I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C10 Outer Sect Deacon of Wind Sect
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C10 Outer Sect Deacon of Wind Sect
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C10 Outer Sect Deacon of Wind Sect

The captain of the guards could scarcely believe his eyes as he stared at Xuan Yi, his face a mask of astonishment.

"Alright, it's time for you to keep your word. Take me to the Thanid Empire," Xuan Yi said, his voice laced with a smile.

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's request, the guard captain returned the smile and gave a nod, then responded, "Of course, sir. Just one moment, please. I need to inform our miss."

With that, the guard captain made his way into the carriage.

It wasn't long before he emerged, still smiling, and addressed Xuan Yi, "Sir, you're welcome to join us. We'll cover your food and accommodations during this journey. However, we would appreciate your assistance with our security."

"That won't be a problem," Xuan Yi assured him. Having already intervened, he had no intention of abandoning them now.

The caravan quickly set up their tents, and Xuan Yi retreated to his own. As for the young Miss Chen, he had no interest in making her acquaintance.

Deep into the night, Xuan Yi was roused from sleep by the sound of movement outside.

"Enter," he called out.

With a flick of his wrist, a flame materialized in his hand.

A rustling whoosh sounded, and instead of a person, a piece of paper made its way inside.

Xuan Yi unfolded the note and read it.

The Shadow Squad was summoning him to the forest that very night.

Xuan Yi hadn't anticipated a direct confrontation with the Shadow Squad and wondered if they had already uncovered his true identity.

He left the campsite shortly after and headed to the designated meeting spot.

"Here I am, gentlemen. Shall we meet face to face?" Xuan Yi called out, a hint of challenge in his tone.

At his invitation, several figures clad in black emerged from the shadows, their gazes icy as they fixed on Xuan Yi.

"You'd be wise to stay out of Shadow Squad's affairs, or you'll meet a gruesome end," one of the men in black warned, his voice dripping with menace.

Xuan Yi remained silent, casually taking a seat to the side, his demeanor relaxed as he observed the men in black.

"So, it seems you're not inclined to heed our warning? Well then, don't hold us responsible. Today marks your end," they declared.

After finishing his words, the men in black charged forward.

Yet, as they rushed at him, Xuan Yi remained utterly unfazed. With a single-handed gesture, a burst of flame surged forth.

The sight of the flame brought all the assailants to a halt.

"Aren't you a bit too timid? Is this the courage Mingyan instilled in you?" Xuan Yi quipped with a grin.

"Mingyan? What's that?"

One of the men in black inquired.

Observing their bewildered expressions, Xuan Yi probed, "Isn't Mingyan your leader?"

"Who is Mingyan? You're on death's doorstep and still trying to pry information from us?" the man in black retorted icily.

At these words, a sense of relief washed over Xuan Yi.

With a wave of his hand, he reduced all the men in black to ashes.

Upon returning to camp, Xuan Yi slipped into his tent without drawing any attention. However, as he believed his actions had gone unnoticed, a woman clad in white abruptly opened her eyes in the central tent. She glanced towards Xuan Yi's tent, then serenely closed her eyes once more.

The following morning, the group, accompanied by Xuan Yi, set off toward the Thanid Empire.

Though it was now clear that the Shadow Squad had no connection to his disciple Mingyan, they wielded his unique cultivation method—a technique that should not exist in this world. This implied some link to him, and Xuan Yi felt compelled to uncover the truth.

After a morning's trek, a band of people obstructed their way.

"Did you kill my men?" the man demanded coldly.

"And who might you be?" someone from the caravan shot back.

Hearing this, the leader scoffed, drew his blade, and struck at the speaker.

But in an instant, the man realized his hand was caught.

The one holding it? Xuan Yi.

"Kid, who are you? You're not dressed like the caravan folk. I'd mind my own business if I were you. I'm an Outer Sect Deacon of the Wind Sect. Cross me, and you're playing with fire."

The man's voice was icy as he spoke.

"Wind Sect? What's that supposed to be? A sect? So, a member of a sect stoops to becoming a bandit? Your sect must really excel at cultivating 'talent.'"

Xuan Yi responded with a smirk.

The man hadn't anticipated that dropping the Wind Sect's name would have no effect.

This realization made him suddenly anxious, unsure if he had crossed paths with someone formidable.

"Sir, I'm familiar with the Wind Sect. It's no ordinary sect—it's considered a level three sect."

The caravan leader whispered to Xuan Yi.

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yi furrowed his brow and dismissively retorted, "What does it matter if they're a sect? Even if they are, so what?"

The bandits overheard Xuan Yi's dismissal.

"Here I thought we were dealing with some high-and-mighty figure, but he's just an ignorant fool. Brothers, let's move in and take him down. I've heard the Chen family's young lady is with the caravan. Find her."

The bandits charged at the caravan.

But as Xuan Yi conjured flames in his hand, a woman stepped forward, commanding everyone's attention.

"Are you after me?"

Her voice was as cold as ice.

Xuan Yi frowned at the sound of her voice. Seeing her, he felt a wave of coldness, and her snow-white dress gave her an air of regal indifference.

The caravan's people quickly approached her, urging, "Miss, please retreat. We may not be a match for them."

The woman paid them no mind, her gaze fixed on the bandits.

"I've always heard tales of the Chen family's icy beauty, and indeed, the rumors are true. You stay, the rest may go," the bandit leader declared.

The woman glanced at the caravan leader and shook her head, saying firmly, "Enough. Take everyone and leave. We're no match for them. He's right; he's an Outer Sect Deacon of the Wind Sect. Their influence is vast. If it comes to a fight, we stand no chance, and we could even endanger the entire Chen family."

"But Miss..." the caravan leader protested with urgency.

"Enough," she insisted. "I've told you, I'm here to protect you. I'll handle this. As for the Wind Sect, I've never given them a second thought. If I can't beat them, I'll just run. After all, I'm on my own."

Watching the pair insist on protecting one another, Xuan Yi couldn't help but shake his head in resignation. Clearly, they either believed he was no longer present or, perhaps, they simply lacked faith in him.

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