I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C4 Picking a Cultivation Technique!
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C4 Picking a Cultivation Technique!
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C4 Picking a Cultivation Technique!

Lin Feng didn't rush off after coming down; instead, he decided to stay and select a new cultivation technique.

He was still practicing the introductory technique from the Profound Purity Sect, a low-tier Yellow Rank method.

A superior cultivation technique was essential for rapid advancement in his cultivation level, potentially doubling his efficiency when forming a cyclone.

Yet, despite his thorough search, the finest technique in the entire Hidden Gold Pavilion barely reached the high-tier Yellow Rank.

He was convinced that Wang Meng's technique must be at least a mid-tier Profound Rank, given his status.

To catch up, Lin Feng knew he needed to choose a more advanced technique.

With only a month until the Inner Sect Advancement Competition, he had to make the most of this time to enhance his cultivation.

Ultimately, Zhan Shuining settled for the "Yan Form Hurricane" technique.

She realized the fifth book was merely an ordinary high-tier Yellow Rank martial skill.

Descending the stairs, she noticed the same young man was still there.

She couldn't resist giving him a few extra glances.

Her unique status meant she was a newcomer to the Profound Purity Sect, having been there less than six months, and she seldom made public appearances.

As a result, she was virtually unknown to most, and she certainly didn't recognize Lin Feng, the infamous underachiever.

Yet, she thought he had a rather appealing look.

Deacon Zhao collected a hundred low-grade crystal stones from Zhan Shuining and, after completing the registration, instructed her to take the secret manual with her.

"That young man over there, haven't you found a cultivation technique to your satisfaction yet?"

Zhan Shuining's earlier attention had drawn Deacon Zhao's notice to Lin Feng.

He had been up and down from the first floor to the second, repeatedly making the rounds in his search.

He continued to browse.

"Not yet," Lin Feng admitted, scratching his head sheepishly.

"What kind of cultivation technique are you looking for?" Deacon Zhao inquired.

"I... I haven't quite decided," Lin Feng replied.

Deacon Zhao shook his head at the response.

He recognized the young man; he had been with the Outer Sect of the Profound Purity Sect for nearly four years.

Traditionally, that amount of time would be sufficient for an average disciple to reach Body Refining Level Seven or even Level Eight.

Despite his efforts, he remained at a mere Body Refining Level Three.

"Well then, here's a handwritten manuscript of a cultivation technique I stumbled upon. Unfortunately, it's only the first half."

"It's still usable for cultivation, roughly between an upper-level Yellow Rank and a Profound Rank technique."

"If it suits you, feel free to give it a try."

Lin Feng's eyes sparkled. Could this be the break he'd been waiting for?

He hastily activated the transport system, and a faint green glow enveloped him.

A green opportunity?

Hahaha, to think I'd come across such fortune without even trying. My luck has finally turned.

"How many Spirit Stones are required to borrow this book?"

"Just take it; it's my personal copy. You don't need to return it once you're done. I have others."

"Then, my thanks to Deacon Zhao."

Yet, after accepting the manuscript, Lin Feng waited in vain for the system's prompt.

As expected, since the opportunity wasn't seized, there were no rewards.

Lin Feng pulled out "Ghost Shadow Mystery" and laid out a hundred Low Grade Spirit Stones.

Deacon Zhao's expression turned to one of astonishment.

Wasn't this the movement skill he had recommended to Miss Zhan?

That explains the extra glance she threw my way.

Otherwise, this young man would have to scrimp and save for ten months without spending on anything to afford these stones.

But this young man...

Aside from his lower cultivation level, he was quite the looker—fair, clean, and undeniably handsome.

Watching Deacon Zhao stroke his chin, nodding in approval, Lin Feng tensed up.

Surely the old man didn't have ulterior motives?

Why else would he offer a cultivation technique so generously?

"The movement technique you've selected requires the strength of at least Body Refining Level Seven. If you'd like, I can suggest some alternatives."

"No, this is the one I want."

"Remember, the secret texts can only be borrowed for three days. After that, you must return it, whether you've mastered it or not."

"Are you certain this is the book you want?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Lin Feng nodded decisively, without a second thought.

Deacon Zhao, left with no other option, registered Lin Feng and processed the necessary borrowing procedures.

Back at his quarters, Lin Feng delved into the cultivation technique Deacon Zhao had provided with keen interest.

The Dragon Travelling Scripture.

It allowed the absorption of the Spirit Stone's Spiritual Energy directly into one's meridians.

Like a dragon, it surged through the meridians with unstoppable force.

With each complete cycle, the body's strength would be enhanced.

In a mere half-quarter of an hour, Lin Feng had reduced a Spirit Stone to powder through absorption.

Indeed, a superior cultivation technique was distinct in its efficacy, significantly accelerating the cultivation pace.

Lin Feng could faintly sense a dragon's roar emanating from within his body.

Regrettably, the absence of the latter half meant it fell short of being a Profound Rank technique.

Reaping the technique's benefits, Lin Feng eagerly resumed his practice with several more Spirit Stones.

After half a day, he sensed an imminent breakthrough but recognized he was just shy of the necessary refinement.

Unrushed, he prepared another medicinal bath with the leftover herbs from his previous session.

This time, he was intent on testing the Body Tempering Pill awarded by the system.

Pill swallowed, Lin Feng reclined in the medicinal bath, feeling a series of pops from within his bones.

A profound sense of relief washed over him.

Drenched in sweat and after a deep groan,

He triumphantly advanced to Body Refining Level Seven.

Freshly bathed and dressed in clean clothes,

Lin Feng turned his attention to the tattered cloth and the "Ghost Shadow Mystery."

It seemed to be a key to some opportunity, suggesting an inherent link between the two.

The cloth bore an eerie ghost claw and shadow, exuding an air of mystery.

Drawing from his past life's novel-reading experiences, Lin Feng boldly tore the cloth.

As anticipated, it split into two pieces, revealing a bizarre set of movements on the stitched sides.

A line of text at the bottom described the Ghost Claw as elusive and unpredictable, capable of plucking hearts and seizing the moon with a mere gesture.

Upon comparing it to the Ghost Shadow Mystery, Lin Feng discovered striking similarities, suggesting they originated from the same lineage.

The Ghost Shadow Mystery enabled one to step with ghostly stealth, altering one's form at will and defying prediction.

The synergy between the two was deadly, capable of killing without a trace.

Their combined force was certainly on par with an advanced Profound Rank martial technique.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel guilty for having taken such a significant opportunity from Zhan Shuining.

Having completed a connection of opportunities, what were initially two green opportunities merged into a single, more potent blue opportunity.

Fist intent.

This was a state of mind accessible only to those who had reached the level of the Spiritual Pedestal Tier or higher.

There was sword intent for the sword, saber intent for the saber.

The mental states achieved varied with each individual's unique insight.

Fist intent.

It could be overwhelmingly forceful, breaking through all resistance.

It could embody the spirit of relentless, rapid assault.

Or it could be subtle and elusive, yet packed with explosive power.


The Great Dao encompasses three thousand paths, each one reliant on personal aptitude.

Yet, below the Spiritual Pedestal Tier, only a select few martial techniques can awaken the latent potential within a person, producing effects akin to these profound states.

But such techniques are invariably of at least Earth Rank quality.

Lin Feng pondered whether his Ghost Shadow Mystery could manifest fist intent.

Should it prove possible, its effectiveness would surely increase.

Lin Feng realized the necessity of venturing out for real-world experience.

As it stood, he possessed the skill but lacked the battle-hardened experience.

Facing actual competition, he suspected he might not fare well.

The ideal proving ground was the periphery of the North Nether Mountains.

Home to a multitude of common beasts, it was the perfect environment for cultivators at his level of Body Refining to hone their skills.

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