I Married A Ghost/C14 Abba
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I Married A Ghost/C14 Abba
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C14 Abba

After which, he pressed me down and covered my mouth tightly.

I didn't know who was on top of me. I let out a "wuu wuu ~" sound and held my hands above my head, making me unable to move.

I desperately tried to say, "Ugh..." "Ugh …" The man seemed to be slightly agitated as he pinched both of my cheeks and said, "You're not allowed to scream. Did you hear that?" His strength was extremely great.

This voice sounded a little familiar. I cried out "Ah ~". The man subconsciously covered my mouth and said angrily, "Smelly girl."

I slapped my face and felt a burning pain. I opened my eyes wide and thought of the Xu Yang that Zhan Zilin had spoken of. My back couldn't help but be covered in cold sweat.

A bunch of greetings appeared in my mind. I made two "wu wu wu" sounds and moved my body. I used a series of indistinct sounds and made two "Xu Yang" sounds.

Xu Yang sneered and took his hand away from my mouth. "Ping Ping Pang Pang Pang" sounds rang out from the surroundings, as if it was the sound of a fight.

Xu Yang's hand slid across my face, and I felt a little nauseous. "What are you doing?" I was filled with fear.

Xu Yang had already been thrown to the back of my mind. Yet, he suddenly appeared in front of me. Yet, from the mouths of others, I found out that he was already a ghost.

Xu Yang's face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath. I couldn't see the expression on his face, so I was scared.

Xuyang sniffed at my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I screamed out involuntarily, but what followed was another slap on the face.

Xu Yang clung to my clothes and kissed me on the neck. "I'll let you have a taste of what it means to be happy!"

"No!" "Xu Yang, stop. Ahh ~ ~"

I tried my best to resist. Xu Yang's body continuously twisted. I didn't know why he became like this, or if he was like this in the first place.

Xu Yang was tugging at my clothes, and I was tugging at my pants while my other hand kept pinching his arm.

In my panic, I lifted my foot and exerted a force. Xu Yang "Ah!" With a scream, another slap landed on my face.

The things that I have experienced these past two days have already surpassed the things that I have experienced for the past twenty-three years.

Xu Yang grabbed my hair with one hand and reached his hand into my clothes. "Don't!" He pulled my hair with the other hand, causing me to cry out, "If you say you don't want it, then don't want it!" If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this! "

He was even more violent than Jing Shuo. The sounds of fighting became more intense. I closed my eyes in despair just as Xu Yang was about to take off my shirt.

The spot where we were lying, kicked by a kick, fell over. I couldn't see who was who, but I felt the wind blow past me.

A hand grabbed my arm and lifted me up from the ground, pulling me into its embrace. A familiar smell surrounded the tip of my nose.

He held me like a puppet in his hands, and with a grunt, Jing Shuo stopped moving and heard the sound of fleeing in the dark.

I had been stunned for a long time. When his hand loosened its grip, I immediately sat down on the ground and subconsciously grabbed Jing Shuo's hand.

Jing Shuo squatted down, took out the flashlight given to him by Zhenzi Lin and handed it over to me. At this moment, I was already in a sorry state.

I don't understand why Xu Yang would appear here. Is he related to the kidnapping of my grandma as well?

Obviously, I was quite frightened. Trembling, I asked Jing Shuo, "Tell me, are these the people who kidnapped my grandma?"

Jing Shuo reached out to help me with my clothes, but I immediately opened his hands. I was angry that he didn't want to tell me anything, but instead treated me like a fool.

I tidied up my clothes and smoothed my messy hair before climbing up from the ground. Jing Shuo walked in front of me, but didn't say anything.

After walking into the huge tomb, I was surprised to find that this was the tomb that fell earlier.

The bronze candlestick on the wall was slowly rising in flames. It danced in the air and illuminated the entire tomb. Recalling the events that had transpired here, a cold shiver went down his spine.

There wasn't much time left, Jing Shuo roughly glanced around, went around the coffins, and entered the tomb path at the end of the tomb chamber.

Rubbing his flushed face, he still felt a little pain. The tunnel was very long, and he suddenly felt a chill. The surrounding air was rapidly decreasing, causing goosebumps to rise and fall.

The end of the tunnel was blocked by a stone door. Jing Shuo stepped forward and pressed the button. The protruding stone door opened.

The door opened and another tunnel appeared. Jing Shuo led me to the left. The tunnel here was completely different from the one outside. There were many beautiful dancers carved on the walls.

As we crossed the catacombs, we were greeted by a magnificent main tomb chamber. Sitting on a stone bench in front of us were three people. I was able to clearly see the person sitting in the middle.

He subconsciously ran over, "Elder!"

Jing Shuo grabbed my arm, causing me to turn my head in surprise. Looking at his actions, my heart "Putong!" "Plop!" He jumped around randomly, "You ~"

At this moment, the atmosphere made me feel an indescribable coldness. I don't know if it was due to excitement or fear, but my body was trembling uncontrollably.

The expression on my grandma's face didn't change at all. Instead, the man wearing a mask narrowed his eyes at me and looked at me with disdain before standing up and crossing the stone table.

"Let my grandma go!"

I clenched my fists and looked at the man before me with hatred. I really wanted to kill him, but after seeing that Ah'ma was fine, my originally tense heart relaxed.

The man didn't say anything. He just stared at me. I glanced at the woman sitting next to my grandma.

She was very beautiful. She had a pair of peach blossom eyes, a pair of standard cherry lips, and a strand of hair that was scattered on her forehead. Her skin was very white and very delicate.

Even I, as a woman, am attracted by her looks, let alone a man!

I couldn't help but feel inferior and subconsciously glanced at Jing Shuo. The man opposite me opened his mouth and said, "How have you been?" As he said this, his lips curled up into a sinister smile, and he approached Jing Shuo and me. However, he ignored me and directly walked in front of Jing Shuo.

Jing Shuo gouged out his eyes and calmly opened his mouth, "What's the point?"

I could not understand their conversation, so I walked over to the grandma. The grandma suddenly stood up, and I stopped in my tracks.

The beautiful woman tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and looked up at me.

From the moment I entered until now, this woman has never even looked at me.

The granny walked in front of me, but for some reason, my eyes moistened as I stepped forward to hug her. The granny patted my back and tears flowed down my face.

"Ahh, it's good that you're fine."

"You must be suffering!"

The grandma tidied my hair on my forehead.

The masked man walked behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I gave him a blank look and knocked him away, putting my hand on my shoulder.

She pursed her lips and said to him, "I don't understand why you want to kidnap an old man in his seventies as a threat. I think you must have overestimated my ability."

The masked man let out a "Puchi!". He laughed out loud. "Kidnapping?"

The man raised his hand to my cheek and slid it across, and I took a step back.

Hiding beside her, Grandma sighed and patted my hand on her arm. She looked up at the masked man.

"I don't want to involve her in your grudge. Just let her live an ordinary life!"

To me, the word "life" is truly unattainable …

The mausoleum was extremely quiet. Not a single person spoke, and the entire atmosphere was stifling.

At this moment, the beautiful woman stood up. Her figure was really excellent, with a protruding top and a raised bottom. Her gaze, however, was fixated on Jing Shuo's body.

I followed her gaze and looked at Jing Shuo. I didn't know what to feel when I saw that he was also looking at her.

The woman started walking towards Jing Shuo. "Granny Liu, I wonder if you have considered our proposal just now?"

The woman's voice was very soft and sweet, with a slight hint of sexiness in the corner of her mouth. However, her gaze never left Jing Shuo's body.

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