I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C6 Killing
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C6 Killing
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C6 Killing

Suspended in midair, Lin Feng gave a ghostly smile. In a bizarre twist, his body lay flat in the sky, narrowly evading the massive tongue that swept overhead. The Netherworld Ghost Claw lashed out once more, this time with a faint aura of intent surrounding it. With a swoosh, the tongue split in two mid-flight.

Lin Feng landed on the severed tongue, using its momentum to spring forward, closing in on the Earth Lizard. The beast, wracked with pain, charged at Lin Feng, only to find he had vanished. In a blink, Lin Feng was on its back, targeting the breached scale armor. His ghost claw, charged with the force of his punch, plunged through the opening, his entire arm disappearing into the wound.

Unable to bear the agony, the Earth Lizard thrashed wildly, its frenzied stomping causing the already fractured ground to give way once more. As the Earth Lizard plummeted, Lin Feng leaped, yanking a long blood vessel from its body. The creature collapsed into the vast crater, gasping for air, its life force fading rapidly, its insides a chaotic mess. It knew its end was near.

Descending into the crater, Lin Feng stood in silence, gazing down at the dying beast. With its last ounce of strength, the Earth Lizard emitted a final, low moan. Understanding its plea for a swift end, Lin Feng approached and, with a ghost claw infused with his punching power, pierced its forehead. The next moment, he extracted a sparkling, translucent bead.

This was the Demonic Beast's Beast Core, a spiritual treasure of rarity. It served as a potent catalyst in the crafting of high-level elixirs and could be absorbed by other Demonic Beasts to enhance their cultivation. Even humans could assimilate it after purification. Yet, not all Demonic Beasts could form a Beast Core; typically, only those of the Third Rank possessed one. A First Rank Beast Core, a product of chance and consumed elixirs, was as valuable as five hundred Middle Grade Spirit Stones.

Lin Feng pocketed the Beast Core.

The complete set of scales from the Earth Lizard could fetch at least a thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones, the equivalent of ten Middle Grade Spirit Stones.

But without a Storage Ring, and no easy way to transport it alone, he had no choice but to leave it behind.

He had savored the thrill of hunting Demonic Beasts.

Now, Lin Feng set out to target the bulkier First Rank Demonic Beasts.

The faster ones were too risky for him to pursue with just the Ghost Shadow Mystery technique at his Body Refining Stage.

Over the next several days, he successfully hunted two more First Rank Demonic Beasts.

Yet, he found no Beast Cores.

It seemed that for lower-level Demonic Beasts, possessing a Beast Core was exceedingly rare.

At that moment, he was taking a break by the shore of a serene lake.

A gentle breeze stirred the shimmering water.

It was blissfully peaceful.

Abruptly, the tranquility was shattered.

The earth shook, sending birds and beasts into a frenzy.

Lin Feng's eyes snapped open, alert.

Something was unfolding deep within the mountain range.

A thought struck him.

If humans could stumble upon fortune, why not beasts?

It had been ages since he'd last encountered a human, and just as long since he'd used the system.

He activated it without delay and cautiously headed towards the source of the disturbance.

He was venturing beyond the North Nether Mountains' periphery, where he might come face to face with a Second Rank Demonic Beast, or even a Third Rank beast as formidable as a Spiritual Pedestal Tier warrior.

As he progressed, ordinary animals were nowhere to be seen.

He spotted a few First Rank Demonic Beasts occasionally, but they bore no signs of fortune.

That was until a Five-spirit Silver Ape emerged before him.

A Second Rank Demonic Beast.

Indeed, Demonic Beasts could be bearers of fortune.

A soft green glow enveloped the Five-spirit Silver Ape.

A green opportunity.

Drawing from his past encounters, Lin Feng recognized this as an opportunity on par with acquiring a Profound Grade cultivation technique.

He fixed his gaze on the Five-spirit Silver Ape.

Deep within the mountain range, a phantom image of a medicinal herb hovered above a great peak. Its distinctive shape made it instantly recognizable. Lin Feng identified it at a glance as the Profound Grade Spirit Herb, Jade Ganoderma Blue.

This particular herb was several times more valuable than a Stage One Beast Core, often fetching upwards of a thousand Middle Grade Spirit Stones. In comparison, Low Grade Spirit Herbs were generally worth a few thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones. Lin Feng's own Fire Spirit Grass, aged a millennium, could command a price of ten thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones, equivalent to a hundred Middle Grade Spirit Stones.

Intent on avoiding the Five-spirit Silver Ape, Lin Feng didn't hesitate to take a detour. Yet, he had miscalculated the ape's swiftness. Its agile form moved through the forest at a pace that matched, if not exceeded, Lin Feng's own speed.

Lin Feng was aware that being detected by the ape would make it nearly impossible to escape unscathed from the clutches of the Second Grade Demonic Beast. But his mastery of the Ghost Shadow Mystery technique, which allowed him to hide his presence, was not to be underestimated. He had tested it numerous times, and not once had a First Grade Demonic Beast sensed his approach. He was confident that with caution, he could remain undetected by this Second Grade Demonic Beast as well.

Upon reaching the summit, the Five-spirit Silver Ape came to a halt. To Lin Feng's surprise, an active volcano dominated the mountaintop. The ape beat its chest and let out a roar towards the volcano's crater. The ground shook once again, and without a moment's hesitation, the ape leaped into the abyss.

Lin Feng hurried to the edge of the crater and peered down to discover three Second Grade Demonic Beasts below. Besides the Five-spirit Silver Ape that had just descended, there was a Flame Beast and a Two-faced Heavenly Scorpion locked in combat. Clearly, this was the domain of the Flame Beast.

In the center of the volcanic activity, amidst the flowing magma, an ice-blue herb grew on a slab of molten rock. The Yu Zhizhi Lan, a Profound Grade Ice Attribute Spirit Herb, was known for its ability to neutralize various fire toxins and aid those who practiced cold attribute techniques in advancing their cultivation. When refined into a Pill, it could create a temporary shield of cold air around the user, allowing safe passage through intensely hot environments.

In Lin Feng's view, the alliance between these two Spirit Beasts was a clear sign they were after the coveted jade herb. Any Demonic Beast with a cold attribute that consumed it would not only boost their cultivation but also stood a high chance of condensing a Beast Core ahead of time. A Demonic Beast with a Beast Core could seamlessly integrate the Spiritual Energy of the heavens and earth into it, enabling them to unleash Spiritual Energy skills at will.

Remarkably, the Flame Beast held its own against the joint onslaught of the two formidable Demonic Beasts. The venomous spit from the Double-sided Sky Scorpion evaporated instantly in the face of the Flame Beast's fiery assault. With wings that granted it agility on par with the Five-spirit Silver Ape, the Flame Beast managed to dodge every attack, leaving its adversaries at a stalemate.

Yet, the Five-spirit Silver Ape, being a primate Demonic Beast, possessed superior intelligence. It calculated the perfect angle and deliberately allowed itself to be struck by the Flame Beast's fiery breath. Propelled by the force, it executed a strategic leap and snatched the jade herb in one swift motion. Without even touching the ground, the Silver Ape crushed the herb with its powerful jaws and swallowed the remains.

The Flame Beast, witnessing its prize being devoured, unleashed a furious roar and a jet of flame, sending the Five-spirit Silver Ape reeling through the air once more. But this time, a chilling aura enveloped the Ape, rendering the flames harmless. The Silver Ape, in a frenzy of excitement, pounded its chest, creating a thunderous echo.

From his vantage point above the volcano's rim, Lin Feng watched the entire scene unfold with crystal clarity. He could do nothing but observe as the Five-spirit Silver Ape seized its chance for power.

[The target has successfully seized the opportunity. Interception failed. Mission automatically cancelled.]

The Five-spirit Silver Ape's aura continued to surge, its silver fur bristling with energy as it prepared for a breakthrough. With a mighty leap, it plunged into the magma below, causing the molten rock to churn and form a vortex. Spiritual Energy from all around was drawn in, merging with the swirling magma.

Lin Feng exhaled a sigh, realizing that if the Five-spirit Silver Ape's breakthrough was successful, the Flame Beast's defeat was inevitable. With no role left to play, he turned on his heel, ready to depart.

Suddenly, a wave of danger washed over him.

Lin Feng looked up to see a Flame Beast barreling toward him, its wings beating furiously.

This was a Rank Three Flame Beast, a creature on par with a Spiritual Pedestal Tier expert.

He instantly deployed the Ghost Shadow Mystery technique.

But the Flame Beast's speed was astonishing; in a mere moment, it was upon him.

With no avenue for retreat, Lin Feng leapt into the volcano's mouth without a second thought.

The Flame Beast, wings still thrashing, dove in after him.

Using the Ghost Shadow Mystery to masterfully control his movements, Lin Feng darted through the air, finally alighting in a secluded nook and taking cover behind a massive boulder.

Deprived of the Five-spirit Silver Ape's assistance, the Double-headed Sky Scorpion was steadily losing ground.

As soon as the Rank Three Flame Beast entered, it spotted the embattled creature and flew into a rage.

A torrent of even hotter flames erupted.

The Double-headed Sky Scorpion, already faltering and now without the ape's support, couldn't mount a defense in time. Its tough carapace began to show signs of melting under the intense heat of the flames—flames fierce enough to liquefy the shell of a Rank Two Demonic Beast.

Lin Feng's only thought was to seize any chance to slip away; staying put meant certain peril.

Yet, unbeknownst to him, a dark shadow was silently closing in from behind.

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