I Married A Ghost/C12 Do you want to go in or not
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I Married A Ghost/C12 Do you want to go in or not
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C12 Do you want to go in or not

I wanted to refuse, but I couldn't do anything about Jing Shuo's teasing. Perhaps it's because I felt nostalgic after being separated for a few days …

After my first experience, I naturally followed Jing Shuo's lead. He paused for a moment, and with a smirk, he removed the only inner part of my body.

The scorching flames made my whole body feel uncomfortable, and Jing Shuo's movements were very large. This kind of feeling was very comfortable and enjoyable, completely gone. The first time there was that kind of pain, after a while of rain, Jing Shuo smacked my forehead in satisfaction.

After lying down for a while, I wanted to continue teasing Jing Shuo, but he pushed me aside with a look of disdain. He put his head under the covers with a grunt.

He dreamt through the night until daybreak. When he woke up the next day to wash his face, he looked at himself in the mirror and rubbed his neck, which had turned purple from the pinching the previous day.

Jing Shuo was sitting at the door. When he saw me come out, he squinted at me and said, "Pack your things. We'll set off later."

I looked at him under the sunlight. He was very dazzling. Even if I threw him into the crowd, it wouldn't be able to drown out the light on his body. Even if he was surrounded by people, I would be able to find you with a single glance.

Jing Shuo's face was close to mine, and he was looking at me expressionlessly. When I came back to my senses, his eyes met mine and I subconsciously took a step back.

I went back to my room to pack up my things. I carried my bag on my back and asked Jing Shuo where we were going. Jing Shuo didn't even look back as he said, "Go look for your grandma!"

I joyfully pulled Jing Shuo's arm and impatiently pulled him out. Jing Shuo glanced sideways, and I pulled his arm and coldly stared at me. What a hot and cold fellow. I loosened my grip on his arm and muttered.

Jing Shuo was in front of Zhan Zilin and me as he advanced towards Wu Mountain. When he passed by the clock platform, I stopped. Recalling what happened yesterday, I thought of Lu Sheng. After all, he was my savior. Jing Shuo raised his head and looked at me from high to low with a cold look in his eyes.

"I …"

Before I could finish my sentence, Jing Shuo gouged me out with his eyes and turned around, leaving me behind. I curled my lips and continued to follow him, but Jing Shuo ignored me all the way. I now realize that he really is a ever-changing person.

On the other hand, Jing Shuo and Zhan Zilin seemed to be very relaxed as they effortlessly found the entrance. Zhan Zilin took out the explosives I had prepared beforehand and placed them in front of the stone door, pulling me back. After pulling me a certain distance, Zhan Zilin pressed the button in his hand, "Bang!" A loud sound echoed throughout the cave and a deafening sound was reflected into his eyes from the messy entrance of the cave.

I threw myself on myself, scattering dust and pebbles, and coughed dryly. Then Jing Shuo led the way, and I followed him, Jang-lin and I walking side by side.

The tunnel was long and dark. Jang-lin took his flashlight from his bag and handed it to Jing Shuo and me. The walls of the tunnel were mossy and wet to the touch.

The tunnel was very quiet. No one spoke. The only sound that could be heard was the clatter of shoes on the ground.

After walking for about ten minutes, a stone door appeared in front of them. Two fierce beasts stood on both sides of the door. They looked very strange in the darkness.

Jing Shuo walked up to the stone door and pressed the button. The stone door slowly opened with a "Clang!" "Clang!" The sound.

I opened my mouth wide, watching Jing Shuo's movements. Jing Shuo lifted my chin, and I opened his hand and asked, "Are you sure my grandma is inside?"

Jing Shuo glared at me and spat, "You want to save your grandma, do you want to go in or not?" Jing Shuo emphasized the word 'grandma' when he spoke.

My heart shrank in fear. This was an ancient tomb; there might be some danger within. However, I wanted to save my grandma. After a struggle in my heart, I resolutely replied, "I will enter!"

This time, it was Zhan Zilin who led the way. He walked through the stone door and into the depths of the tomb. On the wall of this tomb, rows of ancient bronze lamps hung. They were very different from the one I had.

I was a little scared and wanted to lean towards Jing Shuo, but he disdainfully pushed me away, causing me to be covered in dust. I pulled on the corner of his clothes.

There was a tomb beyond the catacombs, but it had three doors. I looked at Jing Shuo, who turned his face to look at me. "Which one?" he asked.

I pointed at the door on the far right. As before, it was chosen according to the gender of the man. Would you think that I was being a child's play?

Jing Shuo walked to the middle door and said to Zhan Zilin, "You take the one on the left." I looked at Jing Shuo in astonishment and ran over to grab his arm. "No!" I will be afraid! "

In the face of choice, Jing Shuo actually gave me a path to walk alone, and I've never come into contact with such things, so how can I protect myself?

"Let go!" There was no trace of emotion in Jing Shuo's tone as he growled.

I was shocked. I didn't think that Jing Shuo would have such a huge reaction. I hammered my head down and let go of his arm. Zhan Zilin looked at me and said, "Why don't you come with me?" Jing Shuo gave him a glance, and Zhan Zilin shrugged his shoulders and led the way in, opening the door on the left.

"Why? Must we split up?"

"There's no reason why!" Jing Shuo coldly replied and walked towards the middle door.

I felt a bit unhappy, but I didn't dare to say anything. I followed him in, maintaining a certain distance from him.

If it wasn't for the fact that I'm looking for my grandma, I wouldn't want to go with you. Once I find my grandma, we'll go our separate ways and go our separate ways.

Jing Shuo stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. I leaned against the wall, pretending to pat the wall. I didn't dare to look at Jing Shuo.

He did not say anything and continued to walk forward. The further he went, the more he felt like he could not say it.

Who knew that the moment my foot was about to enter the tower, it would be pulled back by Jing Shuo. He looked at me angrily, pushed me to the side, and smashed me into the wall. The flashlight in his hand "Bang!" It fell to the ground with a thud.

Tears streamed down his face. "Why are you being so fierce!"

"Shut up!"

I was so frightened that I didn't dare to say anything. Tears continued to flow from my eyes, and Jing Shuo ignored me, standing by the door and examining the surrounding walls. There was a door on the left side of the hall.

He walked back and picked up my flashlight. He returned to my side and threw the flashlight into the side room before quickly pulling me inside.

Just as the flashlight landed on the floor, there was a whoosh! "Whiz!" The sound was like a hedgehog on the wall opposite the side hall, filled with crossbows.

I wiped away the tears on my face. Fortunately, I didn't step in. Otherwise, the one who would have turned into a hedgehog would have been me.

Jing Shuo glanced at me, then walked into the side hall and into another tunnel. Following the beam of his flashlight, I found my flashlight and switched it back on.

This tomb path was no different from before, following behind Jing Shuo. At the end of the tunnel, there was another tomb chamber, but this time, there was a black coffin inside with no lid, revealing the inside of the coffin.

Jing Shuo walked over and looked inside the coffin. He placed one hand on top of the coffin and I grasped the flashlight tightly. I walked to his side and took a glance inside the coffin. There was a male corpse lying there, so I couldn't tell which dynasty he was from.

In the next second, the male corpse suddenly opened his eyes, scaring me so much that I cried out 'Mother!' before falling to the ground. Jing Shuo stretched out his hand and grabbed the corpse's neck.

He stared at the male corpse without blinking, and the strength in his palm began to increase. "Kacha!" The sound of my neck breaking drifted into my ears, and I couldn't help but take in a deep breath.

There was also a tomb chamber connected to this tomb chamber. Inside stood a pillar with a headless corpse tied on top of it. The corpse's hands were tied behind the pillar, and it was hard to tell if the corpse was a man or a woman.

There were no decorations around, as if there was only this corpse in front of him.

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