I Married A Ghost/C13 Stupid woman
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I Married A Ghost/C13 Stupid woman
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C13 Stupid woman

I stood at the entrance, not daring to enter for a long time. I watched as Jing Shuo approached the headless corpse while holding the flashlight tightly. From time to time, I would wipe the sweat on my palms.

I felt that following him was a wise choice. At the very least, I wouldn't be worried if I was in danger or not.

Jing Shuo opened it. The corpse's clothes were exposed to us, completely naked, it was a female corpse, and her stomach, like Li Guilian's, had been emptied of all organs and organs. In its place was her head, and the face of the female corpse, it was obvious that her eyes had been dug out.

When I saw this, I sucked in a breath of cold air. Holding the flashlight tightly, Jing Shuo stopped extending his hand towards the female corpse. He turned his head back and narrowed his eyes. His expression was very cold. "Are you afraid?"

Who wasn't afraid of this? I nodded my head in a daze, and Jing Shuo signaled me to go over. I hesitated for a moment, but still walked over. He grabbed my hand and extended it towards the female corpse. I fearfully pushed Jing Shuo, trying to pull my hand away.

"No!" I'm scared, what are you doing? " I shouted in panic. I didn't know why he called me here, and I didn't understand why he wanted me to come in contact with the female corpse. I didn't dare to look at the female corpse's head because I always felt that she was smiling at me.

My fingertips made contact with the female corpse's stomach, it was so soft that it didn't seem like she had been dead for a long time, but this kind of touch made me panic even more, I kept resisting, and Jing Shuo tightly held onto my shoulder, pushing me backwards, pushing my hand forward and inserting his hand into the female corpse's stomach, I couldn't help but "Ah!" With a shout, Jing Shuo let go of my hand and looked down at me with the corners of his mouth: "Stupid woman!" Resisting the nausea with great difficulty, he rubbed his hands on the ground, seriously suspecting that Jing Shuo was a pervert.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to test your courage!"

Jing Shuo had a face of indifference, but I was scared to death by his actions just now.

The female corpse's head suddenly flew out from her stomach, causing people to be caught off guard and flew straight towards me. I was so scared that I retreated and hated Jing Shuo to death in my heart.

He fell on his butt and the female corpse's head directly hit me. I bit down on her neck and covered my face with my hands to block my sight. I shouted, "Ahh ~ Don't come over! Jing Shuo, save me! "Save me!"

The female corpse's hair came in contact with my arm, but after a long time, it stopped moving. I moved my hand away from my eyes and looked at the female corpse's head that was only a few centimeters away from me.

He moved the female corpse's head in front of me and crushed it in disdain, as if these things couldn't enter his eyes. He simply didn't care about them at all. Jing Shuo sneered, "Are you afraid of these infuriated things?"

I stood up from the ground and snappily replied, "It's nothing to you, but I'm not you." She picked up the flashlight and walked past him into the tunnel behind the female corpse, complaining.

Jing Shuo truly treated me like he wasn't afraid of anything at all. I turned my head to look at Jing Shuo, who was walking behind me.

Suddenly, his feet felt empty and he fell down. Why do these people love to dig holes!

"Ahh ~ ~ Cough cough ~"

Luckily, my height wasn't very high, but my fall caused my back to hurt. My arm knocked against a rock, making it pitch black. I couldn't see the spot where I fell.

I screamed, "Jing Shuo!" The only response was the echo.

I moved my ring finger and called out, "Jing Shuo!"

Picking up the flashlight that had fallen by his side, he realized that it was really resistant to a fall.

There were a lot of rocks here, and not far in front of me was a door. The rocks on the ground hurt my back and arms.

I wonder if Jing Shuo will be able to find me. Logically speaking, if I fall, he would fall as well.


A heavy body threw me to the ground, heavily pressing me down on my body, I immediately thought it was Jing Shuo, when I turned my face, what entered my eyes was a shrivelled up face with long teeth baring, a pair of shrivelled hands grabbing onto my neck, opening a mouth with a stench, approaching my neck, my hands pressed against his face, tightly holding onto his head, constantly twisting my body in an attempt to break free.

"Save me ~ Jing Shuo ~"

However, no matter how much I shouted, Jing Shuo didn't reply. That foul smelling mouth bared its fangs as it bit towards my neck, and I saw that I raised my leg and kicked the dried corpse that was riding on my body. His movements paused for a moment before both of his hands loosened and I ruthlessly kicked the dried corpse to the ground.

I immediately got up from the ground and ran after him towards the tomb. My shriveled hands grabbed onto my feet, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. "Pfft!" A sound.

The desiccated corpse stood up from the ground and grabbed my feet. It heavily smashed me onto the ground. Stars appeared on my head and blood flowed out from the corner of my mouth.

I crawled back up from the ground and stretched my shriveled hands towards me. I subconsciously took two steps back, but my hands still grabbed onto me.

He forced me to the ground and bit my neck, "Hiss ~" The long fangs bit into my neck, sinking into my flesh, biting into the greedy bloodlust of my neck.

Was this the feeling of death?

The dried corpse was suddenly kicked and sent flying. Its neck and body was in so much pain, tears flowed out uncontrollably when it saw him come over.

Jing Shuo picked me up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He burst into tears. The tears flowed out from the corners of his eyes and landed on Jing Shuo's neck.

The corpse behind him cried out, "Bang!" "Bang!" They were all blown into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Jing Shuo carried me into the tomb and placed me on the ground. He helped me extract the corpse poison from my wounds and helped me to straighten my messy hair. A trace of pain flashed across my eyes.

I hugged Jing Shuo tightly and cried like a child, "Where did you go?" Do you know that if you had come any later, I would have died? Do you know how scared I am? " I really just had a runny nose and a tear.

Before Jing Shuo disappeared, he rejected my coldness from a thousand miles away, hugging me in his arms and allowing me to beat him up. Gradually, my emotions stabilized and I stopped crying. Jing Shuo touched my face and gently said, "I've cried and caused a lot of trouble. Rest for a while, I'll continue to look for your grandma!"

To tell the truth, if it weren't for finding my grandma and giving me a million yuan, I wouldn't even have entered this tomb. Compared to the place I fell into, this place is ten times more terrifying.

Taking advantage of the break, I asked Jing Shuo how he knew my grandma, and why my grandma wanted to make a promise with him for a year without telling me.

Jing Shuo didn't directly answer my question. Instead, he let me ask Ah Shu, as if pouring a bucket of cold water over me.

After a while, Jing Shuo stood up from the ground, a flashlight in one hand and a hand in the other. I looked up at him, and tightly held his hand, and pulled me up from the ground. Jing Shuo originally wanted to let go, but I refused.

Every time I walk down a mausoleum path, you will never be able to imagine what would happen the next time.


He stepped on the air and fell down. Fortunately, Jing Shuo caught me in time. This tomb owner is way too reckless. Even if he kept trying to scam me, I could only blame my carelessness.

For some reason, Jing Shuo suddenly released me. I stared at him in astonishment, and my entire body fell down. Jing Shuo also jumped down afterwards.

My flashlight was gone, and I couldn't see anything in the darkness around me. I just felt that when I fell, my body would be so soft that it didn't seem to fall to the ground. I reached out my hand, soft as a human skin.

Suddenly, a hand reaches out from behind and covers my mouth …

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