I Married A Ghost/C11 Please show some respect
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I Married A Ghost/C11 Please show some respect
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C11 Please show some respect

As the fear rose, he kept telling himself that I couldn't die yet. He used all his strength to lift his leg and lift it upwards, and the hand that was holding my neck pulled me up from the ground. His eyes were bloodshot.

My face reddened and my breathing became more labored. I pressed my back against the coffin, and the force of his hand lifted me up to my feet. It was a really bad feeling, and there was a sharp pain in my neck, as if I was about to break.

I fell to the ground, feeling pain, helplessness and fear. The moment I fainted, the first thing I thought of was Jing Shuo, I realized that I really wanted his embrace, that I really wanted to fall in love with him, and then I thought of my grandma, I was afraid that I wouldn't make it in time to protect her like how she protected me …

Is that what people are like before they die? Maybe I was overthinking things. When I face death, it's not fear, not fear, nor nostalgia, but the calm face of things.

After a long time … I felt a very warm breath, and his body smelled very good. A warm breath landed on my cheek. His breathing was a little hurried, and his chest rose and fell.

My neck hurt and my head felt heavy. I raised my hand, but didn't open my eyes. His hand was already in mine. His voice was very gentle.

He rubbed my head. I opened my eyes and looked at the familiar, unfamiliar face. His brow was furrowed in a guilty expression, and he smiled as he watched me wake up.

I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. He smiled and said, "My name is Lu Sheng!" I opened my mouth and mouthed to him, "Qiu Ling!"

He held me like that until I was fully recovered, and he held me in one position for two hours.

I got off his body and said embarrassedly, "I really have to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would have died."

"The one who should apologize is me. If I wasn't late, you wouldn't …" When Lu Sheng said this, he did not continue speaking.

I suddenly remembered something and asked him, "Come in with me, the one who pinched me. Do you know where he is?" Almost three hours had passed since the incident, and I was curious to know how Jansen had suddenly become like a different person.

Lu Sheng glanced at the corpse beside him and said, "That was an illusion created by you and not your companion."

"That's good!"

Lu Sheng's expression suddenly turned cold as he said coldly, "Are you very worried for him?"

I embarrassedly said, "He came in with me. He must be worried."

"Don't worry, he's fine!"

When I heard Lu Sheng say that Jensen was fine, my heart calmed down. I touched my side and realized that the candlestick was gone. I touched my surroundings again and panicked. Without the candlestick, there would be no light.

"What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for the candlestick. Without light, we won't be able to get out of here."

As my hand groped the ground, the back of my hand suddenly dropped. Lu Sheng's cold hand said, "Stop searching!" Just as he finished speaking, the entire tomb suddenly lit up.

I looked at Lu Sheng in surprise. He pulled me up from the ground and held my hand. I looked around the huge tomb.

Lu Sheng rubbed my head and led me around two tombs. Walking along two long tombs, they smoothly arrived at a place that resembled an exit. Lu Sheng seemed to be very familiar with the structure of this tomb, so familiar with it that he led me out of the tomb.

I pushed open the door to Zhan Zilin's room. Everything inside was still there, but Zhan Zilin had yet to return.

When I circled the village with Lu Sheng, it was as if the village was empty, devoid of life.

After crossing the bridge into the village and seeing the car parked not too far away, I started to get a little scared. I was afraid that something would happen to Jansin and that he would die.

While walking on the bridge, Lu Sheng suddenly stopped in his tracks. Turning around, he asked, "Are you in a hurry?" I looked up and met his eyes. "I was afraid something might have happened to him!"

Instead, he said to me, "I'm not fine yet. Let me introduce myself." My first thought was that searching for someone was the most important thing for me since I already knew what to call and what to introduce. Of course, I did not say it out loud. My name is Lu Sheng and I'm very happy to meet you again, Qiu Ling! "

I did not pay attention to what he meant by "once again". I also politely shook his hand. "I'm also very happy to meet you, Lu Sheng!"

The word "again" was a word I disapproved of at the time, but later on, when I found out about his story, I thought he was very silly...

Lu Sheng opened his arms and looked at me blankly. He did not have the slightest intention of moving and asked, "What? Is a hug really that luxurious? " I smiled and shook my head as I went over to hug him. After a while, I noticed that Lu Sheng had no intention of letting go. I patted his back, but he only whispered into my ear, "Let me hug him a little more, okay?"

I didn't reply. I guess I could be considered to have tacitly agreed. However, a pair of hands suddenly interjected and pinched my shoulders. I blankly raised my head to look at that extremely familiar face.

Jing Shuo's sharp gaze swept across Lu Sheng. "Is it comfortable to hug?" Jing Shuo seemed to hate him, including the fact that he never showed up.

Lu Sheng did not give in. He grabbed my arm and pulled it towards him. "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!" Seeing this, Jing Shuo stopped me, and I pulled my other arm towards him. I stood right in the middle, feeling extremely awkward.

I frowned, but Lu Sheng released my arm, afraid of hurting me. Jing Shuo pulled me into his embrace and kissed me on the lips before leaving, as if he was showing it to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng clenched his fists in anger. He glared at Jing Shuo and said, "Please show some respect!" As he spoke, he swung his fist over. Jing Shuo blocked my back, one hand holding onto his waist as he hugged me. The other hand grabbing onto Lu Sheng's incoming fist.

Jing Shuo glanced at me and then cast a glance at Lu Sheng. "The person you should show respect to is you!" Jing Shuo put his arm around me as he walked past Lu Sheng. When I wanted to speak, Jing Shuo shot me a look. He held back the words I was about to say and held my head tightly, not allowing me to look back at Lu Sheng.

After returning to his room, Jing Shuo sat on his bed. I stood in front of the door and looked at Jang Zilin's room. "He'll be back." Jing Shuo's voice came from the room.

Hearing him say that, I knew that Jang-lin would definitely come back. I walked into the room and sat on the stool by the bed, asking Jing Shuo where he had been these past two days, and how my grandma was doing.

Jing Shuo frowned. He only said that my grandma was safe and unharmed. Since he didn't want to talk about anything else, I didn't ask any further. As long as I knew she was safe and unharmed.

When I asked him why he had left me, he said that he had only wanted to look at the coffins, that he had lost his way, that he hadn't been able to find his way back, that he had stumbled into another tomb, that he had escaped with difficulty, and had ended up like this.

I was secretly glad that I had met Lu Sheng. Even though I had nearly died in the middle, it could be said that everything went smoothly for me afterwards.

While I was eating, Jang-lin said that he had indeed discovered something during his first transition. I stuck my head out and asked anxiously, "What did you find?"

Zhan Zi Lin finished the bread in his mouth, took a sip of the mineral water and patted his chest. "Those coffins have human names engraved on them, and Wu Shan Village is also engraved on them. I think this must be related to this village."

My face was full of surprise. Jing Shuo leaned against the door, seemingly not surprised at all. After chatting for a while with Zhan Zilin, the sky darkened and we went back to our respective rooms to rest.

I took off my clothes and lay on the bed, leaving only one room inside. The main thing was that I was used to sleeping, so Jing Shuo came in from outside, closed the door and took off his clothes, then lay down beside me.

Jing Shuo's face came close to my chest, and I subconsciously knew what he was going to do next …

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