I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C7 Picking a Cultivation Technique!
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I'm Really Not The Great Hero/C7 Picking a Cultivation Technique!
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C7 Picking a Cultivation Technique!

Lin Feng, with his keen senses, swiftly dodged to the side.

He watched as a clueless little beast rammed headfirst into a rock.

A Flame Beast cub!

It was then that Lin Feng noticed a cave not too far behind him.

That must be the Flame Beast's usual resting spot.

The persistent Flame Beast cub refused to back down and charged at Lin Feng once more.

Since escape was no longer an option, Lin Feng figured he might as well seize the chance to investigate the Flame Beast's cave. Perhaps he would find some hidden treasures.

Meanwhile, the Two-faced Heavenly Scorpion, merely a Second Rank creature, stood no chance against the onslaught of the male and female Flame Beasts. It was quickly incinerated into a charred scorpion by their intense flames.

A thunderous roar erupted from the lava.

Following that, the Five-spirit Silver Ape burst forth from the molten rock, leaping into the air.

Now a Third Rank Demonic Beast, it made its grand entrance.

No sooner had it appeared than it was engulfed by a large and a small stream of fire from the cave.

The flames engulfed its body, yet failed to inflict the slightest injury.

Clearly, the medicinal power of the Jade Ganoderma was still in effect.


A bird's call echoed from outside the cave entrance.

A red-feathered sharp-beaked bird swooped into the cave.

The male Flame Beast, also of the Third Rank, let out an enraged roar at the newcomer.

It had been deceived by this sly bird's diversionary tactics and had nearly lost everything.

The Trident Flame Sparrow, a fire-attribute Demonic Beast just like the Flame Beast, had long coveted this active volcano as a site for its nest.

But the Flame Beast family had already established their home here.

With its strength only at the third level, the sparrow knew it couldn't take over their dwelling by force.

So it had devised a plan to team up with two other Demonic Beasts for a surprise attack.

It promised to hand over all the treasures of the place to them, wanting only the volcano for itself.

The Flame Beast, however, was no fool.

When it noticed it had been led in circles by the Trident Flame Sparrow, it sensed something was off and quickly turned back.

Seeing that the Five-spirit Silver Ape had also reached the Third Rank and was shielded by the Jade Ganoderma Blue, the Trident Flame Sparrow grew bold.

Confidence surged within them.

Their opponent had only a single third-tier Demonic Beast, which was currently at a disadvantage against them.

Victory seemed assured!

They called out to the Five-spirit Silver Ape and launched a joint attack.

In the depths of the Flame Beast's lair, Lin Feng bound the young cub into a bundle and tossed it into a corner.

He then began to rummage around.

"Hmm, Flame Crystals."

These must be byproducts of the Flame Beast.

Packed with dominant fire attribute Spiritual Energy, one of these stones could replace five High Grade Spirit Stones.

No purification needed—practitioners of fire attribute techniques could absorb them directly, significantly boosting the fire aspect of their Spiritual Energy.

Lin Feng quickly tallied them up—there were more than twenty!

That was the equivalent of a million Low Grade Spirit Stones.

In an instant, Lin Feng had become a millionaire.

He wrapped them up in a cloth.

The little Flame Beast was beside itself with rage, wailing incessantly. Those were its regular treats, and this man had swept them all away in one fell swoop.

Lin Feng also stumbled upon a skeleton here.

Next to the remains lay a battered martial arts manual, clearly abandoned for many years.

The Five Elements Fist—a mid-tier Profound Rank martial skill, accessible to those in the Body Refining Realm.

It involved a special technique to converge the power of the five elements around the body into the fist.

A single punch could penetrate stone and shatter armor, infusing the Five Elements Fist's energy into the opponent's body to trigger an explosion.

With all five elements, one could set off five explosions within the adversary's body.

He had expected to come up empty-handed, but instead, he found this unexpected treasure.

However, as Lin Feng flipped to the end, he discovered that the Five Elements Fist was incomplete, missing the methods for the other four elements.

Feeling somewhat frustrated, he settled down on the small Flame Beast and focused on deciphering the solitary element.

This damaged manual could only unleash a single explosion.

Yet even with a single use, its potency was no less than that of a low-tier Profound Rank martial skill.

After nearly half a day of effort outside, Lin Feng finally got the hang of the technique. He immediately began testing it against the rock face. With his newly reforged physique, he found that learning any martial skill was doubly effective. He threw a punch and—Bang!—spiderweb-like cracks radiated from his fist. Seconds later, with a resounding explosion, the entire wall crumbled. The Flame Beast watched, utterly astonished, and fell silent, fearful of becoming Lin Feng's next target.

Lin Feng's thoughts quickly turned to escape. Boom! A louder rumble echoed as the nest trembled and rocks tumbled down. Rushing out to investigate, Lin Feng saw four Demonic Beasts locked in combat, relentlessly slamming against the volcanic walls. They were aware that continuing the fight inside would risk burying the volcano entirely. Without hesitation, the three winged Demonic Beasts took their battle to the skies. The Five-spirit Silver Ape, clutching the leg of the Rank Two Female Flame Beast, followed unsteadily into the air.

Lin Feng wasn't about to miss his chance to flee. He activated Ghost Shadow Mystery, scaling the uneven cave walls to make his escape. After a strenuous climb, he emerged from the cave just as the Female Flame Beast charged at him. Narrowly avoiding the attack, Lin Feng watched as the beast, less fortunate, was hurled against the rock wall by the Five-spirit Silver Ape. It struggled to rise, only to collapse again after a pained cry, clearly at the end of its strength. The gap between Rank Two and Rank Three was vast, especially since its opponent was fortified with a Profound Rank Spiritual Medicine.

The male Flame Beast, not to be outdone, flapped its wings and roared in midair, abandoning the Trident Flame Sparrow to dive at the Five-spirit Silver Ape. But the Trident Flame Sparrow wasn't about to let it seize the moment, conjuring a series of small whirlwinds to block its path. As the saying goes, strike while the enemy is down. The Five-spirit Silver Ape, with its superior intelligence, wouldn't give the Flame Beast a moment's respite, intent on delivering a fatal blow.

In a stroke of bad luck, Lin Feng found himself sandwiched between the mother Flame Beast and the Five-spirit Silver Ape.

He attempted to inch away, hoping to clear a path for escape.

But the Five-spirit Silver Ape seemed to have no intention of sparing the human that had abruptly entered its sight, its gaze firmly fixed on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was consumed with regret. Had he known what was to come, he would never have waded into this quagmire.

Indeed, with great reward came great risk.

Yet, the most crucial thing was to be alive to reap the benefits.

He was capable of holding his own against a First Stage Demonic Beast, maybe even defeating it.

But against a Second Stage, he had no choice but to flee, and a Third Stage was out of the question.

The Five-spirit Silver Ape clearly had little regard for this cultivator at the mere Body Refining Realm.

It approached Lin Feng with a leisurely gait, a slight smirk playing on its lips, as if to scoff at his plight.

With no other option, Lin Feng fought with all his might.

Unleashing the Ghost Shadow Mystery, his Nether Ghost Claw, charged with the essence of his punch, reached for the Five-spirit Silver Ape.

Yet, all he managed was to scratch the surface, leaving mere claw marks without inflicting any real damage.

The Five-spirit Silver Ape regarded Lin Feng with contempt. The idea that an ant at the Body Refining Realm could injure it was laughable.

With a casual flick of its wrist, the ape sent Lin Feng hurtling through the air.

He collided with the Flame Beast with a thud.

A gush of blood burst forth.

As Lin Feng faced the towering figure of the Five-spirit Silver Ape, a grim thought crossed his mind: was this where his life would end?

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