I Married A Ghost/C19 Han yong's wife
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I Married A Ghost/C19 Han yong's wife
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C19 Han yong's wife

Returning to his room, he threw his clothes on the bed and lay down on it. The fawn in his heart was running non-stop and was unable to calm down for a long time.

However, his words were very clear. Even if he did not love me, he would not help me and others. He was truly too overbearing.

"Ah …" Lying on the bed is rolling and rolling.

After showering, he tossed and turned on the bed. It was almost midnight when he finally fell asleep.

The next day, he slept all the way until it was time for lunch. "Qiu Ling, is this how you intend to stay?" Lin leaned back on the sofa and put her hands under her head. She looked at me eagerly.

I curiously looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jansing blinked at me. "Pretending?"

I was confused. What was I pretending for? I didn't know. What was he trying to say? What was he trying to say? I turned my head and continued watching the TV. I snappily replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhan Zi Lin hugged his pillow and sat close to me. He tilted his head and looked at me. "Husband and wife are arguing. It's not like you're going to lose out, right?"

Besides, his attitude in the ancient tomb was already very clear, cold and hot. So what if I'm married to him, I still can't live to be 24 years old. What's more, that lover of his, Qing Yue, won't be able to find trouble with me then, so I'll die a long time earlier.

"I'm following you because I want to earn some money. Save it for my grandma and live the rest of my life."

With that, I rolled my eyes at Lin, picked myself up, and went back to my room.

I'm afraid of death, but my death is a foregone conclusion.

I don't know what a Ji Yin body is, and I don't understand its nature, but I hate myself. People are born with a Ji Yin body.

In the past two days, Jang-lin didn't ask me that question.

When it was almost dusk, Jayden's phone started to ring.

As for me, I was lying on the sofa, dozing off. I was woken up by the sound of a bell, and a blanket appeared on my body.

Zhan Zi Lin picked up the phone and comforted him. The person on the other end of the line told him not to go in and waited outside for him to pass.

Jing Shuo stood beside the staircase. Zhan Zilin threw down his phone and put on his shirt. He then said to Jing Shuo, "Han Yong, something happened over there."

Jing Shuo said indifferently, "Oh!" After saying that, he looked in my direction. Zhan Zi Lin walked over to the sofa and grabbed a bag. Seeing that I had woken up, he instructed me to pack up. There was work to be done.

I don't know what to pack, what to give me, I'll pack for him. When I'm done, I change my shoes, walk over to the car, and open the passenger seat.

He dropped his bag in the passenger seat and turned to me with a smile. I sat in the back seat, trying to keep as far away from him as I could.

I pressed my body close to the door. Jing Shuo looked at me as if I was crazy.

When I was about to reach Han Yong's house, I passed by a bend. Originally, I could pass through it smoothly, but Jang Zilin suddenly changed his direction and threw me onto Jing Shuo's body. Jing Shuo chuckled beside my ear.

I made a face full of black lines, heartfelt condolences, Jansing's ancestors 18 generations.

Zhan Zilin held back his laughter, wanting to laugh but not daring to. "Zhan Zilin, you did it on purpose."

In the end, Zhan Zilin couldn't help but laugh. When he arrived at Han Yong's home, Jing Shuo put away his smile and became serious. "Let's stop messing around," he said.

When we arrived at his doorstep, we found that Han Yong's door was not closed, and there was no trace of Han Yong at the door. Inside the villa, there was a wave of objects and the sound of something breaking, and Zhan Zilin said, "This is bad!" He picked up his bag and ran inside.

Jing Shuo stood on the spot. I looked at him, but didn't have the intention of entering. Han Yong's ghost-like voice came from inside the room. Unable to restrain my temper, I also ran inside.

The room was even more messy than it had been a few days ago. There were cups, bowls, debris on the floor, furniture everywhere.

All of a sudden, a vase fell from the second floor. Just a little bit more and it smashed into me. The broken debris splattered everywhere, and a piece of debris splattered onto my leg.

He wiped the blood off with his hand and headed to the second floor. The door slammed shut with all the force he could muster. A loud sound startled me. Zhan Zilin and Han Yong were standing at the doorway. My front and rear legs had just gotten up.

Han Yong held onto Zhan Zilin's hand, "Please save my wife, she is still pregnant first. Please, our family is a single child, my wife is now also an older pregnant woman, I beg you." As Han Yong spoke, he started crying and was about to kneel down towards us again.

Zhan Zi Lin grabbed his arm and said, "You give me money." I have something to take care of. Don't worry, we will definitely save your wife. "

Han Yong nodded his head and said that the price was fixed and that he would not mistreat us, "Han Yong has a wife?" I asked Jing Shuo.

"What do you think!"

Alright, I didn't read it last time. I thought Han Yong was still in his forties and hadn't gotten married yet.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened and a woman walked out. She was dressed in a housedress, her hair in disarray, her green clothes covered in blood, her face covered in blood, and her mouth emitting sharp laughter. Blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth, looking extremely terrifying.

In the woman's hand, she was holding a bloody cat. Step by step, she approached us, causing my stomach to churn.

Zhan Zi Lin took out the talisman he prepared beforehand and quickly placed it on Han Yong's wife's forehead, stopping her movements.

Just as Zhan Zilin was about to pull out the little ghost from Han Yong's wife's body, the talisman stuck to his forehead suddenly dropped down.

Han Yong's wife suddenly reached out a hand to grab Zhan Zilin, pushing him onto the ground. Zhan Zilin quickly turned around and pressed down his wife against his body.

Seeing this, Han Yong pushed Zhan Zilin away and shouted, "Don't hurt my wife, she's still seven months pregnant."

Before Han Yong could finish his sentence, his wife bit his arm and forcibly tore off a piece of meat. She chewed on it with a face full of enjoyment and the bloody meat within her mouth made my legs go soft.

Even if his wife was like this, he still wouldn't have the heart to hurt her in the slightest. But by doing this, we're actually saving his wife.

I covered my mouth as the air was filled with the smell of blood. "Han Yong, if you continue to be like this, not only will you be injured, but you might also harm us. We are also doing this to save you and your wife."

Although I don't understand these things, I can still speak good words. At least this is a big deal.

Han Yong's wife stood up from the ground and looked in my direction. The smile on Han Yong's wife's face was even more frightening, and her sharp voice resounded throughout the entire villa.

Han Yong's wife walked towards me in large strides. Zhan Zilin, from behind, hugged Han Yong's wife and shouted at me, "Hide!"

After taking Han Yong's wife down to the ground, he put her hand on his head and pressed her foot down. Han Yong wanted to push away Zhanzilin, but was stopped by Jing Shuo, who warned Han Yong coldly, "If you want to save your wife and get rid of that little ghost, then stay on the side and shut your mouth."

Han Yong looked deeply at his wife, his eyes revealing complicated feelings as he quietly said, "Please don't hurt my wife."

Jing Shuo shot him a sideways glance, but didn't reply. It could also be said that he tacitly accepted that he wouldn't harm his wife.

Zhan Zilin opened up a hand and fished out the talisman in his pocket. Han Yong's wife took this chance and pulled out a hand, grabbing onto Zhan Zilin's chest. Her clothes were ripped and her shirt was stained red.

Jing Shuo narrowed his eyes and walked forward to pinch him. Han Yong's wife's neck, opened her mouth, and with Zhan Zilin holding her, her hands and feet, as well as Jing Shuo's hands, were placed on Han Yong's wife's chest.

I had the urge to step forward and push it away.

The mood that Han Yong was in must also be very bad.

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