I Married A Ghost/C16 Tell
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I Married A Ghost/C16 Tell
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C16 Tell

I was at a loss, unable to understand the meaning behind those words of mine. It was as if everyone knew the answer and the result, leaving me alone in the dark.

I am a man who is afraid of death.

Just when everyone was staring at my grandma, a wave of air attacked them. The flame of the candles flickered in the air, and many of them were even extinguished.

Everyone's gaze, including me, turned towards the tomb door. A figure walked over. However, there was a person in front of him that I was extremely familiar with.

That is, my ex-boyfriend from two years ago!

As for that figure, it was the person who had saved me once before, Lu Sheng.

He kicked Xu Yang to his knees, glanced sideways at Qing Yue and Jing Shuo, then walked to my side. "Watch the dog, it's nothing special!"

Xu Yang's eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, but he didn't dare to retort.

I looked at him apologetically. He smiled at me, then turned to the masked man and looked him up and down.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. I just want to leave this place as soon as possible.

The granny sized up Lu Sheng. Qing Yue opened her mouth and said, "Isn't it a little inappropriate for you to treat my people like this?"

Lu Sheng's eyes were cold as he looked at Qingyue and said, "Then is it also inappropriate for you to treat my people like this?"

"What do you mean?" Qing Yue took a step forward in anger.

Jing Shuo looked at Lu Sheng in disapproval. He gouged him out, "Grandma Liu, the things that I have decided on will not change. I said that I will save her, so it will definitely happen. What's more … The mark on her hand is the best proof. "

The grandma shook her head and sighed. "What a sin."

My eyes were filled with tears as I grabbed my grandma's hand. "Didn't you say that we would have a good ending if we formed a negative relationship? Grandmother, we will break off this relationship and distance ourselves from him. Just like you said, this is a fire pit. I can't burn myself."

The grandma looked at Jing Shuo and said faintly, "Too late! Too late! It's already too late. "

I was so shocked that I was stunned. I added, "As long as we can get married, we won't be able to break the engagement."

If I'm unable to crack it, does that mean that I'll be entangled with Jing Shuo for the rest of my life, and have an inextricable relationship, or perhaps a love triangle?

However, Qing Yue was his legal wife, while I was forced into it by Ah'ma.

I want to live my own ordinary life, and I don't want to be involved in their grudge.

Perhaps, there was a pair of hands in the shadows that was driving all of this.

The masked man exuded a vicious aura as he soared into the sky, his expression hidden beneath the mask.

"Who said it can't be broken? So what if he dies in the cycle of reincarnation? Why must he be alone? "

The surrounding aura suddenly decreased by quite a bit as goosebumps rose all over his body. He couldn't help but shiver.

The candles in the necropolis swayed back and forth. A cold wind blew past, extinguishing all the candles in the necropolis.

His vision suddenly turned black as Lu Sheng's voice boomed with such arrogance, "All of Wu Shan's people will be buried with me. So what if there's one more person for you!"

My heart immediately leaped into my throat. When I heard him talk about the entire Wu Shan, I was especially shocked. Could it be that from the moment we entered, everyone here had already died?

But now, I don't know what's going on. I hold my grandma's hand and stand there, not daring to move.

In the midst of the chaos, I heard Xu Yang's shouts, as well as Qing Yue's voice, mixed with the sounds of fighting. Only Jing Shuo's voice wasn't heard.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed my arm. I subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

"It's me!"

The voice belonged to Zhenzilin, who had never seen him before. He passed the flashlight into my hand and pulled me forward while I held my grandma.

I originally thought that we would smoothly leave this place, but reality is often cruel.

It was unknown when the tomb door closed. I anxiously pounded on the tomb door as I stomped my feet in anger.

Xu Yang was suddenly knocked over and he fell to the ground. Subconsciously, I took two steps back. Xu Yang raised his head and looked at me with a fiendish expression.

Pushing me to the ground, the grandma took out a piece of talisman paper from her pocket and bit open her fingertip. She drew two lines of blood on the talisman paper and stuffed it into Xu Yang's mouth, forcing him to swallow.

Xu Yang knelt on the ground and started howling like a ghost with a savage face. He said that he would not let me off, and his voice was filled with grief. His eyes stared at me for a long time before they stopped moving.

Zhan Zilin pulled me up from the ground. The lackey was stiff as he ran out of the tomb.

He got into the car and casually picked up a bottle of mineral water. "Gulp!" He drank more than half of it.

After resting for a while, Jang Zilin drove me and my grandma back to the former Bay Mountain. The next day, Jang Zilin drove away.

Since my grandma had come back, she had shut herself in her room. I was worried that my grandma's body had knocked on the door a few times, but she refused to let me in.

After I had finished cooking the noodles, I carried them to the entrance of my grandma's room. I knocked on the door and said, "Grandmother, it's time to eat."

When there was no response from my grandma, I knocked on the door again. "Grandmother!"

After a long while, my grandma opened the door and took a look at the noodles in my hand. "Come in!"

I went in and put the bowl on the bedside table. I sat on the bed of the grandma. The grandma stretched out her hand to feel it. Jing Shuo helped me hang it. "Don't lose this jade pendant!" As he spoke, he retracted his hand.

I nodded and told my grandma to hurry up and eat the noodles. My grandma waved her hand and I just stared at her in a daze, extremely worried about her body.

Old Granny smiled and patted my head. "Remember when I asked you, do you believe in fate?"

I nodded and replied, "I remember!"

"I still remember you having a high fever when you were young, but you couldn't stop no matter what. You scared me."

I didn't say anything as I quietly listened to my grandma's story.

"You, at that time, were only four years old, yet you were very sensible. Gripping the grandma's hand, you said in a tender voice, grandma, don't cry, Ling'er will feel your heart ache, and you even helped me wipe my tears like an adult. At that time, my heart felt like it was about to melt, but God was so unfair!"

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The grandma held my hand and continued, "I remember, the moment you were born, I took your mother's life. It's just that when you were born, you had no body temperature, was cold, and couldn't cry, like a dead baby. At that time, your mother was so scared that she almost fainted." As the old woman spoke, she smiled.

After the grandma finished laughing, her face sank. "But after you developed your body temperature, your mother suddenly bled profusely and died. Perhaps, this is the fate of a person." After the grandma said this, she shook her head.

All I remember is that when I was a child, my grandmother mentioned to me once that my mother died because of me, but I always thought it was because of me.

Now I hear my grandma mention it, maybe it has something to do with me, not having a temperature when I was a kid.

The granny suddenly asked me, "Would you blame the granny for selfishly helping you marry a Yin?"

I shook my head. "It's no wonder! As you said, people are selfish. You just want to save me. "

I thought about my grandma and how she said those words in the ancient tomb. "Elder, why did you make a one year agreement with Jing Shuo? Why did you say that to me? Was it because you wanted to save me?"

I met Jing Shuo at that time. He saved you, and the price was that your mother sacrificed you, and she took your place. Your body's temperature gradually returned to normal, but your mother died because of a massive bleeding. When you were four years old, because of the sudden rise in your body's temperature, you almost couldn't live through it.

At this point, the grandma paused. When she was ten years old, she had almost died due to physical reasons as well, but my father died in a foreign land due to an accident.

I clearly remember that my grandma told me this at that time.

"Destiny is full of misfortune …"

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