadow Mystery Fist.

One technique focused on legwork, the other on handwork.

Lin Feng countered Wang Meng's leg techniques with his fists.

With his left leg compromised, Wang Meng's strength was diminished, yet his right leg remained a formidable force.

It was clear why Wang Meng was considered a prodigy of the outer sect.

Even relying on one leg, his power was formidable.

Lin Feng had to use both hands to narrowly dodge the critical strikes.

Seeing Lin Feng withstand over twenty moves without a scratch, Wang Meng grew increasingly desperate.

In a last-ditch effort, he launched a vicious hook kick aimed at Lin Feng's vulnerable spot.

Lin Feng seized the moment, capturing the right leg Wang Meng had aimed at him.

With a swift twist of his hands,

Wang Meng spun through the air.

Seizing the opportunity, Lin Feng gave a forceful shove,

sending Wang Meng tumbling several yards away before he crashed to the ground with a resounding thud.

The disciples gathered around the stage began to murmur and sigh amongst themselves, unable to hide their astonishment.

They had not anticipated such prowess from Lin Feng, the once considered feeble.

Could this really be the same Lin Feng they knew?

In just a few short days, he had managed to send Wang Meng sprawling, utterly defeated.

Zhan Shuining, perched on the stage, straightened up, taking notice.

She silently cheered for Lin Feng, though outwardly she maintained an air of serene detachment.

Below the stage, Lee Ann was visibly elated, his joy evident in his every word.

Many disciples who had suffered under Wang Meng's tyranny now shouted in surprise and delight.

Lin Feng had at last avenged them, toppling Wang Meng in front of their peers, leaving him in a state of disarray.

Wang Meng, his pride wounded, found himself unable to concede defeat, yet he lacked the strength to continue the duel.

A tumult of shame, fury, and thoughts of vengeance roiled within him.

Lin Feng, this isn't over between us.

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